Where's the meat heads?

thump easy

Well-Known Member
Big fuckin dog. I have a pit bull who weighs like 80 lbs he's a year and a half. He will probably get around 110 lbs Dude don't be embarrassed you gotta start somewhere. I fuckin hate when people make others feel out of place in the gym. I'm like mother fucker they are here to get shit done and obtain what they want. Lay off.
I havent been to the gym but what i hate most of all is when meat head get all roided out and start pacing or bitching cause your on the wieghts i fucken hate that im a fighter i wont hesitate to take one to the chin, i fucken hate that with a pasion i never acted like that wen i was all juiced out size doesnt mean nothing to a fighter but it means alot in a compatition for body building.. and thats why i havent been going thinking i will get into an altercation...


Active Member
Oh yeah or the fuckin guy who hogs like 4 pieces of equipment. I'm like bitch I'm big too and I don't think my work out is more important than yours so if you are going to do that come during hours when no ones there. Other people pay the same amount you do!


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah or the fuckin guy who hogs like 4 pieces of equipment. I'm like bitch I'm big too and I don't think my work out is more important than yours so if you are going to do that come during hours when no ones there. Other people pay the same amount you do!
No danger for me there. I hardly think anyone is going to hog ab mats and sissy bars LOL

Here is what we have to do today. The ab part, no prob, the rest? Looks like Greek to me Wish me luck, Im off …..

SWOD - Back Squat 3×5 (everyone add 5# to last week, unless you failed, then try last week’s weight again)

Option B – 5 Rounds, Prowler (down and back = 1 round)

WOD – “Annie”

50-40-30-20-10 of…

Double Unders

Ab Mats

3, 2, 1…Go!

Ab Challenge:

45 Ab Mats

30 Crunches

30 Leg Raises

:35 plank


Active Member
I just have a problem with crossfit because it's not actually training or progression. You just do a bunch of randomness. It's great for getting into shape. But passed that it's useless. I do hate that the founder said his athletes are better than professionals. If that's the case why the fuck aren't they playing professional sports? That and the people who have won the crossfit games even don't actually do crossfit to train for the games. Because there is no solid progression.


Well-Known Member
I just have a problem with crossfit because it's not actually training or progression. You just do a bunch of randomness. It's great for getting into shape. But passed that it's useless. I do hate that the founder said his athletes are better than professionals. If that's the case why the fuck aren't they playing professional sports? That and the people who have won the crossfit games even don't actually do crossfit to train for the games. Because there is no solid progression.
I see your point. For me it's a good jumping off point. You're supposed to progress but I haven't even begun to chart my progress yet. Just getting form down first. It's the only wt. training type gym near me so I'm limited that way.


Well-Known Member
Used to lift with some bulls at a local gym, but then I had some health/back issues and now I gotta take it easy. I did like 8 months seriously, 3 or 4 times a week, the most I benched was 130 pounds. Now I got a couple of 20 pound dumbbells here at home, try to pick 'em regularly.


Active Member
I tore my pec and had major surgery man I know the pain. This is my passion so I'm going to get back to my former glory lol


Active Member
There's people passionate about steroids just like there are people passionate about marijuana. That comment was rather irrelevant. I haven't taken anything in over two years and don't plan on it. But the steroid users I've all met are extremely intelligent people. That are passionate about there sport and get the edge. When 90% of professional athletes are taking some type of performs enhancing drug if you want to win you do the same. That's how it goes.


Active Member
Also my passions is lifting weights. Not steroids. So don't assume things which you don't know about.

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
My firefighter buddy is doing the ninja warrior thing. He can run up walls. He's a rock climber, high strength to weight ratio. Very impressive

thump easy

Well-Known Member
wait a second steriods are asome!! you can give a dumie steriods and he wont work out and go no were, but you can give the poshion to an person with pasion, and dedication its hard work non stop its no joke hitting platoes cycling eating right its hard fucken work its like trying to run a growing opp.. its hard work and its not easy... for realz if your bitch made you might get swollen for a minute but if your dedicated and have all the supplements and drive its all good not all meat heads are fighters and not all meat heads are dicks thier are some cool ass mother fuckers that love the ganja and the weights, respect to those that do it..


Active Member
Dude American ninja warrior is bad ass!!! I love rock climbing. There's a small bluff next to a river where I live me and my brother in law climb. I haven't found any good climbing spots in Indiana. When I lived in MO and NC there were tons. They do have a pretty nice rock climbing gym here but it's just not the same lol


Active Member
I have a frien like that also. He weighs like 140 but can almost hang with me doing weighted pull ups. I've gotten up to 90lbs for 3 he's done it for 1. It was bad ass. I outweigh him by like 60-70 lbs. he's a beast though