Dan Kone
Well-Known Member
I was thinkin about that 99 FAT trees tho... and the prob is with most of these high plant recs, you still have the 5lb dried product limit or whatever they put down.
5 lb processed! Just get rid of # as you trim, or keep them at another spot.
So when you've got 99 12 foot tall monsters with 1-2lbs a piece on em... someone may suspect you're maybe going to go a teensy bit over your dried limit.
As long as it's not processed they can think that all they want, their speculation doesn't constitute a crime. Police value bud by the plant # anyways. They treat a clone the same as a 15 foot tree. Plant size doesn't factor in.
But yeah, Santa Cruz is awesome and has some of the best laws in the state.
The real reason Santa Cruz is awesome is because they've banned CAMP helicopters making large scale outdoor growing very low risk. CAMP got too aggressive one year and flew it's helicopter low so the wind would rip the plastic top off a greenhouse they suspected of being a grow. Turns out that greenhouse was part of a school program and their were kids inside. The country got pissed off and banned camp.
If you're up in the mountains there, it's one of the few places where CAMP has no mandate. So now if you live in rural Santa Cruz and have a gate going onto your property, it's almost impossible for cops to fuck with you.