• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

where do you growers here stand politically? conservative or a liberals?


Well-Known Member
AND hillary sure is looking haggard these days
what ever success she has had has taken ALOT out of her-maybe she has reached her ZENITH?
if that's the case it's too bad -she hasn't really done that much
i don't have many facts i just know i don't hear her name connected much with ground breaking policy?


Well-Known Member
what ever success she has had has taken ALOT out of her-maybe she has reached her ZENITH?
if that's the case it's too bad -she hasn't really done that much
i don't have many facts i just know i don't hear her name connected much with ground breaking policy?
Have to bring back some 2007 for a minute:

Yeah she has lived a pretty insignificant life.


Well-Known Member
1. Offended the Queen of England.

2. Bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia.

3. Praised the Marxist Daniel Ortega.

4. Kissed Socialist Hugo Chavez on the cheek.

5. Endorsed the Socialist Evo Morales of Bolivia.

6. Sided with Hugo Chavez and Communist Fidel Castro against Honduras.

7. Announced we would meet with Iranians with no pre-conditions while they're building their nuclear weapons.

8. Gave away billions to AIG also without pre-conditions.

9. Expanded the bailouts.

10. Insulted everyone who has ever loved a Special Olympian.

11. Quadrupled our national debt.

12. Announced the termination of our new missile defense system the day after North Korea launched an ICBM.

13. Released information on U.S. intelligence gathering despite urgings of his own CIA director and the prior four CIA directors.

14. Accepted without comment that five of his cabinet members cheated on their taxes and two other nominees withdrew after they couldn't take the heat.

15. Appointed a Homeland Security Chief who identified military veterans and abortion opponents as "dangers to the nation."

16. Ordered that the word "terrorism" no longer be used and instead refers to such acts as "man-made disasters."

17. Circled the globe to publicly apologize for America's world leadership. How’s that for embolding and empowering our Enemies?

18. Told the Mexican president that the violence in their country was because of us.

19. Politicized the census by moving it into the White House from the Department of Commerce.

20. Appointed as Attorney General the man who orchestrated the forced removal and expulsion to Cuba of a 9-year-old whose mother died trying to bring him to freedom in the United States.

21. Salutes as heroes three Navy SEALS who took down three terrorists who threatened one American life and the next day announces members of the Bush administration may stand trial for "torturing" three 9/11 terrorists by pouring water up their noses.

22. Low altitude photo shoot of Air Force One over New York City that frightened thousands of New Yorkers.

23. Sent his National Defense Advisor to Europe to assure them that the US will no longer treat Israel in a special manner and they might be on their own with the Muslims.

24. Praised Jimmy Carter's trip to Gaza where he sided with terrorist Hamas against Israel.

25. Nationalized General Motors and Chrysler while turning shareholder control over to the unions and freezing out retired investors who owned their bonds. Committed unlimited taxpayer billions in the process.

26. Passed a huge energy tax in the House that will make American industry even less competitive while costing homeowners thousands per year.

27. Announced nationalized health care "reform" that will strip seniors of their Medicare, cut pay of physicians, increase taxes yet another $1 trillion, and put everyone on rationed care with government bureaucrats deciding who gets care and who doesn't.

28) Told a paid crowd that Americans that don't support government run healthcare are "wee-weed"

29) Takes a vacation on Martha’s Vineyard on Taxpayers dime when Americans are hurting badly and he takes the vacation on the start of Ramadan. Hmmmmmmm.

30) FEMA camps are being set up all over the entire country, watch out folks.

31) Lied about the number of jobs created (confirmed) by stimulus package that stimulated nothing…

32) Failed in securing H1N1 vaccines as promised in Spring

33) Never disclose extremist friends in his background

34) General McCrystals recommendations to send 40K troops have been ignored for over four months while American Troops are dying...October-09, is the worst month for American causalities since the start of the war

35) Never having been a manager of ANYTHING like Governor of a State; how the hell does Obama think he’s going to lead a nation out of the debt he’s gotten us into?

