Which is best, 400 hps with extra cfl's or 600 hps alone? less energy used


Active Member
Or indeed you could exhaust from your veg room as lights are on from 18-24hrs , into your flower room to keep your temps up and save energy usage , works for me =)


Well-Known Member
Or indeed you could exhaust from your veg room as lights are on from 18-24hrs , into your flower room to keep your temps up and save energy usage , works for me =)
Got the same setup. Works money! Then right when the flower lights turn on I vent the veg tent to the flower room to get temps up to the mid 80's quickly.

Hey dianna, I am sorry I wasnt trying to rain on your parade, you created a thread asking for opinions I was just sharing my opinion, I wouldnt have said anything if you hadnt asked.bongsmilie, I wish you the best on all your future grows.bongsmilie (sending some rep your way):)

I did misquote the 400 watt bulbs a tiny bit low but that is what they were producing a couple years back, its closer to 50,000 lumens now.

That is why many sites still list the lower output of lumens, i.e.
"Although the total light output of a high pressure sodium (HPS) bulb varies, you can expect it to produce between 40,000 and 45,000 lumens over its lifetime, depending on the brand of the bulb and how you mount it."


I don't want to get into pissing match, but no 400 watt hps bulb on the market will outperfom a 600 watt hps bulb from the same manufacturer(that I know of), if you look at lumens per watt, Period!! if you have one post it up!!

and 72,000 lumens for a 600 is just silly, post up a link to ANY 600 watt HPS bulb pushing only 72,000lumens, not even when they first came out were they that low;)

Check my links below, do the math for yourself. Peace.

Eiko HPS - 400 Watt, 45,000lumen

Eiko HPS - 600 Watt, 90,000 lumens

Maxlume 400 hps bulb 50,000 lumens

Maxlume 600 hps bulb 90,000 lumens

"Standard" 400 hps, 50,000 lumens

"Standard" 600 hps bulb, 92,000 lumens

Gavita 400 Hps 58,000 lumens

Gavita 600 watt bulb 95,000 lumens

Even a 400 watt hps producing 58,000 still is not as efficient as a 600 watt hps bulb from the same manufacturer of the 400!

HTGSupply 600w HPS Lamp:
Brand New HIGH OUTPUT 600 watt High Output HPS bulb emits 95,000 lumens - standard 600w HPS bulbs which emit only 72,000 lumens. The 600 watt HPS bulb is a very popular bulb developed for the indoor hobbyist grower today.


Active Member
Sounds like you need insulation and a timer on your hood fans to allow the lights to heat the room then turn on.
The heaters that I stopped using are in each of the bedrooms, not in any grow rooms. There would be three on all night for atleast 8 hours. So that was a HUGE problem. My basement is concrete and super cold down there so I normally do not need to use a heater at all down there, because of the lights, cept for last week when our temps were -72 and made it that much colder down there, and used a heater for an hour after lights out. Ok, temps werent really -72 BUT may as well been. It was really like -14. Havent needed to use the heater since Friday, but again, that is only one heater vs. the 3 I had been using for the family in bedrooms. My husband had also put the plants on the concrete floor. After putting them back up on the table the temps in the room were not an issue. But because it did get so cold I still turned the heater on at night for an hour because I didnt want my lil ones suffering. So......Plants off of cold concrete floor, up on table + (2) 400w hps= happy girls!


Active Member
HTGSupply 600w HPS Lamp:
Brand New HIGH OUTPUT 600 watt High Output HPS bulb emits 95,000 lumens - standard 600w HPS bulbs which emit only 72,000 lumens. The 600 watt HPS bulb is a very popular bulb developed for the indoor hobbyist grower today.
Even "IF" the 600 standard was 95,000 lumens, the 400's that I got are 58,000 each. So if I understand this correctly, the lumens are distributed amongst the plants under the lamp, (1) 600 with 95,000, if that was the case, would give 19,000 lumens apx per plant. (2) 400w with 58,000 lumens each would put out 23,200 lumens per plant. Probably not those exact calculations, but from what I have learned that would be how to figure lumens. I could be totally wrong, but looks like 2 400 give more lumens than even one super duper max 600? Even had I used standard 400 bulbs @ 50,000 lumens, still looks like better than (1) 600. Is that right? HAHAHAHAHAHA. If that is wrong then I will again learn something new. That is why I am here.


Well-Known Member
HTGSupply 600w HPS Lamp:
Brand New HIGH OUTPUT 600 watt High Output HPS bulb emits 95,000 lumens - standard 600w HPS bulbs which emit only 72,000 lumens. The 600 watt HPS bulb is a very popular bulb developed for the indoor hobbyist grower today.

