having an attitude because instigators fuck with you isn't the same as being insane. i have an uppity attitude, but i don't hear voices and actually have a VERY keen grasp on reality i assure you. i just don't suffer fools at all, not a millimeter. someone starts crap, i escalate. i WILL accept being called an asshole though. that's much more accurate, but only to those that deserve it. i'll actually be the FIRST one in a room that jumps to the defense of an underdog that others try to social climb over, especially if the person is nice and harmless. i have nothing but contempt for the poop flinging crap people pull almost every minute of their life. refusing to join in those reindeer games, share in lies, conspire, get over on others and all of that contemptible crap makes ME the asshole. OK, fine, but from my perspective, it's the other way around. i'm only a jerk to those that ask for it and have absolutely no diplomatic skills or interest in being flexible like typical kissass sheep that go with the flow. not me, not ever, unless it's flowing in a positive and productive direction which almost never happens in american evil corrupt society. the REAL aholes like to respond "if you don't like it, then go", but then there'll be no one left to fight the good fight, and i can't let that happen.
there's so much crap that's wrong in this world, oh, like global warming and corporate scum screwing us over at every turn that they get away with because MOST people's instinct is to go with the flow and protect the status quo whether it's right or not. that's how assholes like adolph hitler and rupert murdoch etc. get away with all the shit they do. not up in my space, EVER.