White Rhino/Bagseed Micro Grow SOG

if your still having heat issues you could always do the "redneck ac unit." A big cooler with frozen jugs of water(or liter bottles). cut 2 holes. a fan blowing air in and a hole for the cool air to come out. from what i heard it works wonders. i tried to find the youtube link but i couldn't. looking forward to updates and pictures. good luck

White Ryno

Active Member
if your still having heat issues you could always do the "redneck ac unit." A big cooler with frozen jugs of water(or liter bottles). cut 2 holes. a fan blowing air in and a hole for the cool air to come out. from what i heard it works wonders. i tried to find the youtube link but i couldn't. looking forward to updates and pictures. good luck
well my temperature control problems stem from the fact that the house is old and there is no insulation haha butttt luckily Fall is upon us and it's beginning to cool off a bit. that does sound like a pretty ingenius idea tho! gettin some serious pistils forming on the ladies...3 confirmed, but i THINK i am seeing some appear on the 4th plant i have remaining in the first batch....i've kinda decided i'm just gonna grow these seeds and enjoy the smoke...fuck cloning them. i'm gonna keep the white rhinos and clone them here and there. possibly the blackjack too. however, it appears sativa dominant and i'm not so sure how much i want to deal with the longer flowering. height and yield are also issues

White Ryno

Active Member
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hi all! just watered the babies today. they are all getting fed with a 4 tsp/gal Tiger Bloom mix. along with some molasses. i have been watering about every other day. every third watering i use plain 'ol water. they seem a little droopy but i'm pretty sure they were just thirsty. should perk up...i left three lower branches on my white rhino. running a little experiment with that one to see a few things: 1. if it's possible to clone these branches 2. what will my yield be if these branches are using up some of the plants energy 3. if the clones work, i'll need to know how long it will take them to root

looking forward to seeing the results! as always all comments welcome

White Ryno

Active Member
forgot to mention that i introduced a yeast/sugar co2 concoction yesterday. plan to change it out every week

White Ryno

Active Member
also, in picture 18 you will see two little groups of calyxs below the main cola. should i trim these? anyone with SOG experience let me know


Active Member
Quick Question: As I just started my first SOG set-up with White rhino and White widow, you didn't want the plants to get a little taller before flowering. I can't tell by the picture, but they still look relatively short even for an SOG grow.


Active Member
oh and free...forgot to respond to the light comment. maybe you havent heard...uv boosts trich production. look it up! shits neat
I researched a little on the lights and haven't found an glowing reviews. The only bad part is that everybody that comments on those lights. have never used them. Hopefully we can find someone who has or let us know how using yours turns out. It would be good to know.

White Ryno

Active Member
I researched a little on the lights and haven't found an glowing reviews. The only bad part is that everybody that comments on those lights. have never used them. Hopefully we can find someone who has or let us know how using yours turns out. It would be good to know.
yeah i've had trouble coming up with the blatant "here is this super skunk without UV lights, and here it is with it". however, i do think that there is sufficient research out there to prove that it at least plays a contributing factor in trich production. i mean, it just makes sense...in the heat of august the plant is gonna want to shield its precious fruits from the glaring sun. those trichs are quite reflective...and then once fall is coming around they darken and begin to turn amber...because they don't need to reflect as much light. i'm just as anxious as you to see my own results tho!

as for the height of my plants...yes, they are frickin short! haha but thats what i'm going for. i want to pack a bunch of them in there. i have space limitations so this is what i've come up with...i'd say that are about 10 inches tall

White Ryno

Active Member
View attachment 1158120
soooooo i'm fucking incredibly uber pissed off. one of my biggest ladies just hermied on me over night. dropped two sacs i'm pretty sure...and i think one of them burst. OVER FUCKING NIGHT!!!! you can def see the pollen sac on the left and you may be able to make out what looks like a burst sac on the right. let me know if you think it isn't the end of my grow...

i sprayed them all down with a shit load of water in hopes to wash away the pollen. plan on doing it again here in a few minutes. pray my ladies havent been raped


Active Member
Damnnnnnn!!!!!! You made that sound absolutely horrible! I think I see a sac on the top portion of the plant, but can't really see it where u zoomed in at. I know that Dutch Master makes something called reverse, but I don't know if it will help the ladies if they were flowering. I saw something on youtube recently where Soma said something about still flowering and purposely hermming his plants. So you might still be in luck...

