Where are my libertarians at

Both of you are wrong. It's never succeeded because people are lazy. It's simple. Comfort leads to apathy. The founding fathers knew this and kept the militia clause in the second amendment to try and keep communities together. But comfort leads to apathy.
That sounds like refracted Calvinism. Calvin was a sadist.
I'm willing to take the chance and see what happens! Freedom is scary!

I can dig it.

You mentioned earlier something about the local citizens getting together to do what's right...what about when they get together to do wrong. I grew up where there was solid support for lynching, the klan was popular. How can libertarians address that? Should Ted, the lone black dude in the county, just have to arm himself to the teeth to stay on the family homestead since the town thinks they should kill him?
Personally, i say fuck Russia, fuck China, fuck Trump and HUGE fuck Biden! Here's a question, are YOU ok with the past presidents and big business moving all the American manufacturing jobs to different countries? Because Biden and cronies have been doing that for 50 years with financial incentives. Are YOU ok with the past presidents and politicians waging wars killing children in foreign countries for NO REASON? Are YOU ok with our tax dollars being used for PROPAGANDA one way or the other always causing division? Are YOU ok with the censorship of ideas you disagree with? Are YOU ok with WEED being illegal? Biden sure is ok with it! Even with his kid being a crack head... But hey, whatever lets you sleep at night.

You have many complaints and no solutions.
We protect ourselves. How is this any different from any other thing? If someone invades your home and tries to kill you, do you call the police and wait an hour for them to get there or do you defend yourself? If my neighbor is dumping pollution into the local river, me and my neighbors go up there and talk to him. He cleans up his act or he's removed from society. Literally everyone could stop using his service and let him go bankrupt. Pollution solved!

Pedophiles doing things to CHILDREN should be stopped right? What's any different from a parent bringing someone to court with a case compared to the DA doing it? If my child was being RAPED I would go and STOP IT. I would help anyone else do the same in that position. Would you?
There it is again. That creepy fascination right wing posters have with pedophilia.
So you are my opposite yet here we are spewing our own programming. Yet I am more open to discussion then you I put my opinions out while all you can do is pick on grammar or try to insult intelligence. How bout you put all that intelligence to work and comprehend what is out before you respond.

hanimmal has been consistent in displaying careful and consequent thought as well as compassion. Interesting that you admitted that you are his opposite. Judging by the criterion of thinking about others as humans, I say you got that one right.
Also a shocker is that they don't seem to understand that in the last 50 years the Democrats have had a whopping 7 years to do anything and each time they got power in DC they had to fix a Republican crashed economy in their first term.

LOL what does this even mean? Demos have had the power WAY MORE than for 7 years and they've NEVER done anything except screw the little guy. Just like when repubs are in power... Gee wonder why working class folks reject the democrat feel good positions.

I call bullshit on this part, but am curious, feel free to school me. But only after you let us know how you feel about Trump's campaign helping with the attack on our citizens please.

Not interested in "schooling" anyone. I'm merely stating my opinions. Are you ok with that? I LOVE how you demand I answer YOUR questions when you haven't answered ANY of mine. Don't strain yourself... Trump should be HUNG for any treason he has committed! Not too difficult is it? As should BIDEN! And any other politicians who are committing TREASON. Why are you ok with Biden committing treason but not ok with Trump committing treason? Will you answer any of my previous questions?
the air hammer or that thing Javier Bardim carried around in No Country for Old Men, freaks me..think i'll get one..airhorns now for the car warranty calls.
Never saw it and I don’t even know about that tool.

Best “gun as tool” story I heard was an old electrician who used a 32-20 lever gun to generate the channel for a wire between indoors and out. Bang done.
I can dig it.

