When your Dr. "just says No"?


My husband has Crohn's disease and has been very reluctant to apply for a card. We have been doing lots of research on the internet and because of the legal setbacks (no dispensaries, the Federal crackdown in other states, Gov. Brewer's issues in following the law, etc.) - we are very confused.

On his most recent Dr. visit - my husband asked about MMJ to treat his daily symptoms (of 40+ years). His fancy-ass Scottsdale doctor - said "marijuana to treat Crohn's disease symptoms is a scam" and that he does not endorse it. Now what? Can we get his medical records - documenting his recent testing, etc? How do we find another doctor that will help him with the registration process? Will Medicare find out? Once (and if) you get a MMJ card - then what do you do?

It sucks being old and uninformed! If anyone can offer some insight and guidance, we would be most appreciative. I am just try to keep my ol' guy alive and healthy ;-)

Thank you in advance - Sissy
Not sure I can help much but I was researching this site for an answer http://www.azdhs.gov/prop203/. I'm not sure if this is legit http://www.emedicalmarijuanacard.com/arizona-medical-marijuana-card/ but if this is a reputable source it's worth it. Here in California they advertise Dr.'s that Rx MMJ all over the place and they're pretty hard to avoid.

Patients in Arizona diagnosed with the following illnesses are afforded legal protection under Proposition 203:
1. Cancer, glaucoma or positive status for the human immunodeficiency virus, Hepatitis C, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease), Crohn's disease, agitation of Alzheimer’s disease or the treatment of these conditions, OR
2. A chronic or debilitating disease or medical condition or its treatment that produces one or more of the following: cachexia or wasting syndrome; severe and chronic pain; severe nausea; seizures, including those characteristic of epilepsy; or severe and persistent muscle spasms, including those characteristic of multiple sclerosis.
I would bet there are mmj clinics around. just get copy's of his med records and go to a clinic. the Doc he see's doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to.
I believe this plant helps treat anything you want it to no joke it makes everthing better even a bad day. The phoenix new times has a section in the back called "the chronicles" they advertise doctors for mmj there. With a condition like that when you go to one of the doctors with your medical records you will be in and out in 10 minutes. Best of luck to him!
I bet the doctor you go to now had a pharmaceutical rep sitting in his office wanting to give him more kickbacks to push more drugs on his patients too...
My husband has Crohn's disease and has been very reluctant to apply for a card. We have been doing lots of research on the internet and because of the legal setbacks (no dispensaries, the Federal crackdown in other states, Gov. Brewer's issues in following the law, etc.) - we are very confused.

On his most recent Dr. visit - my husband asked about MMJ to treat his daily symptoms (of 40+ years). His fancy-ass Scottsdale doctor - said "marijuana to treat Crohn's disease symptoms is a scam" and that he does not endorse it. Now what? Can we get his medical records - documenting his recent testing, etc? How do we find another doctor that will help him with the registration process? Will Medicare find out? Once (and if) you get a MMJ card - then what do you do?

It sucks being old and uninformed! If anyone can offer some insight and guidance, we would be most appreciative. I am just try to keep my ol' guy alive and healthy ;-)