I think this is the feed, but you have to listen to the whole thing I don't remember when he mentions it:


View attachment 1158120
soooooo i'm fucking incredibly uber pissed off. one of my biggest ladies just hermied on me over night. dropped two sacs i'm pretty sure...and i think one of them burst. OVER FUCKING NIGHT!!!! you can def see the pollen sac on the left and you may be able to make out what looks like a burst sac on the right. let me know if you think it isn't the end of my grow...

i sprayed them all down with a shit load of water in hopes to wash away the pollen. plan on doing it again here in a few minutes. pray my ladies havent been raped

Just clip off the balls you see. Best you can do.


you plant is not hermied you fool thats just a little nug trust me hairs are gonna poke out of the thing that looks like a pollen sack.. i went through the same thing but its not a pollen sack

White Ryno

Active Member
dude there's no questioning the fact that it was a hermie. i've seen em two other times....only question is if the other sac burst. unfortunately. i hope i'm wrong of course

White Ryno

Active Member
Just clip off the balls you see. Best you can do.
i straight took the thing out. i can't risk one showing up and not catching it. plus it was just bagseed and it was a plant i dont intend to clone. i just hope that everything didn't get pollinated from what i think is a burst sac....bummer. one thing that was pretty encouraging is that they (biggest group....AKA Group 1) are almost halfway through flower and the one i tossed wasn't root bound a whole lot. i mean, i could see roots rapping around the bottom but it wasn't much more than the pic i posted of the roots a couple weeks back. this leads me to believe that my goal of 9 plants per square foot is pretty reasonable. further convincing me of this fact is that the blackjack clones i've received definitely behaved differently once put into flower than the seedlings did. first of all, only one of them is growing for shit. the other three are pretty weak. the strong one didn't stretch quite as much as the seedlings. now, the bud is certainly going to be smaller than others, but here's what i'm gonna aim for....

harvesting groups of 6. i have about 2 square feet of space set aside for plants only, so that's 18 plants = 3 groups. i'm hoping to get a minimum of 4g per plant (i think that's pretty reasonable) so i'd harvest just under an ounce each time....hopefully a whole ounce. we will see

if nothing else i believe i have proved that you can do a SOG with 9 plants/ft...so to all the doubters +rep please for showing you wrong lol no just kidding...i hope that someone out there is trying this same shit!

White Ryno

Active Member
Hey guys, these pictures were taken just a couple days ago...babies are startin to look delicious. about 5 days ago they started needing water every day. been doing 2 feeds and one straight water cycle

White Ryno

Active Member
Well guys it's been quite some time since I've posted so I'm just gonna comment on some of the pics above and ramble on... There are three plants that should be getting harvested sometime next week. One of them however I don't even know if I want to smoke. It has been sickly for about 6 weeks and it's been doing some crazy looking growth lately. This plant is shown in pics 2, 4 and 11. I thought it was nute lockout for awhile but I've flushed several times. Treated it with fungicide...rinsed the fungicide off. There's no pests...IDK! But anyways there is another plant that is about 10 days behind this first group (pic 12) that is developing some sort of deficiency. What is this ya thnk? Also have flushed this plant. It only seems to be affecting the leaves and a lot of trich production is still occuring so I'm hoping this will be ok. On another note...the two plants that look good from this first group just got flushed today. Going to give them another flush in a couple days and wait til the soil is pretty dry then stick them in the dark for 24 hours. The bagseed plant (which I'm pretty sure is some sort of lemon) is in pics 3, 9 17, and 21. The White Rhino is in pics 7, 13, and 15. Lookin great! Just not so sure it's ready...what do you guys think? The plant in the first pic is the BlackJack. She looks pretty good. This is the first time I've flowered clones out...they have turned out smaller than the seedling counterparts. Is this normal? I would like to get nugs the size of the White Rhino and Lemon, but from clone and on cycle...Then I will be VERY happy!