White Russian - Indoor, Soil, 250/400w MHs

Kinda hood? Cooltube I assume...

Sun Systems 10. It has plate glass underneath to contain the heat and interchangeble slotted vent to 4" exhaust flanges to connect ducting to. It looks like this:


is bonnie outdoor herb garden soil any good?

Never heard of it. I use Fox Farm Ocean Forest and I don't have experience with anything else, sorry o_O

sounds like loads and loads of funny fun fun.


Nothin like a Extreme Grow Makeover:)

I know, I'm still all giddy with my new stuff. I haven't got it all hooked up yet. But we connected the light and also fixed some light leaks yesterday. I still have to connect the exhaust and fan to the hood though. Just need a plan and some extra time to do so.
I'm doing my update tonight because I have plans on Friday and Saturday.

As I mentioned before, I got the new hood hooked up. Still need to do the ducting and mount the fan. All the ladies are doing well. The WR in flower have been budding for a week now. The 2 WR that are the same age that won't fit in flower just yet are just chilling in veg for 2 more weeks max which is when the 4 white satins will be ready to harvest.

Grow 2 are the 4 clones which I'm considering as a week old now that they're transplanted. They're also doing well, though Gretyl has a mutant leaf, dunno how it happened but all the other growth looks fine, so I'm not gonna worry about it and chalk it up to stress from being put back into veg after being in flower for a week.

As a side note, Kira (my Elephant bud) has sprouted!

Pic 1: Flower room with my lovely new hood

Pic 2: Empty veg room with a perplexing light problem... how to keep all the plants at the same level so stretching is minimized?

Pics 3-6: White Russian, grow 2, first week

Pic 7: New sprout of Elephant Bud

Pic 8: another shot of the jungle that is my flower room (6 white satin and 2 white russian)

Pic 9: one of the white satins in flower. This amazing 24" plants has buds so big and dense that I've had to stake it. Something I've never had to do before. Forgive the appearance; the yellow is from the HPS, I put the flash on so you could see the buds better, but it lit up only the buds and not the leaves. My plant isn't really that yellow! It's a nice deep green.

Speaking of green... Happy St Paddy's day to all my friends with a green thumb!


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Hey, I was just sent a link to www.pufmm.org they need 700,000 signatures for MMJ in FL. Thought u might want to know. toodles

Thanks! I've already signed the petition and donated to the cause a few months ago. But thanks for reminding me, I read a few weeks ago how much of a failure their attempt was and that they're carrying everything over to hopefully get on the ballots in 2012. I've seen their marketing materials and it suxx. So I was thinking of offering free graphic design services so their stuff will look more professional.8)
Hello everyone. Let me start by saying that I am in love with my garden right now. I've never had it looking so perfect. There are a couple minor things here and there, but mostly just funny leaves, nothing too crazy. I think it's from heat; I'm in the middle of switching out my exhaust/filtration system and it's not finished yet. So, at night, the room gets plugged up where the 4" ducting normally is to prevent light leaks. In turn, it gets to be about 90f in there. I'm waiting for my boyfriend to get in gear and fix this since he's the construction/electrician portion of our grow and I just do the growing/nurturing portion of it all.

I moved Jem and Hazel into flower now so the clones could have some room in veg. All nutrients have been reinstated at their regular schedules and dosages.

Let me break down everything I have right now:

White Satins
Badu, Ellie, Edie, and Electra are all 8 weeks into flowering. I'm planning on harvesting on April 2nd.

Blossom and Bjork are 3 weeks into flower

Bridgette and Bianca were just transplanted yesterday and now considered in their first week of veg

White Russians
Godiva and Iris are 3 weeks into flower

Hazel and Jem are in their first week of flower

Gretyl, Holly, Isabelle, and Jessica are in week 2 of veg.

Elephant Bud
Kira is now 2 weeks old from seed.