Thank you in advance - Sissy

The one thing that we as patients need to remember is that doctors make their money by "practicing" medicine. Take that and couple it with a capitalistic healthcare system. I see some folks made the kickback comments but no one has stated the obvious. If your doctor says something that you do not agree with you can always find a new doctor. I have cancer and my doc wouldn't write my recommendation because the insurance that they get paid under is subsidized by the state and federal grant monies. I had to find a different doctor. I would suggest finding a naturopathic doctor or just get a new times and flip open the mmj section. Remember that anyone with that amount of education can be rather cynical and believe they no best for you and better than you. In the end, it's your body and they can give two shits and a piss what happens to it (either way they get money from you). In short, fire the misanthropic asshole!
There is so much ignorance in the medical community regarding cannabis it staggers the mind. I suffered with UC for several years. During that time I was completely clean off marijuana. I had a cocaine issue in the early 90's and went into recovery. I became a 12 step drone and would not touch any mind or mood altering substances. When the UC kicked in I was on all the pharma crap. I am not gonna list it because I am sure you know what they are. Anyways, the UC finally won and in 2006 I had a complete colectomy and I am now an ostomate. However, as you know UC and crohn's are exacerbated by stress and anxiety. And since I suffer with chronic anxiety I still maintained a regimen of the poison the doctors kept me on. In Nov of 2009 I was walking down a hallway in the hospital I worked in. Mother Ganja gave me a gift, I found about 2 gm in a little baggie that someone had obviously lost. I went home that night and rolled my 1st joint in 13 years (was like riding a bike LOL!). Low and behold, anxiety plummeted, stress disappeared, appetite came back, headaches and nausea completely dissapated etc etc etc. I now take no rx drugs and I sometimes wonder if I had not given up cannabis if I would still have a colon. Oh, and as far as the 'gateway' and relapse paranoia of the 12 step program. I have zero desire to put a straw in my nose. Cannabis is God's gift to all creatures great and small. Every living being on this planet has cannabinoid receptors in it's brain. If we are not supposed to use it, why do our brains require it?

Anyway, forget Dr. Pharmaceutical who probably went and played a round of golf with a med rx rep after telling your husband to try 15 different 'new and emerging' drugs that will cause untold amounts of other damage to the poor guy. Contact a reputable dispensary and find a Dr to give him a recommendation. I am sure he has tried many different concoctions already. Why not at least try the one nature says will work. Good Luck to both of you. If you have any questions for me being as I have personal experience with chrohns and UC, feel free to PM me.
Oh and by the way cocaine is a schedule 2 and can still be prescribed by so called Doctors who are required to take only 2 semesters hours of addiction study in their entire educational process. Such hypocrisy!
In AZ only a oncoligust (SP cancer dr) and a MMJ dr can give you a rec. for MMJ. plain and simple. forget your PCP or what every dr you are using find a MMJ clinic ( google AZMMJ DR) make some calls find the one you want. Then get you recs (at least 1 year) and head down there i say 99% will aprove him. And sorry to hear about your hubbies problems.
My husband has Crohn's disease and has been very reluctant to apply for a card. We have been doing lots of research on the internet and because of the legal setbacks (no dispensaries, the Federal crackdown in other states, Gov. Brewer's issues in following the law, etc.) - we are very confused.

On his most recent Dr. visit - my husband asked about MMJ to treat his daily symptoms (of 40+ years). His fancy-ass Scottsdale doctor - said "marijuana to treat Crohn's disease symptoms is a scam" and that he does not endorse it. Now what? Can we get his medical records - documenting his recent testing, etc? How do we find another doctor that will help him with the registration process? Will Medicare find out? Once (and if) you get a MMJ card - then what do you do?

It sucks being old and uninformed! If anyone can offer some insight and guidance, we would be most appreciative. I am just try to keep my ol' guy alive and healthy ;-)

Thank you in advance - Sissy

Your doctors logic has favored his personal believes.

What you do is call this number in Scottsdale 480-994-0420

They will help you get legal.. You will need the Full name of your doctor and their office phone number..
Next, contact the number above with the info... They will request medical history from your doctor.. They will review the medical records and contact you if approved...

Which should NOT be a problem...

Then schedule an appointment to get your medical marijuana certificate. They will help you submit all your documents to Arizona Department of Health. Then wait about 3-7 days and you will have your Medical Marijuana Program ID...

$150 Certificate for Medical Marijuana
$150 to submit paperwork and receive Az MMJ Program ID

$300 Total!
You need an MMJ doc who cares. Crohns is definitely something that MJ helps with.

As around on Facebook, lots of pages for people that can direct you to the right place

A few off the top of my head who I either know through local meetings or who have helped me in the past..




I would NOT trust a place that DOES NOT have a Staffed Doctor on site!!

My advice..

Those are ALL facebook pages... Not LEGIT in my eyes...

Do it right and go see a Registered Doctor!!! at http://www.arizonamedicalmarijuanaclinic.com/?gclid=CPypoJDkjq0CFQSFhwodmzMikw
Your doctors logic has favored his personal believes.

