white powdery mildew problem


Well-Known Member
and what would you say to someone 5 weeks from harvest?
BTW PM wash is just peroxide water. Serenade is okay. It smells like Beach lotion and B.O. Neem Oil works better. Neem Oil smothers the mildew and is a fungistat so the mildew can't grow on it. Seriously I battle that shit and used a million different kinds of spray and hands down neem oil works the best. I would prob do a PM wash to knock it off, and then next day start a Neem treatment. Spray every 3 days with neem oil until 2 weeks before harvest. It won't kill it in the plant, but the point is to make it survive and subdue the mildew until harvest. Prior to harvest, I would also be sure to hit it with PM wash and Power wash, and then just plain h2o or maybe PM Was again for the last few days to get as much of the mildew off as possible.

Be sure you have plenty of air ventilation and fans. Lots of fresh air, don't let your air stay stagnant.

This is personally how I solved my PM problem. At the end there was no visible PM, and I was confident enough in my work to be able to smoke it. :P

I would tell you to just add some peroxide to water and make your own PM wash. I don't know what the ratio they use is, and I would assume that they have a commericial peroxide that is really high %, much more than shit you can get at rite aid. But I'm sure you could find a recipe on the internet and save yourself a ridiculous amount of money for nothing.
Does anybody rinse or wash their buds??
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7jE7qzfgQs&oref=http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=jorge%20cervantes%20washing%20away%20powdery%20mildew&source=video&cd=1&ved=0CDwQtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DS7jE7qzfgQs&ei=IRxmUMXJI8aIygHwxIGAAQ&usg=AFQjCNFJFp2qLPcj9okkzzouRHuQjsrkDg This might help but the answer is yes!! Wash with a water/hydrogen peroxide "dunk' in a container!! I do it even if I dont see any!! Eliminates any possible dust/mold/parasites!! Plus makes for some real clean nugs and I just feel more safe escpecially because Im smoking it!! good luck!! dueces... stonerwithacold:clap: ... Shift+R improves the quality of this image. CTRL+F5 reloads the whole page.
and what would you say to someone 5 weeks from harvest?
The so called "active" fungicide in serenade & egale20 is bacillis subtillis.. If you have any benificials such as greatwhite/oregonizmxl/tarantula.. these should have plenty of them in there!! Do a foiliar spray with just some nirvana/karma/surfactant and bennies... wait a day or two do a foliar rinse with plain water then wait an hor or so then make a milk/water foliar spray with some ph up in it...spray it all over INCLUDING the buds and underside of leaves.. then turn on your fans on high!! NEVER allow water to sit on buds it will cause bud rot and more mold!!! then wait a day or two and do the neem/ph up/soap/surfactant blend... do this in cycles and you should have killed and stopped all ned pm.... oh ps the main "active" ingredient in sns44 is "thyme extracts"... Think for a second you stoners.... thyme extract.?.... cannabis extract?... Coming to you yet?... still thinking?.....go in your cabinet and get out your thyme and virgin olive oil... put 2-3 heaping spoonfulls in a pot with a lil less than 1/4 cup olive oil and fil pot an inch or two from the top with distilled or RO water... boil for at least an hour replacing water when it gets too low... thyme oil ganj butter style... Booo yaaaah... Now you have thyme oil which can be added w/ or replace that k oil or neem oil ... plus save the left over water to mix with as well!! Thyme kills and supressed pm in a way similar to neem and also is supposedly effective on mites and other pestes!!! And if you use organic thyme.. well you get the idea... So like matt says RIZE UP and Stop giving away your doe to big nutrient co's w/ fancy bottles with car salesmen advertisement.. spread the knowledge and keep it Veganic (no animal bi products or poop bigger than vegan ewc's)and lets create the standard that we want nothing but the best, which results in a 100% pure clean product everywhere!! Nothing but Pure white ashes should be mandatory!!!! Hope this helps someone !! One love keep it rasta and keep it Veganic!!!! Stoner..:bigjoint: ...


New Member
I Used Seranade and it whipped the PM out. Tried Actinovate with little results. Seranade worked wonders.