Where are my libertarians at

Cherry picking your own bullshit troll post is just more lazy trolling from you.

That's not a very good rebuttal of what I said though.

Are you opposed to consenting adults engaging in free trade that doesn't involve a coercive third party or harm to a third party ?
That's not a very good rebuttal of what I said though.

Are you opposed to consenting adults engaging in free trade that doesn't involve a coercive third party or harm to a third party ?
Are you pretending like people are not able to do that now?
I'm not pretending. People are NOT able to do that now.

Conduct a free trade business tomorrow without getting permission from a coercion based third party and see what happens. Are you being willfully blind?
lmao, people trading shit without a 3rd party happens all the time. Pretending otherwise is just more trolling bullshit that is really at the end of the day all I can expect from you.

The question needs to be asked again. Where are the good trolls at?
They are too busy micro targeting their hate spam to grandpa for $50 a pop donations.
Cherry picking your own bullshit troll post is just more lazy trolling from you.

Nothing says good times like average lifespan half of what it is today.

One thing?

How about lakes on fire due to massive pollution from all those small government loving industries dumping their chemicals into them leading to the EPA?

Huh looks like its still happening in recent times but yep big government won't let it happen cause we are so sophisyacated and all

lmao, people trading shit without a 3rd party happens all the time. Pretending otherwise is just more trolling bullshit that is really at the end of the day all I can expect from you.

Yes, it does happen all the time DESPITE it being a manifestation of government to prevent those transactions.

Trading shit without permission, license or giving a portion to a coercive third party is often punishable though. That is not a policy you are pushing with your guns ? I think you are. At the end of the day, I prefer peaceful choices, you don't seem to.
No just to busy settings fires and looting business of the people you say you want to protect.
