White Cheese Autos


From MSNL seed company. Looks like two different phenos going between the four. Recently screwed things up by leaving the heater on facing the plants and burnt the crap out of two so had to cut them up. One started flowering about day 23. With the insane prices for soil during covid and not living near any good hydro stores I resorted to using miracle grow performance organics with some coco & perlite mixed. Seems to be doing okay with mild nitrogen overload on oldest one and possible magnesium deficiencies in another. I have been using organic cal-mag as well as organic 4-4-4 and 2-8-4 bloom by dr. Earth. Oldest one started flowering about October 23rd and others about 10’sh days later. Light setup - 400w hps - Mars hydro ts1000 - spider farmer sf1000. Temp 75 day 62 to 68 night RH 40-45 day 50 night. 18/6 light schedule in 5x5 tent.



Well-Known Member
I'm seeing a lot of wasted light. All that open space looks like you're setup for photo girls not autos. I'd get a few more going if you're going to light that whole area.


I'm seeing a lot of wasted light. All that open space looks like you're setup for photo girls not autos. I'd get a few more going if you're going to light that whole area.
Agree. I actually was having what thought was overwatering but then thought maybe light stress so I raised about 6” and they perked back up. I wanted the multiple light spectrum added to the hps and I will be putting some Bruce Banner autos in next week.