Where were you on 9/11


Well-Known Member
Sittin' home waiting to go to work .................. Wife was all stressed out so I took the night off and stayed home and got fucked up with her ......................


Well-Known Member
I was a junior in high school. I arrived to school to 3rd period algebra late like a good little stoner, high as fuck. Everyone was watching the tv and I was all like "fuck yeah, we're watching a video today". Then the teacher was like "shut the fuck up Neo, a plane just crashed into a building in New York." Then we saw the second. I was no longer high.
Wow you're a youngster neo! You know you have to be at least 18 years of age to use this website, right?


Well-Known Member
Working for the Clerk of Court's Misdemeanor office (there is irony there), I went into military mode, but wasn't much that anyone could do.

We were under Anthrax mail scare at Court House. I got laid off with two weeks pay because I was showing weird flu like symptoms. It was a head cold. This was near Embry Riddle in Florida.


Well-Known Member
I was omw to work at Harley Davidson of Dallas and heard about the 1st plane crashing into the tower. Traffic was pretty heavy, but ppl were pulling over on the side of the highway and getting out of their cars. I raced around the traffic bc I was really close to work. I got there and ran to the back of the shop where I knew the mechanics had a small tv. They were all gatheerrd around watching and then I started to watch ,and just then 2nd plane hit the tower. Everyone was quiet at work that day, some of the girls were crying. Alot of shock that day. For the next 3 days people were being super nice to each other. I knew it wouldnt last , but it felt nice while it did. Damn you Bush, you piece of crap


Well-Known Member
I was omw to work at Harley Davidson of Dallas and heard about the 1st plane crashing into the tower. Traffic was pretty heavy, but ppl were pulling over on the side of the highway and getting out of their cars. I raced around the traffic bc I was really close to work. I got there and ran to the back of the shop where I knew the mechanics had a small tv. They were all gatheerrd around watching and then I started to watch ,and just then 2nd plane hit the tower. Everyone was quiet at work that day, some of the girls were crying. Alot of shock that day. For the next 3 days people were being super nice to each other. I knew it wouldnt last , but it felt nice while it did. Damn you Bush, you piece of crap
I don't know who the bigger tool is? Bush or Obama, it's amazing we haven't nuked ourselves yet.


Well-Known Member
I was, ironically, building a building. A buddy of mine with Holder Engineering called me in to help him with the Gwinnett Arena plans. We had just come in from the site and were going over the drawings when somebody poked their head in and told us a plane had hit the World Trade Center.

We didn't have a TV on site, so it wasn't until I got home a few hours later than I found out everything that happened.

I can't drive past that arena (or sit in it listening to Eric Clapton play like I did two years ago) without thinking about that day.


Well-Known Member
I was omw to work at Harley Davidson of Dallas and heard about the 1st plane crashing into the tower. Traffic was pretty heavy, but ppl were pulling over on the side of the highway and getting out of their cars. I raced around the traffic bc I was really close to work. I got there and ran to the back of the shop where I knew the mechanics had a small tv. They were all gatheerrd around watching and then I started to watch ,and just then 2nd plane hit the tower. Everyone was quiet at work that day, some of the girls were crying. Alot of shock that day. For the next 3 days people were being super nice to each other. I knew it wouldnt last , but it felt nice while it did. Damn you Bush, you piece of crap
What you know bout d-town


Well-Known Member
Stuck in the arsecrack of Australia. Alice Springs... Getting harassed by feral abbos around the shopping centre. And being called a white dog cunt because I wouldn't give the smelly fuckers anything.


Well-Known Member
I was about a half hour away on Long Island. I was home from work listening to Stern on an old portable boombox. I wasn't really paying attention until a few minutes into shit hitting the fan. My friend had the good sense to put in a blank tape and hit record. It was bleak, we all sort of just froze and stared at each other. "Robin, they are saying that something just hit one of the towers....did you guys feel that?" The stark panic in the studio only fanned the flames. Awful day.


Well-Known Member
I was in school, English class. I walked in and the tv was on, and I looked up right as the second plane impacted.

I remember thinking, why? What was happening? We left school for the day, and those events set me on a path that I walked for a long time.

I remember that in that classroom, there was still a blackboard (green board), the carpet was gray, I remember my English teachers face, everyone's faces. My desk was squeaky on one corner if you put your weight just right.

We were supposed to turn in our book reports for great expectations, and give a presentation.

It's strange, the things I remember about that day.