Where to move in Cali, any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Santa Cruz is in Nor Cal. Don't know you said it wasn't. I live just on the other side of the hill, about 20 minutes to an hour from San Jose, depending on traffic. Meta already said it, its almost impossible to get in the scene. It's flooded out here. I'm moving to Oregon in the next few yrs. My girlfriend is already there. You want cheap? Oregon... you can rent a 1500sq ft home for a 1000 bucks. It rains a lot but I here the summers are nice. Oregonians aren't too receptive to outsiders, unless they themselves are an out of stater as well. I love Ca been here my entire life weather is awesome, ppl are cool but the job. market sux, and again really expensive. Good luck either way. If you make it to my area hit me up so long as I'm still here that is. Stay high.


Well-Known Member
Crscent City isn't the best place but 20 minutes from the OR Border and you can take advantage of Several killer locals both in OR and close by in CA


Active Member
lol, why is everyone set on selling to the shops? patient to patient is where the $$ is, and trust me if you can get a good energy efficient setup going, you'll make your money.....I've been living in San Diego for awhile and it is possible, the fact that there's a shit load of people with MMJ recs pretty much assures you'll make your $$, maybe not as much as you are thinking, but definately enough to have a nice place and be able to eat. Most of the shops here are long gone, the people are hurting and I've seen some horrible stuff passed around from delivery places and at shops that open for like five months then get raided, if your stuff is any good, you'll be okay.

I've never posted here yet, but I couldn't take this abuse for Cali.. at least SD... just get a rec, reach out to other patients, and there you go.

** It doesn't hurt to have a day job either **


Well-Known Member
What you need to do us find out which state has it on the ballot, as soon as it passes (like in a day or 2) move there and get shit started. It will soon get flooded like everywhere else. By the way Oregon is a grow your own state, they aren't big on dispensaries (spelling?) Stay high.


Well-Known Member
I have only been to S.D. once and I loved it, beautiful women and weather and the zoo was cool(even though I am against zoos)....but that was when i was 19 so 13 ish years ago...so much has changed..feds everywhere and border problems...would go further north if you are set on cali...I would skip Cali and stay where you are at..you have years of making connections where you are at now ..you willing to trade that for dealing with strangers with the feds creeping everywhere like cockroaches.


Well-Known Member
you could always live in your parents basement and work at a hydro store that you claim to own...

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That's funny, I went to a store the other day for the first time and the guy goes, I've worked, I've managed this store for about 9 months... my wife and I had a good laugh about that guy, he was so clueless, I wouldn't of let him manage my Fantasy Football team.
Yup, the local Cali's have posted facts, tho you might not get a disease everytime you get brushed against by a stranger (LOL) at McD's...but what they've said is mostly true. Housing whether you rent or buy in any areas where there are decent jobs (didn't say there are any openings tho) is rifuckingdiculous.....even if you buy a foreclosed home here, usually it will be $100,000. + for something the previous owners may have ripped out every cupboard, sink, toilet, flooring etc from. I got my house for a steal at nearly $250,000 (I'm in San Bernardino County-nations largest & prolly poorest county). Rent is scewing peeps too, my friend just moved into a 2 bed 1.5 bath 980 sq ft duplex (for her, hubby & their 3 teenaged kids!!) & pays $1250./mo with no utilities except trash paid by the landlord. Car insurance here is a MUST & costs a pretty penny...I don't know how groceries & organic produce prices are elsewhere but here, they gouge ya. Anywhere near the larger cities is the same, really. Nor Cal (not the bay area) is a bit better overall, when I visit my fam in Weed (yeah, that's the name of the town! hilarious, huh?) it's pretty laid back, life seems like it flows slower & has so much better weather in the summer time, but bbrrrrrr bitches it's cold as shiz up there in the winter! So Cal, once you get about 20 miles inland from the ocean, the summer heat is pretty bad, the smog isn't as bad as it used to be, but it's there, fuckin up the skyline views mostly daily, then the santa ana winds make you crazy (scientific fact! maybe lol) then we have fire season (started a week ago, lasts till mid-November) then there's mudflow when we get a storm (anywhere else it's considered a rain shower) cause our hills are always loaded with dead dry ugly brush. The so Cal news is hilarious whenever we get wet weather they go on "Storm Watch" & act like we've got hurricanes coming. As long as you got the fat roll o'money supply, patience for traffic & assholes, then come on over to Cali...otherwise, check out Colorado....it's awesome & where I'm heading to in the next 7-10 years. Good luck whatever you decide!


Well-Known Member
If you move to Cali come to Los Angeles. If you know how to hustle you can sit on your ass here and still make a living. And im not talking about illegal shit here either. LA is pretty much a place where you can get rich for the most obscure shit. Plus weed is basically legal, theres always new dispensaries opening up that are looking for vendors, and the mexican females here are out of this world.


Well-Known Member
Where was that little girl being held hostage in Cali? that place might be ok..if you can hide a human hostage in makeshift camps in your yard, should be not hard to grow some trees without being harassed.


Well-Known Member
Where was that little girl being held hostage in Cali? that place might be ok..if you can hide a human hostage in makeshift camps in your yard, should be not hard to grow some trees without being harassed.
I'd recommend Elephant Butte in New Mexico if that's your kinda gig.......


Well-Known Member
Skyhigh has it right.... anything above and beyond Sacramento is beautiful... lots of trees and lakes, get some snow and brutal heat. Down south you have Santa ana winds and in nor cal (actually Oakland) has the diablo winds. Both. Affect fire season. Although few and far in between beware of earthquakes. Stay high.