36) Increased the National Debt 4X since assuming the helm

37) Administration Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview on 11/15 at 6:00 P/M

38) FORT HOOD: First Terrorist Attack on American soil since 9/11…But does not jump to conclusions

39) Obama did not attend the Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall; George W. Bush was instrumental in getting this torn down…

40) Poor handling of the Police officer/Black Professor incident…

41) Been on Television more than any other American president

42) Failed to secure Summer Olympics in Chicago…

43) Treating admitted terrorist of 9/11 like “common” criminals, and extending citizen rights to war crimes criminals.

44) Obama perceived as “WEAK” per body gestures from trips to Asia.

45) its not longer PC to say War on Terror…Now the white house calls it Man Made Disasters.

46) Obama recently admitted that his over-spending leading to this nation’s staggering debt could contribute to future double digit inflation.

47) Recent attempted bombing of Airliner by Yemini Terrorist during Christmas 2009

48) Obama admitted Security failed in preventing the 23 year old terrorist from boarding the jet. But that’s OK; Security was going to interrogate him once the jet landed. What about if the explosives in the terrorist underpants were detonated?

49) Eight (8) times Obama said he would use CSPAN for transparency in “his” government. And so far, CSPAN has only shown one hour. Yet the Health Care Program continues to move forward, and making deals behind closed doors w/out a Single Republican Present.

is this close?


Well-Known Member
is this close?
1/2 is laughable if people believe it actually matters. 1/4 is political garbage and pisspoor posturing, 1/8 lies, and 1/8 tough decisions that ramifications are not fully understood yet (or at least not by the masses).

So no I don't think it actually does. Maybe lets filter out the actual government laws that are passed from the few months that the dems have had 60 seats, and go from there about why it matters if this dude won or not, or was this about Hilary making everyone weak, I lost track of the crazy that gets spewed here.


New Member
So I ask:

And you come back with:

Well hell, I feel bad for Carter for having a weak Hillary, and poor old Bill for having to be married to a weak person.

Seriously do you stop to read what your writing sometimes? Or is it really you are just bored and decide to try to pick a argument?
I was referring to Hillary in those posts? What do I base my criteria on for Carter, Clinton being weak Presidents? Just look at the foreign policy failures during both of the administrations. Carter and his sweater attitude brought Afghanistan, and the Iranian hostages. It also illustrated carters total inability to deal with the two crisis'.

Clinton is even more glaring. Just look at the timelines of Al Queda attacks and Clintons responses (nil & none). Then just for a hoot, read up on how Clinton gutted the CIA and FBI right when getting an accurate read on our enemy might have prevented lives.

Both of those Presidents projected their weakness to the world. they thought that being President of the USA was some sort of popularity contest. That somehow, if we can just get other ppl to like us.... we'll be safe.


Obama is doing the exact same thing, and guess what, our friends are distancing themselves and our enemies are emboldened and more than willing to take advantage, and so far, advantage has been given WILLINGLY by a very NAIVE President. It seems to be a pattern of the last 3 democrat Presidents. It all goes back to Vietnam. Keep the Dem's in Congress (in balanced proportions), but keep them out of the White House.
It only costs us down the road. The price is too high.


Well-Known Member
Then just for a hoot, read up on how Clinton gutted the CIA and FBI right when getting an accurate read on our enemy might have prevented lives.
I have actually looked at this before.

Those cuts, started under Bush Sr. And he was the director of the CIA, Clinton just did exactly what Bush wanted to do but did not have time to follow through.

So your saying that by following what Bush was tough right, it is Clinton that is weak by allowing Bush's changes to continue?

Who better to know what to cut (old red curtain relics mostly) than the ex CIA director that happens to be president.


