Auto White Widow and Autopilot XXL

it can be terrifying at first, but you will be surprised how quickly they bounce back up. It's also bloody addictive. I would have topped my current auto and trained like the last few, but I went to top the plant and realized it already pre flowered. That was only day 18. A bit disappointed as the last few pre flowered around day 28-35.

You can train happily as long as the plants are flexible, and that could be multiple weeks into flower, but i usually stop topping when pre flower stretch kicks in.
it can be terrifying at first, but you will be surprised how quickly they bounce back up. It's also bloody addictive. I would have topped my current auto and trained like the last few, but I went to top the plant and realized it already pre flowered. That was only day 18. A bit disappointed as the last few pre flowered around day 28-35.

You can train happily as long as the plants are flexible, and that could be multiple weeks into flower, but i usually stop topping when pre flower stretch kicks in.

Topping autos? No no thanks. It's too much for me yet. Got headache during LST :) If i top them, i would sit in grow tent for few days to see what's gonna happen :)

I bend it as much as it's not resisting. Don't want to break it. I think it doesn't look bad. Ofcourse i am sure it's not perfect tho. But yeah, mid branches taking light directly now. They was under fan leaves and bit darker. Now shining as much as top.

Also moving light bit higher (5-6cm) reduced heat in grow tent. Now it's around 27.5-28C.

First White Widow going crazy. Almost same height of blue amnesia. I name it Vincenzio:bigjoint:
Tbh though, i would ease off hte feed strength for a bit and see if the clawing goes away. i always start off with no feed for the first week or so, and then generally up the feed. Every plant and pheno is different, and so are temps and humidity which effect uptake. I start at half strength and then work up.

In coco istart at 300ppm, go to 500 after a week, go to 750 at pre flower, and then level out aorund 900ppm for flower. In peat based mixes (pre fertilized) ill go three or four weeks on water and then feed half strength for the first week or so of feed.
I have clawing on Blue Amnesia and i didn't fed it first 5 weeks. But there is no clawing on Cheese NL which they grew together.

I named it Vincenzio because you gave the idea and fix my fault. I will try to grow her so good :)
Well well well. 15 hours later of bending her. First time i saw her at the morning, i thought like Cat4 cable that i bend her broke off or something like that but when i get closer to her wow. She already rotated her top to light. Looks like she liked it rather than stressing herself :)

Day 23 LST 1 (2).jpg
Day 23 LST 1 (3).jpg
Day 23 LST 1 (4).jpg
Day 23 LST 1.jpg

This is W.W. #1. She is really so fast.

Day 13 first (2).jpg
Day 13 first.jpg

This is W.W. #2. She is still pretty small but growing :)

Day 13 second (2).jpg
Day 13 second.jpg
Well, LST not going good as expected :) She resisted to it and not grew straight to side i bended her down. Untied her and bended then tied again. I don't want to force it more and break her.

This is before untie.
Day 24.jpg

And this is after bending her more.

Day 24 (2).jpg
Day 24 (3).jpg
Day 24 (4).jpg
Day 24 (5).jpg
Day 24 (6).jpg

This is Vincenzio :) Today is day 14.

Day 14 first (2).jpg
Day 14 first.jpg

This is other chick. Day 14. She is still smaller but leaves are keeps growing.

Day 14 second.jpg

This is 7 days old. She is also going small. I am thinking like seeds was bad.


  • Day 7 third.jpg
    Day 7 third.jpg
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Looking much better now.

They are so dense. Short internode spacing for sure. Definately getting adequate light. They will end up nice once stretch starts.

id look to have good circulationnas they are going to be bushy. Hopefully you get a good amount of veg in. I'm still annoyed my most recent popped pre flowers at week 2.5.

going into mass production I see...I'm jealous. I'm in uni accom ATM and live with a bunch of full straight edgers so I'm hiding my smoking and growing. Only got a single 2.3x2.3x5 ATM for growing, and a 2x2x5 in the closet for drying. I'm trying so hard not to set up another 2x4 and popping another 2. I've got A filter in the tent. A filter beside the tent scrubbing and an air purifier on my desk doing the job well with one plant, and I have another scrubber that I ow my smoke into lol.
I miss having my own place. .

