White rhino and s.a.g.e. n' sour grow


Well-Known Member
i'm already planning to cut a little just for new years eve.. haha. the one plant is really starting to pull all of its energy to the buds.. the leaves are starting to darken and fall off. i pruned some to allow more light to the lower buds. the other plant is still very green. can't imagine there would be a nutrient lockup since they share the same res.


Well-Known Member
I had try some out tonight.. cut this little nug from the bottom main top. got a few nice close ups. crystals everywhere. i'm drying it out in front of a space heater. run it on low for a few hours. 2 puffs and i was spinning. i seriously have no idea how i was able to take super close up pics. starting to go cloudy.



Well-Known Member
Hey slow gin I have just purchased White Rino from Buydutchseeds.com Hope my plants look as good as yours. FROSTY. very nice.


Well-Known Member
Day 46 of flower.

They are really putting some weight on... and the smell. i would wear it as a cologne. All 6 of the rhino clones have fully rooted and showing new growth vertically. that aero system is retard proof given that you check the water levels every few days and mist under the dome once a day. best 40 bucks i've spent.



Well-Known Member
A few pics of a bud i quick dried. I sliced off a main cola a few days ago so i can have something to bring the new year in with.. haha. I think i'm going to flower the rhino mother and the sage together. the sage is a full hermi now. I bent a few stalks to help bush them out. if i time it right i'll be able to cut clones before they start flowering. see if the last batch of clones root up as fast as the first. the next 4 months should be interesting. i'll seed the rhino mom with the sage n sour.

ss rhino?



Well-Known Member
I'm most likely wrong but I thought i've heard a few times that clipping off buds early can cause a hermie......... not dissin you or anything cause like I said I dont even know if thats true, just curious now, anyone know?


Well-Known Member
I don't believe so. yes, cutting of anything is stressful but its with in a week of harvest. the plant is putting everything into bud production before it dies. i've had hermies in the past and they were seeded much early on in flower. that was due to light leaks during the 12 hours of dark and high temps. not to mention it was bagseed and most likely from hermies anyway.. haha


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Yes white rhino is a nice strain..You got some stretching and what lights are your using as for that long of a veg those are some tiny plants for a drip or flood setup??


Well-Known Member
Yes white rhino is a nice strain..You got some stretching and what lights are your using as for that long of a veg those are some tiny plants for a drip or flood setup??
I have 6 four ft fluorescence in the veg closet. They vegged for a little over a month. they double in size from 1 ft to 2 ft. i would have liked to have veg them longer but the fact that new years was coming i wanted something new to smoke. i cut 5 tops from one today. the other rhino is still more white then red and the trichs are still mostly clear. i should get close to two and half ounces once everything dries. maybe close to 3 by doing a second harvest and letting the bottom buds fatten up after cutting the larger buds that are closer to the light. some nice close ups. fucking corn on the cob.. haha



Well-Known Member
Day 55 of flower.

Sunday will be 8 weeks on the dot. i moved the 2 rhinos off to the side in separate drip pans that way i can start the next cycle without having to give them the wrong nutrient mixture at this point in they flowering cycle. with the extra room i moved the rhino mom and the sage n sour from veg into the flowering closet. they are much larger then the current plants already so they should finish at almost 4 ft if they double in size. i mixed a base 1/1/1 in 6 gal of 5.8ph h2o and added 2.5 tsp of bud blood. i'll run this for a week then go 1/2/3 for 6 weeks and finish with 2 weeks of flushing. i have a little over an ounce dry. smoke is amazing. i will be cutting the rest of the colas in a day then let the bottom popcorn buds mature and get a second harvest. hopefully by the 2 week i'll be able to pick up a co2 system. 2008 is shaping up to be a pretty fucking good year already.. haha i'll upload some dry bud pics soon



Well-Known Member
Today was the last day. I cut the tops off the last rhino and left the lower buds intact to continue to flower a bit longer. Total wet for the second rhino is 253.1 g. thats almost 150 g more then the first rhino. i will get over 2.5 ounces total dry for waiting the full 8 weeks compared to 1.5-1.75 ounce at week 7. pretty cool stuff. the 12 clones are doing fine. i will bonzai one of them to become a new mother plant. i started the sage n sour and the rhino yesterday. i'll probably cut a few clones from the sage before it gets to far in flower. it already has alot of preflowers showing.



Well-Known Member
SOG in full effect. second week of flower for the sage n sour and the mother white rhino. i also started a clone today. it was just growing too damn fast and was at least double the size of the clones even tho its from the same plant.. haha. first crop of the new year was very good. still have a little left for person use. i have a little bit more drying. i let the bottom buds ripen a couple weeks longer. i plan on purchasing a c02 system in the next few days. i still need to install the light raiser/lowering pulley. both the sage and rhino are over 30 inches tall, the rhino clone is a little over 12 inches.



Well-Known Member
thats the sage on the left and the bushy rhino on the right side. the rhino clone is in the front middle.

army of clones.. haha. 11 up top and 6 in the aerocloner.. i mixed a milder nutrient solution for the vegging clones. they still have 6 weeks to hang out before i can more the next group.. little bastards grow fast.. haha



New Member
Nice journal bro,

Those buds turned out nice. Are you happy with how the flourescents veg your plants? Are those plants in a 4x4x3? I am gonna do that kind next time, I bought the 3x3x4 RW to unstable, but oh well it works. I also had the same idea and do my cloning under my veg tray too, good idea mcguyver lol. Im sure you love that 600 watter, produces nice buds. Well hope the rhino treats you well.
