Where's the meat heads?


Active Member
Just playing about the meat head term. But for real who all lifts weights here? If so shoot out your current numbers and what's your goals are and if you have any crazy injuries let's hear the story!


Well-Known Member
Dont lift anymore all that much, just crossfit. Blew out my shoulder benching 315 when i was 19 and stopped using weights for the most part just do isotonic exercises now.

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Well-Known Member
I workout with a 24kg kettle bell. Do pretty much only full range of motion exercises like snatches, cleans swings etc.
I dont have a plan nor do i workout regularly, i.e one week i could do it 2 to 3 times and none the next week due to physical labour.
I just make complexes with like 5 or 6 exercises for each arm which usually take 1 minute to do both arms and rest 30 seconds. Or just simple interval trainining.
Even though my trainning is very irregular and not very well strucutred i feel strong and lifting shit when i work or have to walk with heavy loads or even throwing about my 30kg niece around and picking her up doesnt make me break a sweat nor start panting. Even stamina wise im above average id risk saying for spanish standards.
I used to do cleans and snatches with a barbell too when i used to go to the gym. I could snatch 50kg and clean 60kg. I really like snatching a barbell with not much weight fucking amazing exercise!


Well-Known Member
One time in 10th grade I benched 310

I stopped working out and my max for one rep is 160

I'm trying to get into simi pro football

I'm starting to work out more now

Maybe I'll make pro but I highly doubt it

Im 225 and 5'11 and played nose guard

I have to jog about 3 miles a day so I jog half a mile and walk for 5 mins and jog another half mile and walked for 5 minutes

Get it??

Thats the best way to get alot of running in

I live in a hilly terrain so hill sprints are easy

Plus I hike alot and camp out


Well-Known Member
I just started…. God help me. LOL! Just learning all the basics and so far I'm retarded at anything like deadlifting, cleans, etc.


Active Member
Right on. It's nice to hear others into working out. I got up to 230 and like 10% body fat tore my pec benchin 465 in dec of 12 got it surgically reattached to my humerus but it didn't take at the MT junction. Gnarley scar. I'm back at it though I one rep maxed a month or so ago at 390 on bench. I'm shooting for 405 before the end of the year. My dead lift is 540 and squats I did 405 for 4 a few weeks ago. The fourth one was a little shady I barely hit parallel but the first three were well below. I love to back pack also. Hiking trails etc. anything outdoors in the bees knees lol


Active Member
Jim wendler said if you are walking you better be pushing something very heavy lol he's a freaking beast!


Well-Known Member
I whould start a 4 week cycle of roids but I don't want to fuck myself up any further than I already am


Active Member
4 week cycle? Dude what would you run for 4 weeks and see any type of gains besides an oral which would go just as quick as it came? How old are you?

thump easy

Well-Known Member
l.jpg im about to jump back on the sause my doctors getting me a script for test id like to get on hgh as i was from a doctor in arizona. goal is to stop growing for a minute and start hitting the gym againstock-photo-fat-man-with-smoking-a-cigar-and-holding-a-oz-beer-56680288.jpgthis is me know


Active Member
What Esther of test? Dude GH is where it's at for growth and over all amazing feeling. I've never done it to pricey but a friend of mine ran it for like 15 months I think. I've done my fair share of gear. I've been off everything since the injury trying to stable out before I do anything again. I've got enough test E to run 15 weeks but don't have the proper ancillaries to run it and not worry about any negative sides.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
What Esther of test? Dude GH is where it's at for growth and over all amazing feeling. I've never done it to pricey but a friend of mine ran it for like 15 months I think. I've done my fair share of gear. I've been off everything since the injury trying to stable out before I do anything again. I've got enough test E to run 15 weeks but don't have the proper ancillaries to run it and not worry about any negative sides.
actually i love the growth deca, test all three wini, all the fucken gear have you tried igf its bomb i to got injured in practice i was upside down couldnt tap out and the guy riped my fucken shoulder out i was fucked for a year or so and this growing thing just fucked me up im all confused, since i dont chase pussy anymore im not shure what the fuck to do grow became an opsesion..

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
I've gotta do all this shit and cardio. I know what I'm doing just have to kick it into gear... been over baked for away too long lol. At 180 I'd like to drop 15 and it'll will happen if I get off ass for heart.


Active Member
This is right after I destroyed my shit lol right before surgery. The hardest part was coming back psyche wise.