I've gone seven months and they don't know I smoke still...I'm stoned all day every day. Maybe they just think I have tiny red eyes naturally.
Looking much better now.

They are so dense. Short internode spacing for sure. Definately getting adequate light. They will end up nice once stretch starts.

id look to have good circulationnas they are going to be bushy. Hopefully you get a good amount of veg in. I'm still annoyed my most recent popped pre flowers at week 2.5.

going into mass production I see...I'm jealous. I'm in uni accom ATM and live with a bunch of full straight edgers so I'm hiding my smoking and growing. Only got a single 2.3x2.3x5 ATM for growing, and a 2x2x5 in the closet for drying. I'm trying so hard not to set up another 2x4 and popping another 2. I've got A filter in the tent. A filter beside the tent scrubbing and an air purifier on my desk doing the job well with one plant, and I have another scrubber that I ow my smoke into lol.
I miss having my own place. .

I've gone seven months and they don't know I smoke still...I'm stoned all day every day. Maybe they just think I have tiny red eyes naturally.

she is really growing :) her mid branches are getting bigger and bushy. it really shows difference in few hours.

i hope that i get good veg time too. yes many times i saw that in foruma peoples gets pre flowers too early. its disappointing. you spend a lot of effort and time and hope to make a good plant but its suprises you badly. well its bit of luck. i hope you get better results next and everytime. because you really know how to read plants.

we are using eyedrop known as "vicine". its fixes red eyes in seconds fyi :)

my neighbor thinks i am feeding mid size aquarium in my house because thats what i said when he saw my bill. electricity bit expensive where i am living at :(
she is really growing :) her mid branches are getting bigger and bushy. it really shows difference in few hours.

i hope that i get good veg time too. yes many times i saw that in foruma peoples gets pre flowers too early. its disappointing. you spend a lot of effort and time and hope to make a good plant but its suprises you badly. well its bit of luck. i hope you get better results next and everytime. because you really know how to read plants.

we are using eyedrop known as "vicine". its fixes red eyes in seconds fyi :)

my neighbor thinks i am feeding mid size aquarium in my house because thats what i said when he saw my bill. electricity bit expensive where i am living at :(
I feel you. At my last place my bill went from $800 a quarter to over $1100 just from adding 2x240w quantum boards, 2x 100w QB 16hrs a day and 3x35w fans. It blew my mind. Add AC and I'd hit $1300-1400.
Update time :)

Autopilot Day 28. Lower branches are not lower anymore :P I think preflowering begins in 1-2 days. And seriously clawing on new leaves.

Day 28 (2).jpg
Day 28 (3).jpg
Day 28.jpg

Here is Vincenzio :) Really going good. Day 18.

Day 18 (2).jpg
Day 18.jpg

This girl is still small but growing.

Day 18.jpg

And number three :) Day 11. She is same as number two. Going small with same treating with others. Day 11. But huge difference last 4 days.

Day 11.jpg

At least i have two great healthly plants and small sisters :)
Today's news :)

Autopilot XXL still vegging at day 31. No little white pistils yet.

Day 31.jpg

Vincenzio like a giant :) I didn't started LST yet. And i am really thinking how to do it for this. Because it's really big now. Should i bend her asap?

Day 21.jpg

This W.W. wants to stay small. Day 21. But still growing.

Day 21.jpg

W.W. #3 started to take off. Bigger than #2 :) Day 14.

Day 14.jpg

Looks like everything going well now.
Good to see your getting some good veg time out of them. If the plant hasn't pre-flowered, you can nip the top node off and train the two top shoots sideways and let the lower branches catch up for an even canopy, or you can attempt to bend over if you still have a flexible main trunk. I prefer topping myself as I hate having plants that lean to one side of the pot out of pure OCD. Nothing but OCD.