To answer the question I am a conservative. To wit, I vote Republican. Though I take issue on the Republican stance on drugs such as MJ. I pay my taxes and im no terrorist or direct supporter of terrorism.(indirectly through my government perhaps)


New Member
During eight years, Clinton decimated America's military. Our forces were cut almost in half under his stewardship. Research and development on all new weapons systems were brought almost to a halt as other nations continued to build. Clinton destroyed nearly our entire arsenal of tactical nuclear weapons. Monsters like Saddam flourished as Clinton bombed aspirin factories, tent cities in Afghanistan and worthless radar stations in the Iraqi desert.
These are open facts, easily verifiable.

But Clinton, the ever-clever bastard, was more insidious. Little, systematic changes were undertaken to destroy America's intelligence agencies.
Let me explain. A regular NewsMax reader, "Roger," was a CIA spy in the Mideast.
I met him almost two years ago. Roger wanted to tell me why a gung-ho American quit the CIA in disgust. Roger said the CIA was not interested in recruiting spies.
Clinton and company knew they could not just tell the CIA to stop recruiting spies. That would look stupid and embarrassing.
So they just changed the rules of how spies are recruited, raising the bar on requirements to such a high degree that the most valuable spies could never meet CIA standards and couldn't work for us.
Previously, I wrote how Clinton effectively stopped the recruitment of Chinese nationals by demanding that only high-ranking embassy officials could be recruited – knowing this is almost impossible.
Roger told me that. Roger reminded me again of this today. He noted that Clinton policies reached their zenith under CIA Director John Deutch and his top assistant, Nora Slatkin. The pair ran Clinton's CIA in the mid-1990s and implemented a "human rights scrub" policy.
Here's how Roger described it in an e-mail Tuesday evening: "Deutch and Nora, Clinton's anti-intelligence plants, implemented a universal 'human rights scrub' of all assets, virtually shutting down operations for 6 months to a year. This was after something happened in Central America (there was an American woman involved who was the common law wife of a commie who went missing there) that got a lot of bad press for the agency.
"After that, each asset had to be certified as being 'clean for human rights violations.'
"What this did was to put off limits, in effect, terrorists, criminals, and anyone else who would have info on these kinds of people."
Roger says the CIA, even under new leadership, has never recovered from the "Human Rights Scrub" policy.

Perhaps that was the intention.

NewsMax - Christopher Ruddy.


He sums it up nicely. Who helped get 3000+ ppl killed? Clinton, that's who.....

Carter, Clinton, Obama ... three democrat Presidents ... three weak Presidents. Weak Presidents destabilize domestic economies and foreign affairs, then they get voted out, or in Clinton case, leave in shame.


New Member
As President Obama’s first year in office wraps up this week, it’s a good time to review where he stands on fulfilling some of the high-profile promises he made in the campaign and as president. During the campaign, Mr. Obama seemed purposefully vague on what he was actually going to DO as president except promising that he would bring “hope” and “change.” But he did make some notable promises, about 20% of which he seems to have fulfilled.
Here, in descending order is my list of President Obama’s top 10 campaign promises. Let’s start with the two major promises the president’s managed to keep
1. “Date Night.” The first husband promised to take his wife, Michelle out for a “date night” in New York City – and he did. But it came at huge taxpayer expense with Secret Service blanketing Broadway and stopping NYC traffic. An enjoyable, if expensive, time was had by all.
2. “Dog.” He promised to get his children a dog. Bo the Portuguese water dog and the first daughters apparently get along fine. Given the crowded state of animal shelters during the recession, Bo is one lucky pup. Not so the American people.

