White Rhino/Bagseed Micro Grow SOG

White Ryno

Active Member
Hi all, I'm beginning my second grow op here...just wanted to share with you all in hopes to get some advice and maybe inspire a few ideas here and there. This is my second grow and my first with legit soil. I used Miracle Gro previously and actually got some decent bud out of it. There's a couple pics shown below. It's time to upgrade...New house, new shit.

For this operation I am attempting a perpetual grow in my closet. I installed a fart fan in the closet ceiling to pull air in from the A/C and keep temps down. They got to over 100 deg F before! Unfortunately for me the thing works too well...my room is now hot as fuck. The veg box shown below will be used for clones and seedlings. I have two White Rhino fem from Nirvana (toothpicks) and the rest are just some of the many bag seeds I have saved (mostly Lemon). They began to sprout two days ago. I am going to veg these suckers until they are only about 5 inches tall and start them into flower. I have another cabinet that will be used for flowering. It is still under construction...pictures will be up soon. But the plan is to grow as many of these little fuckers as I can in my cabinet (dimensions will be up with pics) doing a Sea of Green style grow using CFL lighting. I have read that you can take clones from the lower branches of these flowering plants since the whole idea of SOG is to have only top growth anyways. Looking forward to seeing 16-20 nuggets poppin up like a rain forest canopy!

I'm using 6500K 26W lights for the veg cabinet shown. The soil is Fox Farm Ocean Forest. I'm going to mix in some Worm Castings and Perlite (20% 30% respectively) for the plants when it is time to transplant, which should be roughly the same time they go into flower (I'm hoping). Once in flower I will begin to feed with Fox Farm Tiger Bloom. Was also thinking about trying Humbolt Snow Storm.

Stay tuned...will keep updating. I welcome all comments!

White Ryno

Active Member
Was just thinking...by the time my plants need transplanted they will probably only be about 3" tall...if I move them to the flower closet this early will they still experience some vegetative growth? Or should I build a 18-6 hr chamber in the flower closet for the newly transplanted? Any suggestions appreciated


Well-Known Member
SOG if for clones. You wont get much off premature plants in flower. You should keep a mother in veg and take clones. That would be your best bet

White Ryno

Active Member
SOG if for clones. You wont get much off premature plants in flower. You should keep a mother in veg and take clones. That would be your best bet
I'm going to take clones off the flowering plants to save space. I've read several places that you can do this with SOG since the bottom branches should be removed anyways. Problem is that by the time they need to be transplanted they won't be big enough for flower, nor will there be enough room in the veg cabinet for more clones and the freshly transplanted ladies. I think I'm just gonna stick some panda film in the flower cabinet and make two sections.

White Ryno

Active Member
Well guys the lights I had in there were just too damn hot. Quite a few of my ladies died...One of the White Rhino :cry:. So I went and purchased a couple two foot Lights of America Grow Lights. I used a similar light for vegging in the past. This has since taken care of the problem. The temps have stayed consistent around 82 deg F. Unfortunately my camera is dead and I'm out of AA batteries...So I will get more picks up tomorrow. Also, the plants will be transplanted tomorrow into a Fox Farm Ocean Farm/Worm Casting/Perlite mix. Stay tuned!

White Ryno

Active Member
Well guys I got new batteries but RIU is being a bitch and not letting me upload...stay tuned I will try again soon

White Ryno

Active Member
Alllllllright so it worked this time. As you can see here I've begun to transplant some of the plants. I'm not so sure that it was time but many of them were showing some signs that something needed to change...and quick! So I transplanted and also removed the CFLs in favor of two 8000K Lights of America Grow Lights. They seem to be liking the new situation. Most importantly, the lone White Rhino (toothpick, small planter) is the healthiest looking one of them all!

