Where (SF Bay Area) Can I Get a Recommendation with Higher Plant Limits?

I was thinkin about that 99 FAT trees tho... and the prob is with most of these high plant recs, you still have the 5lb dried product limit or whatever they put down.

5 lb processed! Just get rid of # as you trim, or keep them at another spot.

So when you've got 99 12 foot tall monsters with 1-2lbs a piece on em... someone may suspect you're maybe going to go a teensy bit over your dried limit.

As long as it's not processed they can think that all they want, their speculation doesn't constitute a crime. Police value bud by the plant # anyways. They treat a clone the same as a 15 foot tree. Plant size doesn't factor in.

But yeah, Santa Cruz is awesome and has some of the best laws in the state.

The real reason Santa Cruz is awesome is because they've banned CAMP helicopters making large scale outdoor growing very low risk. CAMP got too aggressive one year and flew it's helicopter low so the wind would rip the plastic top off a greenhouse they suspected of being a grow. Turns out that greenhouse was part of a school program and their were kids inside. The country got pissed off and banned camp.

If you're up in the mountains there, it's one of the few places where CAMP has no mandate. So now if you live in rural Santa Cruz and have a gate going onto your property, it's almost impossible for cops to fuck with you.
I was thinkin about that 99 FAT trees tho... and the prob is with most of these high plant recs, you still have the 5lb dried product limit or whatever they put down. So when you've got 99 12 foot tall monsters with 1-2lbs a piece on em...

One more thing to think about is, well-tended 12' outdoor monsters yield a whole lot more than 1-2 lbs each. Like double or triple that or more, depending on strain. You have 99 of them all popping at once, what now? Plan on paying $150/lb to trim it, and that's if you can find good trimmers in late fall. Or you can go drop $6000 on a Tumbleweed, but you'll still need help, and it will look like average commercial crap. Then you gotta dry and cure it. Then you sit on it for a few months before anyone is even interested in looking at it and insulting you by offering $900/lb, unless you have folks out of state lined up.

Not trying to discourage, but you're gonna need some real cash set aside to see that size grow to fruition.
That's hilarious about CAMP terrifying a green house full of kiddies. I love hearing about hilarious law enforcement goof ups, especially concerning cannabis. I've heard about a few cases where a law enforcement agency makes a big drug bust and someone decides each plant in the bust was valued at some high number like $7,000/a plant. Then a few months later the same agency wrongfully seizes someones legal medical crop, and when charges are dropped, they get stuck compensating the legal growers for their ruined crop... at the rate of $7k per clone, as thats what the department valued them at in the past.

DSM- You're completely right about that kind of op being a lot to handle, and I'm certainly not looking to go that big. I'm more planning on utilizing those extra plants I'm allowed to run experiments and to learn about methods/strategies/technologies/breeding and other things I might want incorporate in the future, while I also maintain a regular perpetual indoor crop at the same time.

I'm looking to set myself up in a situation where I can learn and absorb as much as I can about growing, strains, and the science behind cannabis over the next few years. I like the idea of being able to dabble in hydro, or outdoor, or maybe a green house... or whatever... just being able to explore and learn about this awesome plant in my own way, on my own time. I'm aware I'm pretty much talking about full time gardening/trimming and if anything, I can't wait to get that life started. My current situation is complicated but I do have an abundance of free time to plan and things are slowly starting to line up as far as getting my resources together. I'm hoping to be getting the ball rolling by the end of the summer. :bigjoint:
As long as you are aware of what you're doing. We must remember that cops are stupid. They will get MMJ cards, (of course), & go to dispenseries like patients to hear gossip. They will follow & investigate for five years. They know that the 5 LB limit is for your HOME and not your car. When they arrest you on your way to sell at a dispensary, they wll immediately seize your bank accounts. No money...no bail. Now you have to get a Public Pretender. My nephew graduated from one of the top the law schools in the country. They hired him as a DA. The grads from the also ran schools are public defenders. Judges and Governors were usually ex-DA's. Remember, cops are stupid...just be aware of what you're doing.