And here are the 8 remaining promises our president hasn't managed to keep:
3. Unemployment. We were told that if Congress approved the $787 billion stimulus package unemployment would fall from its then-high of 7.6%, (that number already being the highest rate America had seen since 1992) and never climb higher than 8 percent. It’s now at 10% and rising; if you include in that number the number of Americans who’ve given up looking for work, the real unemployment rate is over 17%. This was entirely predictable, because the stimulus bill simply *added* to the government’s debt and didn’t help small businesses to expand and hire new workers.
4. Stimulus Jobs. We were also promised that stimulus projects were “shovel ready” – all they would need would be federal funds, and presto, jobs would come. Not quite. In New Hampshire, by July of 2009, $416 million in stimulus funds had generated a grand total of 50 government jobs – and 34 of them were temporary positions. Sometimes, though, the “shovel” literal did come with the job, as when The New York Times reported that stimulus funds had been used to buy a riding lawnmower for a cemetery. The Obama administration recently claimed that 2 million jobs were saved or created by the stimulus in 2009 but the administration has provided scant evidence for this claim. On the other hand, Hillary Clinton’s pollster received $6 million in stimulus funds, which produced exactly three jobs.
5. Lobbying. Candidate Obama promised in 2007 that “When you walk into my administration, you will not be able to work on regulations or contracts directly related to your former employer for two years.” President Obama issued new ethics regulations, but the White House has already waived them 15 times so far, not least for the Deputy Secretary of Defense and the NASA Administrator. Perhaps he belatedly discovered that he needs to fill the government with experts – but then why make the promise?
6. Middle-class Taxes. On the campaign trail candidate Obama often promised that if you made less than $250,000, your taxes would not go up. Perhaps President Obama doesn’t think fees or other government-imposed costs count as “taxes”. To keep this promise, the president would have to veto both the House and Senate version of health care reform bills, each of which raises fees and costs on people in this financial bracket – in other words, most Americans. The Senate bill, for instance, includes a new marriage penalty and a tax on certain health plans, often employer-provided. Obamacare would also include an individual mandate to obtain health insurance – contrary to his repeated insistence during the campaign that “there is no mandate.”
7. Seniors’ Income Tax. In a related issue, Obama also promised to end the income tax for the 7,000,000 seniors making less than $50,000, “saving them an average of $1,400 a year.” That hasn’t happened; he needs the money to pay for Obamacare, which will actually cut funds for Medicare on which seniors depend.
8. Meeting with Dictators. During the Democratic YouTube debate, Obama famously--if rashly--promised that he would meet without any precondition with the leaders of countries like North Korea, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, and Cuba. Fortunately, other than a photo-op with Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, this hasn’t happened, although Bill Clinton met with North Korean leader Kim Jong Il (or his stunt double).
9. “Card Check.” Obama promised union leaders that this attempt to overturn decades of secret ballot protections for union members would become “the law of the land” if he were elected.” Thankfully, Congress hasn’t obliged him--yet.
10. Swine Flu. In April, Obama said that the government was closely monitoring the H1N1 swine flu and promised appropriate precautions -- but in October HHS announced that there wouldn’t be enough supplies of vaccine for H1N1 flu as they had promised. Senators Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Susan Collins (R-ME) have asked why the government “insisted on promoting a plan for which the federal government did not have anywhere near sufficient resources to implement.”
We should all be glad that Obama has put aside many of his campaign promises. But, after one year in the Oval Office, I think it’s fair to say that Mr. Obama’s supporters didn’t get the “change” that they were expecting.


New Member
I read Natrone's sig with a bigger smile every time I see it. I'm no big fan of the Republicans, but I can see patterns forming from a long way off. :wink:

Anything can happen, and things sometimes change quickly. If Obama doesn't get it together quick, he'll be a one term President.

No more speeches, no more interviews .... just do something to actually help the country, not bury it.


Well-Known Member
As President Obama’s first year in office wraps up this week, it’s a good time to review where he stands on fulfilling some of the high-profile promises he made in the campaign and as president. During the campaign, Mr. Obama seemed purposefully vague on what he was actually going to DO as president except promising that he would bring “hope” and “change.” But he did make some notable promises, about 20% of which he seems to have fulfilled.
Here, in descending order is my list of President Obama’s top 10 campaign promises. Let’s start with the two major promises the president’s managed to keep
1. “Date Night.” The first husband promised to take his wife, Michelle out for a “date night” in New York City – and he did. But it came at huge taxpayer expense with Secret Service blanketing Broadway and stopping NYC traffic. An enjoyable, if expensive, time was had by all.
2. “Dog.” He promised to get his children a dog. Bo the Portuguese water dog and the first daughters apparently get along fine. Given the crowded state of animal shelters during the recession, Bo is one lucky pup. Not so the American people.

