White rhino and s.a.g.e. n' sour grow


Well-Known Member
thanks.. yeah the fluorescence are more then enough for veg. i still haven't replaced them and they have been running 18 hours a day for almost a year.. haha. i use 4x4x4 cubes and the starter cubes for seedlings/clones. i finally picked up an active air co2 system. hopefully get it running this weekend. then the flowering closet will be perfect.



Well-Known Member
i installed the tubing for the co2 and stapled up a netting to spread all the tops out. now just have to figure out how to time the exhaust with the co2. may have to buy a few more digital timers. we shall see. comments questions?



Well-Known Member
Took some new pics today of the sage and rhino in flower. almost 3 weeks into flowering. there are so many bud site on the rhino and the sage isn't looking to shabby either.. haha. the extra time spent in veg has really allowed them to mature. stems are thicker and it should have no problem holding up all the extra weight. co2 is on hold until i buy a tank. i have a 5 lb tank and i had it filled, cost me $10. i adjusted the regulator and did a test run. my dumb ass forgot to adjust the flow and it blew out the entire tank in the first day.. haha. i'm just going to suck it up and buy a 25 lb tank from htgs. any one here ever grow THSeeds sage n sour strain? the last pic is a top of the sage n sour. the tops all have curling leaves. the other 2 plants using the same nutrient solution do not have curling leaves. ph is steady and no bugs or anything. hmmm



Well-Known Member
thanks. co2 is up and running. plants are looking real good. the rhino has a ridiculous number of bud sites. the sage is more elegant and taller, less bushy.. haha. i'm having a little dilemma. i have a matching closet that is already prepped for a grow. shelves installed, sealed with plastic. should i buy another 600w hps? or maybe invest in a grow tent closet? i think the size i'd want would match up with a 1000w. i picked up a couple extra drain fitting for incase i do decide and go ebb n flow. that way i don't have to be limited by the number of dippers... etc. the first 6 clones i cut are filling out. they still have 32+ days before they can be moved. if i had a second flowering area, things wouldn't be bottled necked.


New Member
hi sloeginfizz, nice grow you got going there. how bad or good does the rhino smell ? i have heard its a very strong smelling strain is this true ?



Well-Known Member
i had a 1000w hps as a loner for a few weeks. the heat that thing put off was intense.. haha. if i get a supercloset, i'd probably go 1000w. i'd like to stay as stealth as possible so i'll have to weigh my options.

hi hustla,
the rhino does smell good, but its a kinda sweet pungent smell rather then skunky. outside the grow area the smell is hardly noticeable because of the carbon filter.


Well-Known Member
yea! that white rhino is going to go bullistic you will get a real good yield out of it. my rhino didnt have much of a smell to it.


Well-Known Member
yeah.. ballistic is a good way to describe the rhino.. haha. here are some new pics. sage n sour is on the left in the first pic. second is all the damn timers and the new co2 system running. the next photo is the sage n sour and the last 2 pics are of the rhino. the number of bud sites are ridiculous. its not even the 4th week.



Well-Known Member
does you rhino have a smell are no?did you get your seeds are buy them?mine was bag seed .your going to have a good yield.I would think that you would get about a half pound or more just from rhino.


Well-Known Member
yeah, it has a sweet smell to it. i grew them from seeds i got online at dr chronic. my last flowering rhinos yielded a little over quarter pound with just 2 plants that were much smaller. the current rhino and sage are over 3 feet tall compared to the 18 inch rhinos from before.


Well-Known Member
nice grow u got going.... by the way i was looking at the flicks of your plants with the curling leaves..... that may just be a stress issue and a deformation within that seed.. who knows jus something like what i have.... good luck yo....



Well-Known Member
thanks.. that could be a possibility. the sage n sour was given to me in the form of a single seed. it started out very very slow compared to the rhino.
this is it at 13 days along side a rhino.
big difference eh?

i don't think its heat related because the rhino has no signs of curling and they share a res so ph would be the same.


Well-Known Member
yea well i grow in soil... so as far as hydro im kinda ehh...regardless it looks good there young......jus probly mutated....


Well-Known Member
just checked the date. end of the first month. both plants look amazing.
canopy is filling in nicely.
shot of the sage n sour. you can see a rhino top peaking in on the right side. the sage is much darker then the rhino.
close up of the sage main cola
the white rhino. she's big and putting on a ton of weight..
close of up one of the many colas on the beast.


Well-Known Member
yo sloe.... so how do u like the netting... i was always interested in trying it but jus used bamboo sticks to hold em up.....does the netting do better..is it a good support?????