Which hydro system makes most sense for me?


Well-Known Member
I'd rather not run an ebb and flow because I feel like it is too simple and I could get better results with a little more complex system system? is this true?
Hmm from true iv been doing hydro for 7 years now. Rule of thumb IMO if it could go wrong it will. So why make it more complicating? simplyfi the shit out of it. If you want to experiment with something play with the feeding schedule and lighting. U can check my grow out in my sig i blew over 20gs on. Construction/hydroponics 14grand out of that was lights, liquid lumens to make it more interesting and different hydro set up, had aeroponics, bubble ponics, drip, u name it it was in there. I now only grow ebb & flow SOG after years of expermienting and thousands of dollars spend i aint ever going back. And im sure a lot of great growers on this web site that would agree with me look up Al B. Fuct SOG simple and VERY effective. Good Luck bro.


Well I live in the desert so I don't think my plants would mind soaking in the pool for a while anyway. They'll take any moisture they can get I guess. Hmmmmm, I wonder if we could cross breed a cannabis plant with a succulent?
All different hydro setups have their pros and cons compared to others. IMHO, ebb and flow (flood and drain) is the most forgiving in terms of a power failure and doesn't use misters, drippers, or emitters that can clog up from time to time.
Again, IMHO a ebb & flow is a good choice for a first hydro. The roots are protected for a few hours if there is a power failure. More than a few hours of power loss you can manually flood the tray by pulling buckets of water from your res. and dumping it in the tray by hand. That will give you another few hours hoping the power comes back on so you get your lights back on.