white widow 3 week into flower


Well-Known Member
I have been and got a dehumidifier, I have it set to 35% humidity, is this about the right setting? so hopefully no chance of the dreaded bud rot, this plant is coming upto 5 week into flower and she smells like a good un


Well-Known Member
the dehumidifier is doing its job now, the humidity is now down to 35%, im gonna post some more pictures up later


Well-Known Member
here we are now at 6 week and 1 day into flower of my white widow. there is going to be 1 more week of feed then a flush till its death!. The coin used in the picture is a UK 2 pound coin. On with some pictures



Active Member
cheers for the replie SativAHHH, i have loads of bags of charcoal ill spread some around a bit, i have added an extra fan also to move the air around more and the humidity has dropped to just under 50, im going to see if i can sort out some sort of heater, and thanks for the replie +rep

edit to add, i been looking all over the internet today for some tips to reduce humidity and i found a few which include rice,salt and cat litter, ill get all off these today and see how it goes
be careful with cat litter, it will reduce humidity, but it has ammonia in it, so if you have babies around, keep that stuff solely in your room, the stuff in the cat litter can be harmful to lungs as well, (which is why they ask nowadays if you own a cat when you go in for pregnancy checkups), but rice..BINGO, a great moisure sucker. maybe "silica packs" the packs you see that absorb moisture in beef jerkey or sealed food bags, collect some of those, open em all up, form one big bag of them(or buy them if possible) poke hole in a plastic baggy, and hang it or sit it somewhere. all great and cheap alternatives to buying a de humidifier. which all the above methods i would/have tried myself..i now in the summer will be adding rice to my de humidifying endevour ..thanks for that. :)