White Supremacist Takes DNA Test

I think Kynes is referring to the fact that man's beginning is traced to the African Continent. We all started there is the accepted theory now. Evolution has made some of us taller, darker, stronger, but not smarter, no, not smarter, evolution only happened below the neck.

Sorry for that last sentence, I just get a kick out of the PC crowd and like to kick their nests from time to time. I think they would implode before admitting some geographical areas may have required brain over brawn to survive more so than other geographical areas.

I gathered as much and agree with what you're saying, I was specifically pointing out Europe as many on this board have spoken about their heritage including many of the lefties... just some food for thought
I gathered as much and agree with what you're saying, I was specifically pointing out Europe as many on this board have spoken about their heritage including many of the lefties... just some food for thought

OK with ya now. I'm Sicillian/Choctaw on Dad's side, Irish/Pottawatomie on Mom's. Somebody owes me some reparations up in here. I'd be torn if I had to go back where I came from. It really would be much easier to just go to Africa than try to figure it out.
I think Kynes is referring to the fact that man's beginning is traced to the African Continent. We all started there is the accepted theory now. Evolution has made some of us taller, darker, stronger, but not smarter, no, not smarter, evolution only happened below the neck.

Sorry for that last sentence, I just get a kick out of the PC crowd and like to kick their nests from time to time. I think they would implode before admitting some geographical areas may have required brain over brawn to survive more so than other geographical areas.

a not so clever reformulation of the white supremacist theory that black people are inherently stupid.
I think Kynes is referring to the fact that man's beginning is traced to the African Continent. We all started there is the accepted theory now. Evolution has made some of us taller, darker, stronger, but not smarter, no, not smarter, evolution only happened below the neck.

Sorry for that last sentence, I just get a kick out of the PC crowd and like to kick their nests from time to time. I think they would implode before admitting some geographical areas may have required brain over brawn to survive more so than other geographical areas.

Racism is indeed based on ignorance. It is your faulty grasp of science that makes your world view bigoted. If you take a freshman anthropology course at a community college, or even just download the textbook, you can learn something and then you won't have to surmise that white people are genetically superior. I have explained this to you before. It is not genetics alone that determines survival and natural selection. Social Darwinism has been thoroughly disproved. It is parenting, education, training, nurturing and other forms of mutual aid that determine natural selection. A psychic prodigy child is just as dependent upon a parent as a Forrest Gump in leg braces.

Just what kind of evolving do you think some people have done that others have not, based on geography? In what ways exactly are you suggesting that some people are superior to others?
a not so clever reformulation of the white supremacist theory that black people are inherently stupid.

Racism is indeed based on ignorance. It is your faulty grasp of science that makes your world view bigoted. If you take a freshman anthropology course at a community college, or even just download the textbook, you can learn something and then you won't have to surmise that white people are genetically superior. I have explained this to you before. It is not genetics alone that determines survival and natural selection. Social Darwinism has been thoroughly disproved. It is parenting, education, training, nurturing and other forms of mutual aid that determine natural selection. A psychic prodigy child is just as dependent upon a parent as a Forrest Gump in leg braces.

Just what kind of evolving do you think some people have done that others have not, based on geography? In what ways exactly are you suggesting that some people are superior to others?

Please show anywhere that I claim whites to be supreme. I was just pointing out that the PC crowd ( I had you two in mind) refuse to admit the possibility that evolution also occurred above the neck and scream racism if the possibility is suggested. No color was mentioned. Thanks for proving my point how twisted you 2 are.

I can say that Asians score higher on standardized tests though and not bother you guys too much can't I?
I can say that Asians score higher on standardized tests though and not bother you guys too much can't I?

you can say that blacks have lower scores on "standardized" tests and not bother me.

it's your suggestion of inherent intelligence (or lack thereof) where it becomes questionable as to why you would frame it like that.
Just what kind of evolving do you think some people have done that others have not, based on geography? In what ways exactly are you suggesting that some people are superior to others?
you can say that blacks have lower scores on "standardized" tests and not bother me.

it's your suggestion of inherent intelligence (or lack thereof) where it becomes questionable as to why you would frame it like that.

I'll be honest Buck, I never cared enough to find out what color skin scores higher. I happen to believe in evolution and I believe that's what had brought us differences we see from different geographical regions. If data shows one region required intelligence while another required speed and agility, one required a short height to hide in weeds while another region required taller heights to reach fruits, I understand this to be cause of differences.

