Where do you draw the line?


Well-Known Member
Do you just smoke pot or are you a moron and love too inject h?

I draw the line at needles and crack...fuck that shit most other drugs i dont have a problem with, not that i do them all frequently

Intellectual Pothead

Well-Known Member
yeah things like meth, crack and coke

i'd like to try coke once though, just to see what it's like. i want to also try E, just once.

but nothing beats the greenery


New Member
FUCK COKE/CRACK/METH etc etc.. Weed is healing. That other shit is poison. Dont poison your body and mind with it..

Click >



Well-Known Member
I wont say what but I've done some of the above mentioned (but NOT the MORE worst shit) and yeah its fun sometimes and okay, but I would be perfectly never doing it again

I like being 'el natural'


Active Member
Just weed for me. I'm a little curious about trying shrooms but I'm scared that I will have a bad trip. I had a bad high doing too much weed for my tolerance and it wasn't fun at all. couldn't imagine what a bad shroom trip would be like.


Well-Known Member
Ive notice on here that how i look at drugs differs alot from the majority. I dont consider pot a drug. Pot is something i use each and everyday. On occasion when good stuff comes around i enjoy lsd, keta, e, coke. Ive kinda been wanting too try 2CB but cant seem too find any from trustworthy people. I dont care much for shrooms however when good ones come around i grab an eight... if you dont wanna have a bad trip you need too cleanse your mind of all the negative thoughts...if your worried about having a bad trip your gonna have one...just sit back relax and roll up


Active Member
Ive notice on here that how i look at drugs differs alot from the majority. I dont consider pot a drug. Pot is something i use each and everyday. On occasion when good stuff comes around i enjoy lsd, keta, e, coke. Ive kinda been wanting too try 2CB but cant seem too find any from trustworthy people. I dont care much for shrooms however when good ones come around i grab an eight... if you dont wanna have a bad trip you need too cleanse your mind of all the negative thoughts...if your worried about having a bad trip your gonna have one...just sit back relax and roll up

Yea, I know what you're saying. The thing that makes me worry is that when I had my bad high from bud (panic attack), There was nothing going on in my life that should have triggered it. The setting was right, my gf was with me, was in a great mood, watching a funny movie, nothing stressful at all. It just came on randomly, which makes me think that regardless of my mood, setting, etc, a shroom trip or any other trip could turn bad seemingly at random and completely out of my control. Idk, after my panic attack, stronger drugs intimidate me for sure. Even pot I now have a healthy respect for what it can do if I don't respect it.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I know what you're saying. The thing that makes me worry is that when I had my bad high from bud (panic attack), There was nothing going on in my life that should have triggered it. The setting was right, my gf was with me, was in a great mood, watching a funny movie, nothing stressful at all. It just came on randomly, which makes me think that regardless of my mood, setting, etc, a shroom trip or any other trip could turn bad seemingly at random and completely out of my control. Idk, after my panic attack, stronger drugs intimidate me for sure. Even pot I now have a healthy respect for what it can do if I don't respect it.
If you trip with someone who is experienced they should be able too get you through the worst of trips... i myself dont care much for shrooms acid is more my thing


Active Member
If you trip with someone who is experienced they should be able too get you through the worst of trips... i myself dont care much for shrooms acid is more my thing

I hear acid is much more intense than shrooms... I don't think I could get myself to try it lol.


Well-Known Member
I'll do acid, shrooms, e maybe once a year, and pot every day.

I'll do any plant based substanses like salvia, or mescaline. As well as some of the new designer substances.

I will never again , do qualuuds, coke, crack or any amphetamines.... those were all bad news.

I will never do anythimg requiring an injection.


Well-Known Member
I only smoke bud, I rekon you can have just as much fun with it than any other drugs. Its just not as intense, tried acid once and it was pretty good but its just too bad for you I mean it fries your brain


Well-Known Member
Mescaline is plant based? Did not know that.... Wanting to try it... More now
Yeah it is found it peyote.
I have done alot of diff. drugs while growing up but nothing requiring a shot. Acid was fun, E was fun, coke was ok (not for me), crack tried it once (fuck that shit). Also DXM, dumb ass hell, but a unique trip. Shrooms are hella fun especially if you have friends tripping with you and a sitter who is sober.
I will never probably do anything besides herb and a little shroom evey now and then


Well-Known Member
i set the line at chemical:weed:

i drink
smoke herb
would try shrooms
and would probably also try Lsd (even though its chemical :D)

fuck all the other shit that gets you addicted as fuck and destroys your life:spew:

old pothead

Well-Known Member
Back in the late 60's and early 70's when the drugs were clean,i did what ever i could put in my mouth.Never tried heroin,but black beauties,reds,qualudes,coke,i did them all.
After watching a special on how people were making drugs now and seeing how it was turning people into vegtables,i won't touch anything but pot.All it takes is 1 dirty peice of equipment or contaminated chemical,and it will kill or maim you.OPH


Well-Known Member
I only smoke bud, I rekon you can have just as much fun with it than any other drugs. Its just not as intense, tried acid once and it was pretty good but its just too bad for you I mean it fries your brain
Then you'd love shrooms... just as good, but without the frying feeling... I feeling fucking fantastic the day after takeing shrooms...

P.S. if any of you are going to do qualoods.. please don't drink the shit... I used hundreds, and I would never concider drinking one... you crush it up, and use about a 3rd of a tab on a bong or pipe full of weed, , mix it in to the top quarter inch or so... ticket to nirvana in 5 seconds flat.


Well-Known Member
I'd rather some mdma than smoke any day of the week. I'm much more of a chemical man myself than a smoker. I just enjoy the odd toke. I love coke but hate the feeling when youv'e just ran out of it. Unless you've got a substitute such as mdma or pills. Speed s also in my top 5, but not too much. Mushrooms I like but psychadelics dont really agree with me so thats only one in a while i try em. Had a very very bad experience with too much acid about 2 years ago so havent really went near it since. apart from one occasion i put some in my eyes. wasn't very strong though. To be honest I'd try most things once, I cant honestly say I'd never try H but I can honestly say I wouldn't bang it up. I've tried meth and crack in the past, crack I liked, meth I diddnt so much. Nothing like a it of freebase. All in all just be responsible and take things in moderation.


Well-Known Member
I only smoke bud, I rekon you can have just as much fun with it than any other drugs. Its just not as intense, tried acid once and it was pretty good but its just too bad for you I mean it fries your brain
I dont know what to say......speechless.