Where were you on 9/11

Fahrenheit 9/11 showed Bush's reaction when an aide came up and whispered in his ear what had happened. Bush kept right on, unflinching and without interruption.
I was at jr high school... it snowed while it was sunny and warm durring lunch for several minutes. Freaked me out man... it doesnt snow in sacramento ever. Last time it was reported was the late 1800's
to this day i just hate iraqis if it was a "secret job" it was a success,they like started a generation to hate middle-easterners, great to start a war.

no reason to hate middle easterners when they were just the pawns,the people to hate are the Saudi royalty & our own government,the plans to take down 7 middle eastern country's were drawn up well before 9/11 as we now know to be true.
As much as I think W. was the biggest moron president we've ever had, I actually feel sorry for the guy everytime i see that footage of him getting the news in that classroom.

He once claimed that he thought they meant a small single engine private plane hit the building...

shit happens fast...especially with that fuckin' guy...
I was a junior in high school. I arrived to school to 3rd period algebra late like a good little stoner, high as fuck. Everyone was watching the tv and I was all like "fuck yeah, we're watching a video today". Then the teacher was like "shut the fuck up Neo, a plane just crashed into a building in New York." Then we saw the second. I was no longer high.