Which led lamp to choose for the Box 3x3?

Who would need to put 500w of heating in a 3x3? Run on 100% most of the leds aren't that cool that you cant just dial back your exhaust/intake.

Unless someone NEEDS heat I don't see how a 315 makes anything easier.

Those Mara fc or fce3000 fit perfectly in a 3x3. If you're trying to save even a couple more bucks you can keep an eye on the deals and steals thread there are always lamps for cheap
In my experience if you draw air from the outside and use the kind of wattage autos like your tent will be cold during half the year, at least around here. The CMH grows awesome in cold weather and hot weather, and the extra bits of spectrum at both blue/uv end and far red/it end makes them just really nice and easy to grow with.
Especially with autos who aren't very forgiving if you make a mistake.
If you draw air from your flat then a medium range led like mars usually warms you enough, at least if you have it on max, but my guess is a mar3000 on full for 24 hour cycle would be too light much for a small auto. Ymmv