Where are my libertarians at

What variety of libertarianism do you back?

It's a political philosophy I do tend to agree with in theory but in practice don't think works or means much. I think anarchy is the only form of government that isn't exploitative and coercive of the people, but its got a bunch of short comings that I don't have answers for.

Will throw this comment out there that I like to reuse. When you are out there wildly ejaculating freedom everywhere somebody gets cum in their eye against their will. Robroy seems into some of the same ideas you have.
here they are..for true freedom!


betchya they're weed smokers too. (the diff between libertarian and conservative)

all on suicide watch..who's first? all bets placed when Market opens.

four people murdered. they dumped their kid.

what happened here was the first time parents didn't condemn and ran- this is the line in the sand; something significant positive will come of this.

Goosebumps still: 'this is the police..open up bro'. how can we keep letting our children go through this?
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I don't believe in total anarchy. I do believe that we need some sort of law and government but limited in nature. While yes I like the idea of total anarchy it would be very problematic for moist of society my self included. Im personally more of a constitutionalist but as it sits there are to many interpretations of what the constitution means.
I don't believe in total anarchy. I do believe that we need some sort of law and government but limited in nature. While yes I like the idea of total anarchy it would be very problematic for moist of society my self included. Im personally more of a constitutionalist but as it sits there are to many interpretations of what the constitution means.
and vigilantism will be the end of the right

You should probably learn how to fucking spell before you come on here calling other people fools ;-)
Ohhh my bad I forgot a fucking ' . That's it the world is coming to an end. Lmao when you can't defend your opinion pick on their grammar way to go classic.
Lol more pet names aww. And by all means troll away. Its what the left do so well, act a fool and blame others for what their doing.
Classic troll.
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Not sure as to what you're referring to but I see no difference between the right or the left. But the vigilantism is coming from the left you want to call it by a different name but its the same act.
Nice, using the 'both sides' troll too.
