white mildew


Active Member
is there anyway i can get rid of this stuff??? it doesnt seem to be spreading to any other plants. its just on two of my green crack clones. they are about ready to throw into flowering. im wondering if i should plant them outside?? or is there something that can fix this problem???

tea tree

Well-Known Member
buy a bottle of "serenade". It is the best thing i found. it smells for a few hours like rancid but it clears. It works quick. I few days. Keep repeating like it says. The beneficial bacteria inside safely eat all the mildew even late in flower without harming the buds or eafs.


Well-Known Member
Powdery Mildew, also known as PM. May be treated with Neem oil organically, or with Serenade like mentioned already.


tea tree

Well-Known Member
if you mean to rep me for serenade then I beg lol. Cuz one more and I get a bar! A precious, lol. I worry over anything other than seranade tho. All have some drawbacks but a colony of beneficial bacteria will stay on the leaves without harm and continue to eat the mildew. It is killer stuff. It takes me back to old organic days. Now I am lucas formula hydro. I dont miss the dirt but I do like the knowledge. Serenade is 8 dollars and you will find it best on line at some hydro store. I think american agriculture has it for free shipping. Sorry to beg for a rep, I know it is rude and I am to be shunned, but screw it! :)

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
You could have skipped paying a dollar for any thing and went to your fridge and got a little bit of milk and mixed it with water. 8 parts water 1 part milk. and put into a spray bottle and sprayed ever so slightly for the next 3 days and your problem would have been gon for free. sorry im so late on getting to this.


Well-Known Member
PM or Powdery Mildew is Herpes for weed...you cant get rid of it but you can control and keep it to a minimum...PM is systemic... its inside the plant

The Best stuff you can use is Greencure.....Totally organic...NO oder at all.... can be used up to the day of harvest

Greencure has a 10 day interval between applications

Milk and h202 work at a rate of 1/4 cup per 32 oz of water but only have a 3-4 day interval between applications

tea tree

Well-Known Member
um I was reading about the milk cure. it is half and hald if you use liquid milk. Also it is not regular milk. I forget what kind. I tried some mil as a spray. Basically serenade is live bacteria that will sit on your leaves and eat the pm. It does not get any more organic than that. Serenade is like 8 dollars shipped from american agritech. I swear it works. Lol, it is the easist shit I ever heard of. I hate neem and milk on my buds is not cool.


Well-Known Member
um I was reading about the milk cure. it is half and hald if you use liquid milk. Also it is not regular milk. I forget what kind.
Its non fat or skim milk bro and it only has a 3-4 day effect on pm

Product info www.greencure.net

Can be purchased here http://www.muckbootsonline.com/GreenCure_Fungicide_p/gc8oz.htm

Eagle 20 ew is one of the only systemic pesticides that kills the pm from within the plant.

Remember all clones or starts taken from an infected plant will pass the PM to it...you usually wont see it until your in flower

Sulfur vapes cover everything your plants walls floor ..stinks like rotten eggs...require repetitive treatments also

Greencure Kills powdery mildew and other diseases on contact and provides up to 2 weeks of residual protection
  • Alternative to harsh chemicals
  • Proven effective in 200 university trials and 12 years in organic agriculture
  • Fully dissolves in water
  • Odorless - no foul smell
  • Sprays on evenly and sticks to
    plant surfaces
  • Fruit and vegetables can be harvested as soon as 1 hour after spraying
  • Does not restrict plant growth
  • Economical
  • Does not accumulate in soil
  • Compatible with many beneficial insects
  • For Organic Production


Well-Known Member
If you have a large garden you may want to look into a sulpher burner to prevent it from ever happening again.


Active Member
it sucks to know that you can never "fully" get rid of this shit. it's eating away at my fan leaves. i think im gunna try the milk until my serenade gets here. i ordered it 4 days ago, so it should be here soon

tea tree

Well-Known Member
Keep spraying the serenade until you harvest. If you let it slide for a week it will come back. I bought a clone at the club and it had pw. It has given I think to two other plants I have. I am a little pissed. But I let the moisture get out of control. So I am to blame too. But the serenade has not burned any leaves under a big ass t5 or a 600 watt if I spray r
right before lights out. I have to keep spraying. Thanks for all the rep!


Active Member
so i got one more question about using the milk for PM.... after i spray it on, do i just let it sit there? or do i have to rub it in???