When your Dr. "just says No"?

Wow! Thanks to everyone that has responded to my post. I am VERY grateful for the information and the words of encouragement. Navigating through random websites has been very frustrating and I appreciate the assistance.

I realize that there is a lot to learn but at least now we have a jumping off point! Thanks again!
Well, I wasn't referring her to a Doctor I was referring her to people who could walk them through the process and get them all dialed in with a Caregiver or Compassion Club afterwards.

You referred them to a Doctors clinic. I would read things through before you jump on folks in the future. I was trying to help her out and those people I referred are all very much legit and very much helpful to people who know nothing.

And in my opinion that is a scam... I would NOT trust someone who has the intention of taking my grow rights before I even get my card...
Also that link Phxfire posted is a click through link which pays a commission to him for posting it. Notice the long tail domain.

This right there should always be pointed out and looked for before taking advice on a public forum. He of course wants her to go there and pay $150 + another $150. he makes $50.

You can get a dr referral for $99 all day in this town. Don't have anyone submit your paperwork for you either. They will usually assign themselves your caregiver.

DUDE shut your mouth... I do NOT get paid shit... I am trying to HELP someone NOT get SCAMMED by folks... I gave a VALID URL and you gave a list of caregovers that want to take your grow rights...

Get your facts straight BRO..

I get NO money for my help.... You on the other hand are steering folks in the wrong direction... Facebook is not a reliable source to find a doctor... I provided a Doctors URL....

I am doubting your trustworthiness my friend... Just ASSUME everything...

$150 to get doctor Certificate
$150 to get Card...

Simple.. I get nothing.... You are a scam my friend... You are a caregiver trying to SCAM new patients...

Though it would be nice to get a kickback for the referral.. Because I refer alot of folks to this one doctor...
Wow! Thanks to everyone that has responded to my post. I am VERY grateful for the information and the words of encouragement. Navigating through random websites has been very frustrating and I appreciate the assistance.

I realize that there is a lot to learn but at least now we have a jumping off point! Thanks again!
we are glad that we were able to help you. should you have any more questions you know where to find us.
Wow! Thanks to everyone that has responded to my post. I am VERY grateful for the information and the words of encouragement. Navigating through random websites has been very frustrating and I appreciate the assistance.

I realize that there is a lot to learn but at least now we have a jumping off point! Thanks again!

You are most welcomed. Most of us here on RIU enjoy being helpful. Good Luck!
I bet the doctor you go to now had a pharmaceutical rep sitting in his office wanting to give him more kickbacks to push more drugs on his patients too...

Everytime I go to our family Dr I see one of those guys in the waiting room with one of those damn wheelie book bags and I just do so many horrible things to them! Like you stupid mother fuckers are the reason I get prescribed $245 a pill nausea meds! Ondansetron my ass!
You both ought to be ashamed of yourselves. This woman came here looking for help with a very serious problem. Is this the way to show compassion? Who gives a crap which one of you is right or wrong. The point of this thread is to help a person in need of a little assistance. Why would you let your egos get in the way of that? Sheesh if I were a mod...BANNED!

What ever man!! I told the person to do a few things and Lucius Vorenus

Started to bash... Reread through the thread my friend... Sorry I defend myself against Douche BAGS!!
What ever man!! I told the person to do a few things andLucius Vorenus

Started to bash... Reread through the thread my friend... Sorry I defend myself against Douche BAGS!!

My apologies to you phxfire. I showed some of my own ignorance and posted before I read the facts. Post was deleted, no hard feelings. +rep for standing up for yourself and trying to help a person in need.
My apologies to you phxfire. I showed some of my own ignorance and posted before I read the facts. Post was deleted, no hard feelings. +rep for standing up for yourself and trying to help a person in need.

No worries man!!

I tend to get hostile at times myself!!!
LOL. Get outta here with that bullshit man. Nobody posts a Click Through Advertising without intentions.

What are you talking about.. I provided a link to the doctor in scottsdale...

I do not get paid... Why would I lie?? What would I gain by lying?