Your PC hysteria will allow you to read all of those differences after intelligence and agree with them, but above the neck geographical difference would give you a hernia to admit. If studies showed whites to be the lowest on the rung you would tout this proudly, it's allowable in the PC world. While whites from western Europe may differ significantly that eastern Europe it wouldn't matter in the PC world and those differences would be conveniently ignored. I think it's funny that this post is most likely making you very uncomfortable and you are working up a "that's racist" reply.

Political correctness is the new moral majority.
Just what kind of evolving do you think some people have done that others have not, based on geography? In what ways exactly are you suggesting that some people are superior to others?

I don't know.. never was important to me. I know some people in cold areas have fair skin and some in hot areas have darker skin. I know pygmies and aborigines used hiding in weeds for survival and are shorter. I know Kenyans (or where ever Manute Bol was from) tend to be taller but never knew why. I don't think any people are superior to others, where do you get that from?

What makes you think intelligence wouldn't be part of evolution? This is the fun anti PC part.

Oh hell, i just responded to chickenshit and asked a question. That was a waste of time.
why do you think i am anti-white?

do you also subscribe to the theory that anti-racism is code for anti-white?

Because of the trayvon thread and the fact you hold Al Sharpton in such high regard.

Oh hell no. Anti-racism is anti-racism.

The best part of not giving two shits about being politically correct is I don't have to speak in code. Maybe someday you'll drop those PC chains, it's pretty liberating to actually be able to say what you mean.

Is that why you and AC also change what I say and then argue with what you changed it to? You think everyone speaks in code? We don't all live in your PC world man.
What makes you think intelligence wouldn't be part of evolution? This is the fun anti PC part.

Because intelligence is based on phenotype and education. Heightened intellectual capacity is a phenotypical trait found in the entire species. Again, as I said, Social Darwinism has been thoroughly disproved. You maybe did not know why I said that. It is because the idea that "some people have evolved intellectually more than others based on geography", forms the core of that doctrine.
did you forget Europe? How many Americans on European background reside in the states... Mexican't no think well

when you go far enough back into history we will all have to crowd into olduvai gorge. asians europeans, native americans, chicanos, everybody.

thats why AC's argument is specious.
when you go far enough back into history we will all have to crowd into olduvai gorge. asians europeans, native americans, chicanos, everybody.

thats why AC's argument is specious.

No, teabaggers are the descendants of illegal immigrants, protesting illegal immigration.
Just what kind of evolving do you think some people have done that others have not, based on geography? In what ways exactly are you suggesting that some people are superior to others?


Africans are notoriously hard to sunburn, but as a result they do not process UV light into vitamin D as efficiently as Europeans

Europeans make vitamin D much more readily than africans but burn to a crisp and get skin cancer from UV light

Africans disperse excess heat better than europeans, which is great in hot environments, but sucks in a cold one.

which is superior?

in their natural environment each has an advantage, but in modern society it's a moot point.

asian and european societies advanced technologically based on the needs of the environment, and without those very specific advancements, such as farming, domesticating animals, metalworking and food storage, modern society would never have developed.

which society is superior?

i think European society, with it's technology is a better choice than hunter-gathering, but if you really want to stalk critters in a loincloth and dodge lions and hyenas, then you can feel free to indulge in your passions.

lets see which society reaches the stars first.
Because intelligence is based on phenotype and education. Heightened intellectual capacity is a phenotypical trait found in the entire species. Again, as I said, Social Darwinism has been thoroughly disproved. You maybe did not know why I said that. It is because the idea that "some people have evolved intellectually more than others based on geography", forms the core of that doctrine.

You are discounting the potential for intelligence AC.

So you are really going to say that evolution can cause pigmentation change, height differences, eye color/shape differences, fast-twitch muscle response differences but the possibility of evolution occurring above the neck is impossible.

Why do you keep saying social darwinism when I say evolution. I never pegged you for the Adam and Eve origin type. I'm not going to judge you if you don't believe in evolution, but there's quite a bit of proof you may want to look into. If I'm offending your religious beliefs, please tell me, i would never do that on purpose.
No, teabaggers are the descendants of illegal immigrants, protesting illegal immigration.

and chicanos are the descendants of primitive savages who slaughtered other primitive tribes and sacrificed human victims to their bloodthirsty gods.

you gonna give over your ancestor's ill gotten gains to the peaceful Olmecs and Toltecs?

after all the maya and aztecs slaughtered those simple agrarian peoples when they migrated into the fertile areas of mexico from the sonoran desert.
which society is superior?

i think European society