I'm also trying something new: Uncle Ben's Topping Method. Seems easy and awesome. I'm testing it out with Isabelle, Bianca, and Bridgette. If they fail, then I at least have some other plants left. But I'm very confident, they look awesome so far. I topped them... um, last Mon or Tues I think. I didn't write it down, and I have a 3-second memory span. :eyesmoke:

Anyway, enjoy the pix:

Pic 1 -2 - veg room
Pic 3 - Kira, the Elephant
Pic 4 - Flower: looking nice and packed again; 10 plants total
Pic 5 - Another view of flower. Full, but no shelves this time damnit!
Pic 6 - Godiva: 3 weeks into flower
Pic 7 - Iris: 3 weeks into flower
Pics 8 - 10: Isabelle, Bianca, and Bridgette showing off how nice they look after topping, aside from the funny leaves which I think is just from heat
Pic 11 - Best looking bud I've ever grown on a plant less than 3 feet tall. All 4 of the short plants look like that. Flowering early doesn't always turn out with a low yield! Will be ready for harvest next Friday after 65 days of flowering!:weed:


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My my my. What lovely green foliage u have Miss:) Question. Your new hood is encased with glass. Does it seem to make a big difference in temp?
Thank you :D

Well, the thing about the glass. My boyfriend put it together since he was connecting everything. Apparently, he forgot to put the glass in. So he's going to do it later whenever he gets around to doing the air ducting (yeah, still waiting on that too). We had a busy weekend, so no time was available for such a lengthy project. Maybe some time during the week. 8) I'll post pix of the setup when it's finally complete.

ETA: The room is nice and cool now because the temp outside is averaging between 70f-85f. But it will start getting hot soon (averages 95-100 during summer). Last summer all but one plant died from the heat in the closet. The hood is one attempt to control the heat. But over the past few months I've figured out some llittle solutions here and there that already help keep the closet around 73f-78f. The first thing I did was buy a twin draft guard. This helps keep the cool air in the room instead of drifting under the bedroom door and into the (un-air-conditioned) hallway. A few months later, I closed all the a/c vents in the house except one that's cracked a little downstairs and my bedroom one which I left fully open. Most of the a/c gets pushed into my room, so it's now the coldest room in the house. But the downstairs still gets enough a/c to keep it around 72f. So the problem is under control now, but I know the summer heat will still raise the temp in there. The hood and new exhaust system should more than handle that. 8)
Wow. I like the new layout!

Anyway, yes, I'm alive and, no, I wasn't in jail for cultivating or anything. I've been working tons, paying off my stupid credit card debt and traveling a bit.

I don't have any pix at the moment because I haven't had time to take any. But since we last spoke, I've harvested 2 crops, started a Jedi seed (on 4/20!) and am hoping my plants can recover from whatever is going on with them. I think it's either a pH issue (again) or nutelock. I can't be sure because my boyfriend has been taking care of everything for me since I've been too busy, and I'm not sure of what he does in there exactly. So I need to somehow find SOME time to spend in there to monitor the goings-on and try to get the girls back to normal.

Hope everyone is doing well. And maybe I'll be back soon to post pix... it all depends on my work schedule.

FDitty: To answer your question, there was absolutely no temperature difference with or without the glass on the new hood. The main thing that changed the temp is the super-nice inline fan I got to suck out all the hot air.
I'm sure all are unsubscribed by now. This is gonna be my last post to this thread. Between the 2 jobs, the kid, and the fact that I'm now [happily] single again, I don't have much time for posting. I'm attaching a pic of one of the colas I harvested from the White Russians; a good strain I must say. But I think I'm happier with the White Satins. They're about the same quality, but the Satins taste sweeter and the buds are WAY more dense.

Anyway, thanks for reading along, everyone. I'll be around here and there I'm sure to post about other various things. Take care and hope to see you around the forums!

I was planning on growing white russian strain, whit proper fertilizer, and 600wt halogen lamp. will i succeed on growing something? havent grown anything ever, but iv'e read alot about it.. But that's not the main point..i will learn in time, while growing the biggest danks. ;)) and I HAVE A GUESTION, when puttin fertilizer on plants. i dont quite understand one thing when putting fertilizer