Which RO System?


Well-Known Member
just wondering what ro system you guys use , i have pretty shitty well water so im looking to get a system , the local hydro store sells spectrapure and ive seen some hydro-logic systems but just want some info from people who have them


Well-Known Member
Dont get one at home depot they are cool and good but they only max out at like 25-30 gallons per day. Get a deionized 200 Gallon per day R/O system from your hydro store they will take the ppm to zero and the 200 gallons per day is pretty useful once you make the investment.


Well-Known Member
Dont get one at home depot they are cool and good but they only max out at like 25-30 gallons per day. Get a deionized 200 Gallon per day R/O system from your hydro store they will take the ppm to zero and the 200 gallons per day is pretty useful once you make the investment.
Can I get the one without the di filter? From what I have read there's not a big difference in the ppm right? The hydro store only have a 90gpd spectrapure but I found a 180gpd spectra online for 180.00 but it doesn't have the di filter


Well-Known Member
Can I get the one without the di filter? From what I have read there's not a big difference in the ppm right? The hydro store only have a 90gpd spectrapure but I found a 180gpd spectra online for 180.00 but it doesn't have the di filter
Should be fine the DI are better but you can still have a low PPM without it wont be zero but it will be low like 10 - 60 PPM. Go for it.


Well-Known Member
thats what i was thinking i am using water with a ppm of a 100 and everything is stable even ph so i think im good, doesn anyone have experience with spectrapure or hydrologic ro systems?


I work at a water filtration company, the brand we sell and recommend is the Hydrotech 4 Post reverse osmosis unit. It is awesome, get's your PPM to being practically non existent. it has a 1 micron prefilter with two carbons and a membrane. Definitely recommend this. All of my customers have had great results from it.
I've had several Spectrapure systems, they are very good. I have a 4-stage RO-DI 30 gallon per day unit now. I use it for my salt water fish tank and for hydro. Just what out for their liquid level controller, the one with the float. It sticks.


Well-Known Member
I picked up a cheap small RO system from ROman on ebay. It was £30 and ok it does take like all day/night to get 25 litres but at 30 quid and output water of 30ppm im happy with it.


Well-Known Member
I use the Hydrologic Stealth RO100 @100GPD. or for another $100 you can get the RO200 and it does 200GPD.


But you can find cheaper units out there.

Remember on a well you will want at the very least 40psi or else your membrane will go out faster then you expect. 60psi is ideal.



Well-Known Member
well i have no idea what psi i have
Your going to need to find that out my friend before even thinking about a RO unit. PSI is critical for the filtration process to happen, I have no need to increase mine as its spot on but I'm sure there are ways to get the output pressure boosted.