Please Help Powdery Mildew Taking over all my plants Outdoor


Well-Known Member
Hey is today ok to reapply arber? Rained Sunday two hours after applying then some showers on Monday. I can see a bunch of small spots now. Also instead of mixing a gallon with 2 ounces I do half gallon with 1 ounce because I end up throwing it out only needed for a couple.
Yea, sure. reduce the time between application if its present.


Well-Known Member

I had 3 grows spew PM one grow after another. I picked up an AirROS machine and it cured my problems.

I just contacted them very hard to deal with If your not willing to reveal everything about your grow. Iam legal here but dam I tell some stranger that has my addy an phone # all about my growing habits couldn't even get a solid price but he did say the cheapest unit they sell is 4500 plus shipping they would not confirm that was for the 40xx very strange company!!!


Well-Known Member
Yummy soybean oil in the buds. Like everything mentioned here there is no cure for PM all we can do is prevent it. Before you go off I have tried lost coast it does not cure Pm it barely held it at bay I have moved on to zero Tol an very much liking what i see when it comes to PM an its very clean no oils! I wash my outdoor bud in it with no ill effects to the crop.
Seeing is believing! I learned about Zerotol from some commercial outdoor growers from Colorado, and the buds they were able to achieve outdoors around here, in Oklahoma, turned several grower's heads!
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