Here is the first messages I seen
I wonder how many times the one blafrican there has been to jail?
Maniłła Fołder
To get high in Africa, blacks ferment and sniff human excrement
Source: see references to Jekem
Why do blacks want to live with whites?
They are obsessed with us lol
luis martinez
A bunch of black peoplev there, along with a chapter of the black panthers, see how these yahoos like it
Craig Cobb, Leith, ND is a White Race hero
Signs for the Love-In
Only Love Here Pro-Race Here Anti-Race Marxists can leave
Love Here No Genocide Here
3 minutes ago
If he was a "White Supremacist" wouldn't he move into a city with minorities that he could somehow control?
3 minutes ago
No Hate In Our Town Anti-Race Jew Marxists Genocided 65 million Whites in USSR
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ProfLogie WhiteHeritageDOTorg
2 minutes ago
Why do you keep bringing up history from far far away?
Communists were mostly atheists, not Jewish
3 minutes ago
What a bunch of whiney losers Only Inferior whites
Mike Paul
3 minutes ago
I think the moderator of this page is a little heavy handed and thin skinned about who he is kicking off the comments section I just tried to rebut the third poster in a row who was kicked off Let them have their say Most of us will just eat them up spit them out Just as they deserve Maybe a few of them will even learn something
Maniłła Fołder
3 minutes ago
In the U S , where statistics are reliable, blacks are more likely to be a serial killer than a white Serial killing is a rampant problem in black Africa
Source: www freerepublic COm/focus/news/781426/posts
4 minutes ago
If a Jew, who practices the religion of Judaism, moved to a small town to practice his religion with just a few other Jews, would it be acceptable for him to be persecuted and called names? Craig Cobb practices Creativity, which like Judaism, is an ethnocentric religion
jo mama
4 minutes ago
I love white people
Maniłła Fołder
5 minutes ago
In the U S , blacks are 4 times more likely to molest children than whites
Source: www ojp usdoj gOV/bjs/pub/press/rsorp94pr htm
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Alec Hudson Maniłła Fołder
4 minutes ago
Your link fails, like your logic, but that's a given for fascists like you
5 minutes ago
You're deleting the posts of somebody who fought the Marxists in the USSR during communism, in Communist occupied USSr, on their home turf You kids have no clue what you're up against I've outwitted the KGB you intern punks are fools
BrianRunsPhilly WhiteHeritageDOTorg
3 minutes ago
I'm pretty sure we're up against some chubby kid in his mom's basement
ProfLogie WhiteHeritageDOTorg
3 minutes ago
Some loser racist spammer, believe me, we know