I am sorry Wyteberrywidow thats not a link to a bulb, thats an advertiment by HTG to con folks into buying their bulb apparently you fell for it, LOL

Actually post a link to a bulb Like I did that only produces 72,000 lumens not a statement from a company trying to sell you something, come on!~~11,000 plus posts you should know better than that by now ....
If 72,000is the standard lumen output for 600's then you should have no problem linking one back for us to check out;)


Well-Known Member
yes 2 400's will def give more lumens than 1 600 but you are also using 200 more watts. what you should worry for is efficiency that is x lumens per y watts. the 600w gives 63000lumens per 400 watts which is 5000-10000 more lumens hence they are more efficient


Well-Known Member
Yes your logic is correct:)Dianna,
I was talking about lumens per watt though and trying to get the most bang for your buck.

you are getting more lumens with two 400's but you are using more electricity as well. (like an extra 25% probably closer to 30-35%, just cause ballast is rated at 400 watts does Not mean it only draws 400 watts, read this thread here, https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/184922-digital-ballast-vs-regular-ballast.html#post2439526. And now you are running two separate ballasts which further adds to the inefficiency of 400's.
If I was going to use 400's I would do a Scrog or sog as they don't have the penetration power of the larger bulbs..

I don't feel like doing the math at the second but it would probably be something like 158lumens per watt for the 600, and 140 lumens per watt for the two 400's(those numbers are just off the top of my head as an example and are probably not correct, but if you do the math for yourself I am sure you will better understand what I was trying to say.

Best wishes dianna, shoot me a message if you like ill stop by your grow sometime, Im not a critical person, unless you ask for my opinion, I won't lie to you, I am not subbed to this thead, I just wanted to stop back in to see this 72,000lumen hps bulb:lol:



Well-Known Member
I Like Al. B Fuct's metaphor: Adding CFLs to a HID lighting system is like adding a model rocket engine to a 747 (paraphrased)


Active Member
From the beginning I was never worried about how much anything would cost me, dollar wise. Energy usage was my worry. But no matter what, I needed extra light, so if I went with another 400 or went to 1 600 I would be using more energy. So my plan was to cut back on other things, using the 2 400's with no extra cfl's and no heaters to me makes up for the extra 400. With 1 600, I still wouldnt have the dimensions I would need to cover my girls comfortably. With the 2 400's though they have plenty of growing/breathing room without being over crowded. I dont really think anyone can argue and say 2 400's are a bad idea. I appreciate all of the opinions, but I am happy with my decision, and my girls are happy too!


Active Member
I Like Al. B Fuct's metaphor: Adding CFLs to a HID lighting system is like adding a model rocket engine to a 747 (paraphrased)

Could be, but I know lots and lots of people who add them and see a difference. When plants get taller and the light can not penetrate as far down as it did when the plants were shorter, the cfls at the bottom give them light, maybe not nearly as much, but it does and it makes a difference.


Well-Known Member
of course there is a difference
but to what end?
And I hate to agree with Med Mari but shes totally right
even if you look at it from a buyers or sellers perspective the ends doesn't justify the means. It conflicts with your initial goal of cutting costs.

In the long term the efficiency of cost will catch up on the short term gain assuming what you value your bud at.

I am sorry Wyteberrywidow thats not a link to a bulb, thats an advertiment by HTG to con folks into buying their bulb apparently you fell for it, LOL

Actually post a link to a bulb Like I did that only produces 72,000 lumens not a statement from a company trying to sell you something, come on!~~11,000 plus posts you should know better than that by now ....
If 72,000is the standard lumen output for 600's then you should have no problem linking one back for us to check out;)
Yeah you might be right i dont have a 600 so i dont go shopping for one or its bulbs but i do have 2x 400 watt hps now so i do shop for those..But you might be right i fell for the advertisement from htg not like i really care tho.If it does emit 90,000 lumens for a standard bulb then it is more watt for watt lumen for lumen..But like i said instead of a single light i would just go with the 2 400 watts which would be better imo but to each is own yes it may be 200 more watts but i think the outcome would be better.


Active Member
of course there is a difference
but to what end?
And I hate to agree with Med Mari but shes totally right
even if you look at it from a buyers or sellers perspective the ends doesn't justify the means. It conflicts with your initial goal of cutting costs.

In the long term the efficiency of cost will catch up on the short term gain assuming what you value your bud at.
I didnt start this thread to prove anyone right or wrong. I also stated several time I was not worried about cutting costs, but energy usage. Which, again, I cut back on other energy usage to make up for what I have added. I came to the conclusion, for me, not anyone else, that 1 600 would not cover the amount of space I needed to have covered. The two 400's do that for me, using more energy than 1 600, but the more light creates more heat, so I am not needing to use the heater at all. The cfls are no longer being used also. My problem, from the beginning, was my plants were too bushy and large, taking up too much space, needing more light and to cover a larger area. I could have easily put a 600 there, but my plants would have still been too close and covering each other. The extra 400 gave me a bit more space to use, and the plants are not on top of one another. I have already stated all of this several times, that I am not doing it to save on costs but save energy, and that I would be cutting out other things to make up for any extra energy added by using a 2nd 400 or a single 600. Either way I would have been using more energy, so had to figure out what would be the best way for me, as far as a whole list of things go, space, energy, temps....etc. So with what I have ended up doing is what is best for me.