You mentioned earlier something about the local citizens getting together to do what's right...what about when they get together to do wrong. I grew up where there was solid support for lynching, the klan was popular. How can libertarians address that? Should Ted, the lone black dude in the county, just have to arm himself to the teeth to stay on the family homestead since the town thinks they should kill him?
So the klans, the DEMOCRAT organization, was in the wrong. Period. No GOOD citizen helped them out. Good citizens fought against the klans. And the apathetic SAT there and WATCHED it all happening. Sure they may have complained a little here and there, but didn't do anything because they were lazy. Just like the majority of humanity. It is what it is. Of course Ted should be armed to the teeth! Why shouldn't he? Why shouldn't anyone who is scared for their life be allowed to be armed to defend themselves? I personally feel even violent criminals, once released from prison, should have their rights restored. They've either paid their price to society and have reformed or have not and will re-offend. If everyone is armed, no biggie, everyone can defend themselves. Everyone can also CARRY those guns into society for protection. Here in Maine we have consitutional carry and are the safest state in the US. Other constitutional carry states are also generally much safer than states without. But again, freedom is scary.
So the klans, the DEMOCRAT organization, was in the wrong. Period. No GOOD citizen helped them out. Good citizens fought against the klans. And the apathetic SAT there and WATCHED it all happening. Sure they may have complained a little here and there, but didn't do anything because they were lazy. Just like the majority of humanity. It is what it is. Of course Ted should be armed to the teeth! Why shouldn't he? Why shouldn't anyone who is scared for their life be allowed to be armed to defend themselves? I personally feel even violent criminals, once released from prison, should have their rights restored. They've either paid their price to society and have reformed or have not and will re-offend. If everyone is armed, no biggie, everyone can defend themselves. Everyone can also CARRY those guns into society for protection. Here in Maine we have consitutional carry and are the safest state in the US. Other constitutional carry states are also generally much safer than states without. But again, freedom is scary.
Link to the Klan being founded or operated by the Democratic Party. Because that is what you just implied without apparent foundation.
And yet jackhammers are not regulated even though they are full auto.
It would blow your mind to know there was full auto during the time of the founding fathers. They knew what it was and yet STILL wrote the second amendment! Gasp wow! Freedom is a scary thing huh? To imagine they would have been fine with regular people owning a full auto! The horror!
Link to the Klan being founded or operated by the Democratic Party. Because that is what you just implied without apparent foundation.
Even better, here is a FACT CHECK you can read that says although the Democrats didn't SOLELY operate the KKK, they did in fact "majorly contribute to the KKK's founding..." LOL!
LOL what does this even mean? Demos have had the power WAY MORE than for 7 years and they've NEVER done anything except screw the little guy.
Do you really have no clue how the government actually works?

The Democrats have only held both the senate and congress and presidency for 2 years in each of the last 3 Democratic administrations, and Biden has only been a president for one year. And each time they had to fix a Republican mess of the economy.

Every Republican POTUS has led a economic recession for the last century, and yet the right wing propagnadists push this nonsense about it really being the Democrats so often that it 'feels' true to the people that have been conned because of whatever bullshit Republican troll they fell for.

Not interested in "schooling" anyone. I'm merely stating my opinions. Are you ok with that? I LOVE how you demand I answer YOUR questions when you haven't answered ANY of mine.
Sure thing troll.

https://www.rollitup.org/t/where-are-my-libertarians-at.1066959/post-16682666Screen Shot 2021-12-06 at 4.48.30 PM.png

Trump should be HUNG for any treason he has committed! Not too difficult is it? As should BIDEN! And any other politicians who are committing TREASON. Why are you ok with Biden committing treason but not ok with Trump committing treason? Will you answer any of my previous questions?
You have anything other than right wing propaganda, maybe a bi-partisan senate report, or several guilty verdicts from Biden's employees like Trump has, or actual investigations to go off of with this Biden claim?

Because I would point out that Trump's Russian propaganda attempt (remember when he tried to strong arm a ally to provide this bullshit 'dirt' on Biden for congressional approved weapons, and got himself impeached when he illegally withheld the whistleblower complaint longer than he was legally allowed) to try to manufacture this on Biden is not credible in the least.

If Biden has committed treason (or any other crime), which is a pretty big leap as we are not actually at war with anyone at the moment, and is not what I am saying Trump's campaign giving the Russian military data to attack our citizens is (it is working with a foreign nation to attack our democracy, which is still very illegal even if not technically 'treason'), he too should be held accountable.

Your projection that somehow you know I would be ok with Biden if he did though is weak as shit.

Even better, here is a FACT CHECK you can read that says although the Democrats didn't SOLELY operate the KKK, they did in fact "majorly contribute to the KKK's founding..." LOL!
And then they all left for their little 'Southern Strategy' bullshit to join the Republicans. Selective history cherry picking bullshit from the new right wing spam troll?