What you do is call this number in Scottsdale 480-994-0420

They will help you get legal.. You will need the Full name of your doctor and their office phone number..
Next, contact the number above with the info... They will request medical history from your doctor.. They will review the medical records and contact you if approved...

Which should NOT be a problem...

Then schedule an appointment to get your medical marijuana certificate. They will help you submit all your documents to Arizona Department of Health. Then wait about 3-7 days and you will have your Medical Marijuana Program ID...

$150 Certificate for Medical Marijuana
$150 to submit paperwork and receive Az MMJ Program ID

$300 Total!
do this^. get your medical records and find a doctor who cares about your husband instead of his medicare payments. your doctor says that mmj is a scam because he and the insurance companies lose money. you dont have to visit every month for presciption refills, the medicine you buy will not be making the insurance and pharmaceutical companies rich. medical marijuana also means more control over your own treatment. there are many different variations of marijuana (strains) and many ways of administering the medicine each with a slightly different effect, which will help treat multiple ailments from the condition. once you have a card you can grow it yourself or find a care giver to provide you with medicine or you could join one of the few collectives. good luck and feel free to ask again here if you have any problems or questions. there are thousands of registered and legal medical marijuana patients in AZ and there is no good reason for you husband not to be one of them.
And regardless what this doctor has said, your medical records are yours. As long as you have medical documentation dated within the last year indicating Chrons disease, from any certified doctor, these can be obtained by you and taken to any reputable MMJ doctor. There are plenty of them out there and the process is easy enough with your documentation.

PhxFire's recommendation sounds solid. It seems like they do everything for you. I went with Greenstar Doctors in Scottsdale and they did me up right, though I had my medical records with me. They submitted everything for me and my green card was in hand within the week. Good luck with the process and here's to hoping these meds work wonders for your husband's ailment.
I would NOT trust a place that DOES NOT have a Staffed Doctor on site!!

My advice..

Those are ALL facebook pages... Not LEGIT in my eyes...

Do it right and go see a Registered Doctor!!! at http://www.arizonamedicalmarijuanaclinic.com/?gclid=CPypoJDkjq0CFQSFhwodmzMikw

Well, I wasn't referring her to a Doctor I was referring her to people who could walk them through the process and get them all dialed in with a Caregiver or Compassion Club afterwards.

You referred them to a Doctors clinic. I would read things through before you jump on folks in the future. I was trying to help her out and those people I referred are all very much legit and very much helpful to people who know nothing.
Also that link Phxfire posted is a click through link which pays a commission to him for posting it. Notice the long tail domain.

This right there should always be pointed out and looked for before taking advice on a public forum. He of course wants her to go there and pay $150 + another $150. he makes $50.

You can get a dr referral for $99 all day in this town. Don't have anyone submit your paperwork for you either. They will usually assign themselves your caregiver.
Well, I wasn't referring her to a Doctor I was referring her to people who could walk them through the process and get them all dialed in with a Caregiver or Compassion Club afterwards.

You referred them to a Doctors clinic. I would read things through before you jump on folks in the future. I was trying to help her out and those people I referred are all very much legit and very much helpful to people who know nothing.
no offense but this seems like you are working with them or something. there is no reason to go through all that and the OP did not ask about a caregiver or club. do you get a kick back from these organizations when you sign patients up with them? there is no need for any patient to join any club nor do they have to be set up with a caregiver. if your intentions are pure then i apologize, but i do not want people reading this stuff and thinking they need to go through a club or need to be set up with a caregiver. IMO those places are scams for uneducated or ignorant people who may not know about marijuana.
no offense but this seems like you are working with them or something. there is no reason to go through all that and the OP did not ask about a caregiver or club. do you get a kick back from these organizations when you sign patients up with them? there is no need for any patient to join any club nor do they have to be set up with a caregiver. if your intentions are pure then i apologize, but i do not want people reading this stuff and thinking they need to go through a club or need to be set up with a caregiver. IMO those places are scams for uneducated or ignorant people who may not know about marijuana.

You just said what I said almost verbatim.

No, the reason I posted 3 organizations, 1 of them a resource only site and non~profit is so that no one would accuse me of what you just did. So, apology accepted.