C'mon guys, let it go. phxfire, this guy is just trying to push your buttons. IMO anyone that is so adamant in accusing others of profiteering off others suffering, is probably very guilty hisself. There are people in need out there, forget this BS and go do what Mother Ganja asks of us...further the cause dude!
Wow! Thanks to everyone that has responded to my post. I am VERY grateful for the information and the words of encouragement. Navigating through random websites has been very frustrating and I appreciate the assistance.

I realize that there is a lot to learn but at least now we have a jumping off point! Thanks again!

Understand that Crohn's is one of a very few conditions that is explicitly listed as being eligible for a card in Arizona (and several other states).

First, get a copy of your husband's records. Ensure there is documentation that he has Crohn's (firm diagnosis by a physician- endoscopy, blood tests, etc.).

Second, find an appropriate provider. I would recommend Arizona 420 Medical Doctors in Scottsdale. The fee is $99. I have no idea if they do the paperwork for an additional fee, or if it's done at no charge. Their website is found here.

They're off of Scottsdale Road, just north of Oak, back off the road in the shopping center there. They're naturopaths, who are licensed in Arizona to write recommendations for medical marijuana.

I have no affiliation with the company, other than having gone there myself.
Hope we have helped you and not ran you off with our childish fighting. Sorry for that . Anytime you need help you know where to find us and myself you can PM if you have questions. I can answer or help find the answers for ya, I'm sure most of us would.

Again sorry to hear about your hubby and good luck.
Thanks to everyone for responding.

A quick update as I have really gotten behind on things through the holidays...but am back on track now. We have finally gotten the proper "forms" from my husband's Crohn's disease doctor (That was drama for some reason). He has completed and returned so we are waiting for his medical records to arrive. Thank you YThor - for the doctor recommendation. As soon as we get the records, an appointment will be made and we will get that part behind us.

It all seems a bit overwhelming - but we are taking it in baby steps! Happy New Year to all - thx, Sissy
Thanks to everyone for responding.

A quick update as I have really gotten behind on things through the holidays...but am back on track now. We have finally gotten the proper "forms" from my husband's Crohn's disease doctor (That was drama for some reason). He has completed and returned so we are waiting for his medical records to arrive. Thank you YThor - for the doctor recommendation. As soon as we get the records, an appointment will be made and we will get that part behind us.

It all seems a bit overwhelming - but we are taking it in baby steps! Happy New Year to all - thx, Sissy

Making right the hypocrisy of our government and politicians 1 Patient at a time! Very happy for you both! +REP!

Please do not forget to come back and let us know he responds, I for one am vry interested. :peace:
Thanks to everyone for responding.

A quick update as I have really gotten behind on things through the holidays...but am back on track now. We have finally gotten the proper "forms" from my husband's Crohn's disease doctor (That was drama for some reason). He has completed and returned so we are waiting for his medical records to arrive. Thank you YThor - for the doctor recommendation. As soon as we get the records, an appointment will be made and we will get that part behind us.

It all seems a bit overwhelming - but we are taking it in baby steps! Happy New Year to all - thx, Sissy

I am glad you weren't chased off. :)

Having Crohn's myself, if I can be of further assistance, please let me know.
Thanks to all that have responded and PM'ed me. Just wanted to give a quick update (and of course, ask a couple of questions!).

We finally received the medical records this week. Tomorrow The Husband is calling to make an appointment to start the paperwork process (thanks YThor for the recommendation close to home. PLUS az420md has a $50 office visit special through the month of January advertised in The New Times 1-12-2012 edition...what's not to love about that?!?!). Okay - here are my questions regarding the application process:

  • Signed and dated State Medical Marijuana Application Form - is this something the patient provides?
  • Physician’s Certification - what is this?
  • Caregiver Attestation (if applicable) - huh? What or who determines 'applicable'?
  • Photo ID - got this one figured out :wall:
Thanks in advance - I know that is a good place for good information - and it is VERY MUCH appreciated!
HMM I live in a place where we are still waiting to be freed so I have never seen one of these things. But from looking at the questions I see Question 1...yes #2 A 'prescription' or recommendation...#3 A licensed caregiversigning off if you have one. It is probably 'not applicable' if you plan to buy from a dispensary or grow your own meds...Just a guess on that one. Hope this helps, Good Luck!