White people, particularly men:

He lied about the medals too.
Talk about a major letdown. I still respect the stuff that he actually did do while out in combat... but you've got to seriously wonder how much of that career was embellished. In any event I definitely see him in a different light now, god rest his soul. I wonder how common this information is. I haven't seen anything about it on facebook or anything like that. That's the craziest shit. Bet you people are happy that movie didn't take home the oscars now. Jaysus Harold Christ that is fucking nuts. Who would've thought? But some of that shit he said was very unbelievable. Like the New Orleans sniper story. Getting away with that? Yeah, I'd say that motherfucker has some privilege. Stranger than fiction, dude.
Fuck you and fuck rollitup. 80%of the pussies on this site are nothing more than anti-govt bitches who do nothing but complain about our govt but don't have any idea what life is like in a third world country. This site is full of nothing but bitches who do nothing but whine about how bad it is here but if you're who you say you are you know better than that.I ducking weep for my children future. And by the way, if I ever see you at one of the bbqs I'll drag your ass in the bushes and necktie your ass. You better stay in the Philippines motherfucker.
Oh Hey whatsup you piece of shit liar? Don't worry, I'm not done rubbing your face in your lies about military service.
Talk about a major letdown. I still respect the stuff that he actually did do while out in combat... but you've got to seriously wonder how much of that career was embellished. In any event I definitely see him in a different light now, god rest his soul. I wonder how common this information is. I haven't seen anything about it on facebook or anything like that. That's the craziest shit. Bet you people are happy that movie didn't take home the oscars now. Jaysus Harold Christ that is fucking nuts. Who would've thought? But some of that shit he said was very unbelievable. Like the New Orleans sniper story. Getting away with that? Yeah, I'd say that motherfucker has some privilege. Stranger than fiction, dude.
He had a fake dd214 made showing medals he never received and his whole chain of command knew but didn't say shit because they were enjoying his fame. Also, here's a totally true and non-satirical news article about him. The thing about the fake medals is true though. He lied bout almost everything.

I was also in the Navy. USS Oldendorf DD-972. I got out honorably as an OS3. We decommissioned her and participated in a "sea swap." My service was from 2000-2004. Naval Station, San Diego. Veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom. So here's the deal. Everyone has shared. Why don't you. I really was Navy and the fact that you won't share seems just a tidbit suspect. C'mon, man. Just a little sample of your service record?View attachment 3698542

You were on Old E ? That guy was just badass. Top crop Skipper and later Admiral of the 3rd.(?) Caribbean. In 45, He got word INJ BB Fusso and a well respected INJ V. Admiral Ninj...something were in the Sulu Sea. Old E suckered the Battleship and it`s three Cruisers into the Surigao Strait by pretending to bring in a crippled Washington to Leyte. Fusso took the lead and lost her Cruisers to PT boats from shore. Fusso took three or four aft below the waterline and slowed,...When she came out to Leyte, Washington was sit`n between the Islands broadside to Fusso. Fusso got spanked from the left and right,...Surprised by the sting, Fusso tried to run,...Washington hit her several times as she sprinted South, about an hour later, she rolled, ten maybe fifteen survived. She held over 1,000. I`m glad it was a Destroyer named after Old E. Because that`s what he was.
I know it sounds elusive but I can't talk about my time in the navy to a certain extent,i will say this, I was not based on any particular ship and i know how that may sound but I just can't speak about what missions I took part in.

If AC didn`t catch you on this, I would have. You go from Boot to a ship, or BUDs.
What kind of discrimination have you faced? I want to know about your first hand stories of how hard it has been for you being a white guy.

I was chased and had things thrown at me in 1966.... when I looked like Jesus. Now, that I'm old and bald the cops just let me go. I ran an HP cruiser out of his lane and he pulled me over and yelled at me then let me go. So yeah, reverse discrimination when I appeared "normal" and right wing. Another instance I was speeding in res district going about 50 in a 30 when another HP trooper caught me. He asked where was I going in such a hurry and I said nowhere, just an oil change, but I don't know why I was speeding. He laughed and said "Your about my age, take it easy" ... lol
I was chased and had things thrown at me in 1966.... when I looked like Jesus. Now, that I'm old and bald the cops just let me go. I ran an HP cruiser out of his lane and he pulled me over and yelled at me then let me go. So yeah, reverse discrimination when I appeared "normal" and right wing. Another instance I was speeding in res district going about 50 in a 30 when another HP trooper caught me. He asked where was I going in such a hurry and I said nowhere, just an oil change, but I don't know why I was speeding. He laughed and said "Your about my age, take it easy" ... lol
the OP hates white men, probably cos he's a homo or summin, he just wants to laugh at you
the OP hates white men, probably cos he's a homo or summin, he just wants to laugh at you

No, he believes Black people are owed and supports Black Lives Matter. So any excuse to make that happen(comma removed for that idiot) .... works.
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