Powdery Mildew

Citric acid seems to be quite effective killing PM. Plain water or soap isn't going to do anything.
I’ll try to dig up the whole link but it’s possible that water is the only actual element doing anything in any magic spray or product. What’s thecommon denominator. Water on the leaf surface over time inhibit and kill PM, spores and germination.
I spray my outdoor stuff with h202 to kill the pm. Then alternate citric acid and milk to change the ph of the leaf so the pm can't grow there. Be sure to reapply twice a week early morning with the dew. And after every rain

Next year don't plant up against the house to improve airflow. And as others mentioned, trim up the bottoms
Get a very small bottle of " Banish " fungicide from Amazon or wherever( it's very concentrated , goes a long
ways , covers a lot of area). It's geranium oil . Developed in Netherlands . Can be used both for veg phases and flowering. I've I've reviewed all government and EPA
MSDS ( material safety data sheets. I've talked to chemist that work on site at sanctioned grow facilities. It's safe. No harmful products of combustion. It has never failed be. Two spray applications within a week and it disappears. It actually
kills PM where other products are meant for prevention. I never lost a plant. It's amazing.
Thanks brother; I just ordered a big bottle of it. I chopped a plant I was really looking forward to today and just noticed it has PM all over. Damn it!
Suffoil-x will kill many soft bodied bugs & def pm . this tool not only is super cheap and won’t have resistance issues like many pesticides , does not stress and can be used in flower till 3 weeks before harvest and can be used and mixed in with many products .

for another mode of action against pm and budrot and misc molds i def recommend like others stated using regalia for its SAR/ISR effects meaning the boost of immunity and systemic acquired resistance meaning u can apply this and mix like with suffoilx and manny ohthers but only takes 10 minutes for regalia to be SAR be 100% effective for 7 days aka systemically. Not only will this give a huge gain on resistance but my over all veggies to fruit and cannabis are pm free and reduction of many issues like septoria and misc to almost zero as well. I never thought I coild say that exp for many species of veggies where I tried sooo many products to be pm free and regalia with SABF def was the game changer for me.

sabf is another thing I mix in with my insecticide and biofungi and it’s mode of action is it’s a bacteria species that it’s action is to protect and outcompete any other species. So spraying this every 3-7 days and also after a rain will def in my studies and use over yesrs a god send on prevention and mold reduction ( like pest )

sabf is super cheap, mixed with all and can be sprayed till day of harvest np , this also made me pm free multi yesrs on cannabis and all my gardens where I def never saw me saying such things before. my outdoors envirments is def harsh and rainy and cold. So to say that I’m def a convinced person but also like to promote such tools .

sabf apply and can be mixed with all IPM/fungicides Inless other product it says can’t be used with such products/singular only.

i suggest 5ml per gal of SABF , 10-15ml per gal for high rh/higher risk of pm or if infection . if it rains outdoors and ur already sprayed other stuff only spray SABF to protect it till 7th day from regalia spray date.

Regalia sprayed every 7 days, only needs 10 min before rain and 7-14 days sar/ISR internal effects ! Apply at 30ml/1oz per gallon , can be used till day of harvest !

the regalia “cG “ branding will be more costly and that’s the bottles that will be on cannabis stores , the normal version is def cheaper as a heads up. the ch was made so they could have it officially be used in cannabis for commerical exp in Cali

suffoil-x amazing core tool for pm/insects and many more. 2.5T per gal for preventive , 3-5T per gallon of water for pest/mold pressures and/or if u know the issues time of season applies. mix in Suffoilx last . use every 7 days and can be mixed with everything listed and so many things