Active Member
Again, I am pretty sure I have stated probably over 5 times that I am no longer using the extra cfl's due to the fact that the 2 400's give me what I need. But had I continued to use only 1 400, I would have, and stand by anyone who decides to add cfls to their grow. Sometimes for people who dont have several hundreds to put up in an instant for bigger lights dont think about the long run and really dont care. If they have a couple bucks to spend on something right now that is cheaper and will do the job, probably not as good of a job, but does it either way, they are going to do it knowing that is their only option at that moment and worry about spending the big bucks when they are able to. It was nice conversating with everyone here, but I am pretty sure that this thread has been spent. I got thoughts from many other people and that is what I aimed for. I appreciate it, now lets go help out someone else who is in need, cause at the present moment I am ALL GOOD! Ciao


Active Member
The great benefit you get from dual spectrum light, which MJ really loves during flowering, make me say keep the CFL's!
But then you said they where for flowering - so I guess 2700K? If you have, switch to 6500K CFL's, your plants will thank you.


Well-Known Member
hows it going dirty D your setup sounds good 2 400's work great i am actually going to be using 6 400's vs 4 600's due to i have a short roof in my grow room of 6 feet then you add my trays height and hangers when my ladies get to about 3 feet they are about 6" from the vented reflectors (sometimes closer) and i have no burn issues at all not to mention my tables are 2x4 2 end to end is 2x8 (3 400's over each 2 trays) so you see im getting 1200 watts over a 2x8 area and plants very close with no hassle. truth is i love 400's (run very cool and can get very close) sure 600's work great too but just not for me so ether way its all you and you only know what works best. not sure exactly about the lumens 400 vs lumens 600 but at 6 inches from my tops with no burns im pretty sure they are pumping out peak lumens on my ladies, a 600 would have to be farther away. also if you just eliminate the lower 1/3 of the plant you could eliminate those cfls as there will be no more lower branching and the upper more larger colas actually get larger and denser as they are right in that peak lumen area of the lower wattage light. you will see a big difference on that. anyway good luck and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
What if the CFL is one big 200w bulb for sidelighting? Is it still like strapping a model rocket to a 747? Or would it be more like putting a 50% larger engine into it? Cos in a enclosed space like a tent, ANY additional light is still extra light energy in that one seperate system.

Brick Top

New Member
Is that a average/standard 600 watt bulb?
No its not the standard 600 watt bulb emits 72,000 lumens like i said so for you that is a FAIL yes
You can't get much more; "average/standard" or basic than a HTGS or GrowBrite bulb and they are the same lumens as the AgroMax and Hortilux in 400-watts and in 600-watts are the same as the AgroMax and about 10K higher in lumens than the Hortilux.

All though are higher than the; "a 400watt..average kicks out 50,000 while the 600 average kicks out 72,000.. " you said too be the case.

HTGSupply 400 Watt HPS Lamp
Product Number: LAM-HTG400HPS

The HTGSupply 400 watt High Pressure Sodium lamp emits an amazing 55,000 lumens.


  • 55,000 lumens

HTGSupply 600 Watt HPS Lamp
Product Number: LAM-HTG600HPS

The HTGSupply 600 watt High Pressure Sodium lamp emits an amazing 95,000 lumens.


  • 95,000 lumens

GrowBright 400 watt High Pressure Sodium Bulb
Product Number: LAM-GB400HPS

GROWBRIGHT 400 watt HPS High Pressure Sodium HIGH OUTPUT Spectrally Enhanced LIGHT BULB

55,000 LUMENS!

GrowBright 600 watt High Pressure Sodium Bulb
Product Number: LAM-GB600HPS


95,000 LUMENS!

AgroMax 400 watt High Pressure Sodium Bulb
Product Number: LAM-AM400HPS

For use with 400 watt HPS systems

High Output = 55,000 lumens !!!

AgroMax 600 watt High Pressure Sodium Bulb
Product Number: LAM-AM600HPS

For use with 600 watt HPS systems

High Output = 95,000 lumens !!!

Hortilux Super HPS Lamp 400 Watt
Product Number: LAM-HOR400HPS

Extend the growing season to 365 days a year with EYE HORTILUXTM grow lamps. Choose EYE Hortilux lamps to raise your lighting system to a new level of performance, optimizing spectral energy levels that promote vigorous plant growth.

Hortilux Super HPS Enhanced Spectrum 400 Watt grow lamp delivers 55000 lumens

Hortilux Super HPS Lamp 600W
Product Number: LAM-HOR600HPS

Extend the growing season to 365 days a year with EYE Hortilux grow lamps. Choose EYE Hortilux lamps to raise your lighting system to a new level of performance and optimize spectral energy levels to promote vigorous plant growth.

The Hortilux is our best 600-watt HPS lamp for spectral and lumen output. A strong yellow-orange-red HPS light for fruiting and flowering is supplemented with a 20-25% increase in the blue spectrum for healthy, compact vegetative growth. 600-watt universal lamp emits 85,000 lumens.