Where do you buy your seeds?

Uberknot knows what's up. Why pay like $15-35 per seed when you can pollinate some bud/s and get free stuff.
So what is wrong with attitude ? Have not heard of any body using them in a wile used to all go to herbies. Can't send cash in the mail. Can't do Herbie's

i just got verification of payment reciept from attitude. sent em $600ish and some xmas tidings. got my tracking numbers already and il let you know how it wraps up.

IMO attitude isnt going to ruin their reputation as the coca cola of seed banks by messing up peoples cash orders.
I have completely abandoned any overseas company. There are so many legit US based companies with nothing but straight fire. Herbies and Attitude are great but half the genetics on those sites are shit in my opinion and can be very misleading for beginners. Some of the US based seed banks I have used recently are Greenline Organic (shut down momentarily but will be back up in the next couple days) Holistic Nursery (seedvault of CA) and DC Seed Exchange. I would also suggest @OregonEliteSeeds , Seeds Here Now ,Great Lakes Genetics and Sour Patch Seed bank . Good Luck !

Send money via email transfer in canada, seeds a week later! He does US orders aswell with stealth shipping, but his prices for canadian orders make it a no brainer
I have completely abandoned any overseas company. There are so many legit US based companies with nothing but straight fire. Herbies and Attitude are great but half the genetics on those sites are shit in my opinion and can be very misleading for beginners. Some of the US based seed banks I have used recently are Greenline Organic (shut down momentarily but will be back up in the next couple days) Holistic Nursery (seedvault of CA) and DC Seed Exchange. I would also suggest @OregonEliteSeeds , Seeds Here Now ,Great Lakes Genetics and Sour Patch Seed bank . Good Luck !
I totally agree! Seeds Here Now flat out rocks! Freebies would be nice, buy whateva. At my doorstep 2 days from purchase. 3 at the most. Suuuuper fresh gear to be sure. Tryin to use Sour Patch, but haven't had any luck! Anyone have the 411??
Discreet seeds is the new Herbie's they just take cash when I shop I make it equal to 1 single bill so u don't think about stealing a wad of cash
Instagram (I ain't gonna tell you who on here but you can find em if you try hard enough)
Oregon Elite Seeds
Seed Vault of CA
The Dank Team
Great Lakes Genetics

can't go wrong with those