On another note, you can see the beginnings of what will be my flowering cabinet. This shows 16 pots. I plan to fit about 24 of those same size containers along with a desk tower fan and a good ol cup of yeast concoction. Plenty of room...I'ma veg these suckers til they get to about their 3rd node then send em into flower. Buddy of mine is giving me a BlackJack clone here in another 10 days or so...got that to look forward to as well. Stay tuned! I'll keep ya posted

White Ryno

Active Member
Hey guys...most of the plants are looking good with a few exceptions. I'm worried I may be over watering a little. Also my pH isn't looking too great. This is shown in the 7th picture...the plant that I tested was also is the worst looking. Leaves still pretty green but not looking very strong. I thought I may be over watering so I waited til it dried up real nicely and it didn't respond much. Gave it some more today in order to check the pH. I water with distilled water from Kroger. The 3rd and 4th picture show some seedlings that have sprouted within the last 5 days or so. Two of them White Rhino, again with the toothpicks.

I also have a new addition to the family, a clone from my buddy....a BlackJack. That lady is shown in the 10th picture. Transplanted into soil two nights ago. I plan on veggin her out for a little while and killing her with clones. Probably going to keep my strongest White Rhino to do the same and grow two of them along with the bag seed for the first grow. Once I sex all the bag seed and remove the males I will take clones (once they are large enough) and track the clones to their respective mothers to see which respond best to my system. I'm going to single it down to one or two strains and keep those on a cycle along with the blackjack and white rhino. What do you guys think?

White Ryno

Active Member
Hi all! This is a quick look at my flower cab. I got 8 babies in there right now, including the White Rhino. I just transplanted them from the small party cups into these 4" containers yesterday. They seem to be responding well so far. Will begin feeding with the next watering.

Plan is to sex them and then take two clones of each lady, then track the progress. I will give/throw away the clones of the strains that don't do as well.

White Ryno

Active Member
This thread has been around for well over two weeks and I've gotten only five replies? Do y'all need more pics? More info? Has this site lost 90% of its users in the last six months? I remember the good 'ol days in my growing infancy (just a mere 8 months ago) when I could post a new thread with a question and get a response within two hours...more often than not several responses. Let alone an actual grow journal! Weed is about to be legal in California this fall and the rest are surely to follow suit within the coming years. We are on the brink of a new age...the Stone-er age. It's time that we act as an organized open source movement. So please, I invite the 250+ that have viewed this to be proactive in their search for (and mission to spread) the abundance of information on the plant we all know and love (to smoke)!

Ok, enough with the Richard Lee shenanigans. All questions, comments, fuck it even insults (I guess constructive criticism would be best) are welcome! This joint's for you! :joint:
This thread has been around for well over two weeks and I've gotten only five replies? Do y'all need more pics? More info? Has this site lost 90% of its users in the last six months? I remember the good 'ol days in my growing infancy (just a mere 8 months ago) when I could post a new thread with a question and get a response within two hours...more often than not several responses. Let alone an actual grow journal! Weed is about to be legal in California this fall and the rest are surely to follow suit within the coming years. We are on the brink of a new age...the Stone-er age. It's time that we act as an organized open source movement. So please, I invite the 250+ that have viewed this to be proactive in their search for (and mission to spread) the abundance of information on the plant we all know and love (to smoke)!

Ok, enough with the Richard Lee shenanigans. All questions, comments, fuck it even insults (I guess constructive criticism would be best) are welcome! This joint's for you! :joint:
I think we're all just sitting back and watching to see what happens. You're doin' great.

White Ryno

Active Member
i'm sort of sitting back and waiting to see what happens myself. While I've read enough on SOG to believe my system will be fruitful, I haven't really seen any grow journals that are doing like I am. If anyone knows of a journal that does a SOG (at least 4 plants per square foot, as I have 9) in a closet on a continuous cycle, let me know. All experience SOG growers please share! For that matter, if anybody is proud of what they are doing put some pics up on here and let us all know how you're accomplishing it...maybe a link to your journal? Always eager to learn more....Thanks!