And here are the 8 remaining promises our president hasn't managed to keep:
3. Unemployment. We were told that if Congress approved the $787 billion stimulus package unemployment would fall from its then-high of 7.6%, (that number already being the highest rate America had seen since 1992) and never climb higher than 8 percent. It’s now at 10% and rising; if you include in that number the number of Americans who’ve given up looking for work, the real unemployment rate is over 17%. This was entirely predictable, because the stimulus bill simply *added* to the government’s debt and didn’t help small businesses to expand and hire new workers.
4. Stimulus Jobs. We were also promised that stimulus projects were “shovel ready” – all they would need would be federal funds, and presto, jobs would come. Not quite. In New Hampshire, by July of 2009, $416 million in stimulus funds had generated a grand total of 50 government jobs – and 34 of them were temporary positions. Sometimes, though, the “shovel” literal did come with the job, as when The New York Times reported that stimulus funds had been used to buy a riding lawnmower for a cemetery. The Obama administration recently claimed that 2 million jobs were saved or created by the stimulus in 2009 but the administration has provided scant evidence for this claim. On the other hand, Hillary Clinton’s pollster received $6 million in stimulus funds, which produced exactly three jobs.
5. Lobbying. Candidate Obama promised in 2007 that “When you walk into my administration, you will not be able to work on regulations or contracts directly related to your former employer for two years.” President Obama issued new ethics regulations, but the White House has already waived them 15 times so far, not least for the Deputy Secretary of Defense and the NASA Administrator. Perhaps he belatedly discovered that he needs to fill the government with experts – but then why make the promise?
6. Middle-class Taxes. On the campaign trail candidate Obama often promised that if you made less than $250,000, your taxes would not go up. Perhaps President Obama doesn’t think fees or other government-imposed costs count as “taxes”. To keep this promise, the president would have to veto both the House and Senate version of health care reform bills, each of which raises fees and costs on people in this financial bracket – in other words, most Americans. The Senate bill, for instance, includes a new marriage penalty and a tax on certain health plans, often employer-provided. Obamacare would also include an individual mandate to obtain health insurance – contrary to his repeated insistence during the campaign that “there is no mandate.”
7. Seniors’ Income Tax. In a related issue, Obama also promised to end the income tax for the 7,000,000 seniors making less than $50,000, “saving them an average of $1,400 a year.” That hasn’t happened; he needs the money to pay for Obamacare, which will actually cut funds for Medicare on which seniors depend.
8. Meeting with Dictators. During the Democratic YouTube debate, Obama famously--if rashly--promised that he would meet without any precondition with the leaders of countries like North Korea, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, and Cuba. Fortunately, other than a photo-op with Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, this hasn’t happened, although Bill Clinton met with North Korean leader Kim Jong Il (or his stunt double).
9. “Card Check.” Obama promised union leaders that this attempt to overturn decades of secret ballot protections for union members would become “the law of the land” if he were elected.” Thankfully, Congress hasn’t obliged him--yet.
10. Swine Flu. In April, Obama said that the government was closely monitoring the H1N1 swine flu and promised appropriate precautions -- but in October HHS announced that there wouldn’t be enough supplies of vaccine for H1N1 flu as they had promised. Senators Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Susan Collins (R-ME) have asked why the government “insisted on promoting a plan for which the federal government did not have anywhere near sufficient resources to implement.”
We should all be glad that Obama has put aside many of his campaign promises. But, after one year in the Oval Office, I think it’s fair to say that Mr. Obama’s supporters didn’t get the “change” that they were expecting.
Complete and total OWNAGE. I love it! Hahaha. Btw, the southpark "hope and change" episode was on two nights ago. lol.


New Member
Cartman for President!!

We've never had a cartoon as President. That makes Cartman qualified right there.

Hmmm, or maybe we have a cartoon character in there right now?