for real. its kinda hypocritical to be a hardcore con and grow weed. ive only ever known one guy like that in real life. he loved everything bush did, listened to limbaugh, loved the military, and was the most hardcore republican square asshole but he grew herb.. its kinda like being a black guy in the kkk.. makes no sense. i guess some people are just ignorant.
Hmmm.....So you think that whether or not someone grows/smokes weed affects their political ideology?????? What planet are you from? Or have you just lived a very sheltered life? Do you REALLY think ONLY liberals smoke weed????? Now THAT is ignorant!!!!!!
LOTS of so-called "conservatives" smoke weed dude!!! Just because someone smokes it doesn't mean they are a liberal moron out of touch with the reality of the world around them (like those hippy scumbags I grew up around in the 60's --- the media has massively romanticized the whole 60's thing. I was there, and the true "hippies" were usually [not always, of course] the lowest, dirtiest form of scum in society. Unfortunately, now they are in political power and virtually run the mainstream media!).
That's like thinking that if someone dresses professionally and works in the corporate world 60+ hours a week and is successsful they don't smoke. LOTS of upper management corporate-types smoke weed for stress reduction --- plus they just like getting high like everyone else!!. They're just not lazy-ass long-haired college kids with no solid direction or ambition in life (although most of us WERE at one point in our lives, but then we grew up!!!!!).
There is absolutely nothing hypocritical about ANYONE smoking or growing pot unless they are a cop, a judge, or a DEA agent (And trust me, LOTS of them smoke pot too!!!!).
No intent to flame here, I just don't understand your statement/position/point of view on this.

I guess your last sentence there pretty well summed it up --- "I guess some people are just ignorant".
And before you go getting all pissed off be sure you undertstand the definition of ignorance -- it has nothing to do with intelligence or common sense and to point out someones ignorance is not in any way insulting. We are ALL ignorant about some issues -- that's just the way of the world.
Just $.02 worth from a conservative, Limbaugh listening (occassionally -- I really prefer Neal Boortz)), ultra pro-military, "Republican" square asshole who grows really good weed and has smoked more pot than any dozen little college-age punks ever will combined (lol)!!!
GOOD thread though, dude!!!+rep!!
It's pretty interesting to see the warped perceptions and fucked-up stereotypes that a lot of the people here have. And I thought it was the Liberals that were supposed to be open-minded!! Very interesting read from a psychological viewpoint, indeed!!