General LST will do the job just as well. They will both re-route hormones to break dominance. I've always found topping to be easier as its just a two second snip and then horizontal training in either direction. Keep in mind topping can sometimes initiate stretch and pre-flower, and so can rough LST (just less likely)
I'm at day 49 now from seed, and day 29 from pre flower. Had a Big setback as I'm new to organics, used a small pot (3 gal) and didn't keep a top dress or feed schedule so it started eating it's older leaves within a period of two or three days. Looks good enough though. Finally got around to brewing a tea and top dressing a few days ago for the first time and the new growth is coming through well. Small plant this time, only 28" tall.. would have trained but it pre flowered around day 20 so I figured it wasn't going to be a handful anyway.

I've got a super silver haze seed in medium as of yesterday, and I plan on using the 7 gal fabrics I have here and actually keeping a top dress schedule this time around so I don't repeat the same issues I had this time round. Six weeks to go from a basic estimate, but only time will tell.

I've gone dual filter in the tent now so I can run 2 plants without issue and moved into the 2x4.
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its still flexible yes. i will try to bend her today. topping is big issue for me because i have never do it before so i am sure i will fail at first time as usual and ruin healthly nice plant. so i will go for lst. i have scrog net tho.

your buds looks nice! sad for early flowering but still looks nice!

also i am very happy with nutes i am using. feeding on company chart and no nute burn signs yet. and looks like they love it. i didnt take photos of stems but i will tomorrow. their stem thick as my finger :)

silver haze in 7gal? going huge veg? if its auto then does it worth? evden 5 gal drinks 5-6 liters of water to get saturated. huge water bills for 7gal :)

it really makes you happy when you see that your effort gives you nice looking plants. this is really addiction. i am sitting and watching them 20-30 minutes everyday :)
its still flexible yes. i will try to bend her today. topping is big issue for me because i have never do it before so i am sure i will fail at first time as usual and ruin healthly nice plant. so i will go for lst. i have scrog net tho.

your buds looks nice! sad for early flowering but still looks nice!

also i am very happy with nutes i am using. feeding on company chart and no nute burn signs yet. and looks like they love it. i didnt take photos of stems but i will tomorrow. their stem thick as my finger :)

silver haze in 7gal? going huge veg? if its auto then does it worth? evden 5 gal drinks 5-6 liters of water to get saturated. huge water bills for 7gal :)

it really makes you happy when you see that your effort gives you nice looking plants. this is really addiction. i am sitting and watching them 20-30 minutes everyday :)
Only going big pots as Im running straight organic. The last one started yellowing heavily around week four with water only and I'm messing around to see how long I can go with minimal input. A few of the guys I know run organic in 10-15 gal pots and can go a whole run without top dressing or feeding supplemental, which is what I would like to do eventually. They recycle their medium and re-amend for a continuos use of medium.

I'm also in a position where I have to hide my growing so I have trouble watering to runoff, so organic super soil is a good way to be able to water without having to hide large trays of strange looking water being emptied lol.

I'm surprised how different it is so far. I've ran 6 ounce plants in 2 gallon pots before, so it's a whole new ball game for me. I'm trying organic as my mother is a patient, and is sick of paying insane prices from dispos ($220-$250 for a half ounce) around here, and will only smoke organic from now on.

Also want to put to the test the theories on taste and terps and see if it's all true.

In other words, i simply got bored and went a different direction. I'll generally be putting just over 5 Gal medium in the fabric pots, and leaving room to top dress a half cup mix of Neem,kelp and coconut meal every few weeks if I have to.
Okay i am too late for LST for first W.W. because it's grows insane even in hours and stem is very thick.

Autopilot XXL started to preflowering at day 33.

Day 33.jpg

Vincenzio is really huge now. Also it's gets closer to light every hour. I think i have to hang it up but then little ones will stay away. So i am thinking about solution. Day 23.

Day 23.jpg

I named her Tyrion Lannister :) Day 23.

Day 23.jpg

No name yet. Day 16.

Day 16.jpg

This is how they look like.

Looking good. They Gunna be three times the size of the others. Glad to see you got a proper veg out of them. That XXL is going to be a hedge. One of the most sense I've seen for a while.