When You Stop Buying Things You Don't Need

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
when you stop buying things you don't really need, that's when you know your starting to become conscious about yourself, and the decisions you make about your life.

new clothes to replace the ones that you bought only 1 year ago, new shoes to compare to the 6 other pairs that you have, fast food to replace a good home cooked prepared meal, alcohol, cigarettes... the list goes on and on.

not telling you to stop, but to just be conscious about what you are buying when you are buying it. and especially why! ask yourself why are you buying that, do you need it? could you use your money to help someone else less fortunate than you, or in a more responsible non-wasteful manner?

or do you give in to your craving, your lust for self satisfaction?

how can it not be at the expense of others, when there is so much suffering around you? i guess that can only be answered by the individual...

so next time you buy that new bra, or that new gun, or that Mcdouble, just think about it. whyyyyyy am i doing this?

It lies very much on realizing your true intentions. Do what is right in all that you do. Do what is right in your heart. And doing what is right, understanding weather or not what you are doing is the right thing or not, is not something you have to decide. It’s something you already know in your heart. If you would just look and be honest with yourself. If you are doing something that you need to justify to yourself within a dialogue, then chances are you are doing the wrong thing and are just trying to talk yourself into allowing it. You know this. The knowledge of it lies within your heart. You just have to look and you will find it.

not only are we living in lies, we are living our own.
hmm sooo you reallllyyyyy needed that computer you just typed this on right? You dont think someones less fortunate then you could have used that money. Or how about the internet you used to log on someone had to pay for that service. Or did you wifi jack that? i think that's a little lower then going out and purchasing something you want. Hmm dunno this is all IMO of course :)
when you stop buying things you don't really need, that's when you know your starting to become conscious about yourself, and the decisions you make about your life.

new clothes to replace the ones that you bought only 1 year ago, new shoes to compare to the 6 other pairs that you have, fast food to replace a good home cooked prepared meal, alcohol, cigarettes... the list goes on and on.

not telling you to stop, but to just be conscious about what you are buying when you are buying it. and especially why! ask yourself why are you buying that, do you need it? could you use your money to help someone else less fortunate than you, or in a more responsible non-wasteful manner?

or do you give in to your craving, your lust for self satisfaction?

how can it not be at the expense of others, when there is so much suffering around you? i guess that can only be answered by the individual...

so next time you buy that new bra, or that new gun, or that Mcdouble, just think about it. whyyyyyy am i doing this?

It lies very much on realizing your true intentions. Do what is right in all that you do. Do what is right in your heart. And doing what is right, understanding weather or not what you are doing is the right thing or not, is not something you have to decide. It’s something you already know in your heart. If you would just look and be honest with yourself. If you are doing something that you need to justify to yourself within a dialogue, then chances are you are doing the wrong thing and are just trying to talk yourself into allowing it. You know this. The knowledge of it lies within your heart. You just have to look and you will find it.

not only are we living in lies, we are living our own.

preach brother.
hmm sooo you reallllyyyyy needed that computer you just typed this on right? You dont think someones less fortunate then you could have used that money. Or how about the internet you used to log on someone had to pay for that service. Or did you wifi jack that? i think that's a little lower then going out and purchasing something you want. Hmm dunno this is all IMO of course :)

your absolutely right bro, but before i bought this computer i asked myself why i wanted it. before i bought the internet i also asked myself that same question. free knowledge was the biggest factor in my reasoning for buying a computer and the net, rather than giving it to someone who really needs it. selfish? very much so. but that is something that only i have to live with and deal with, and either decide to make a change...or to repeat the pattern.
I'm pretty aware of my wants vs. my needs and have always done well in keeping them in check. Good post.
I see where you're going with this but wants make the work we do everyday worth it. I didn't NEED the car I drive but I WANT to not take the bus. I didn't NEED the steak I ate today but I WANTED it. I'm with ya on not spending on stupid shit but if it weren't for WANTS and we lived simply on need nobody would have shit cause we would just be getting buy with the couple things we actually need. I don't NEED to grow pot but I do because I WANT free pot. WANTS make the work and trouble worth it.
the only people who waste money are the ones who can. the ability to be wasteful is a privilege but everyone does it to some degree
sooo true ... the american way lol ... I'm so guilty of this ... If I want it and can afford it .. so be it . Nobody else is gonna take care of my ass .... I grew up dirt poor and now I try to offset that by spoiling my family , my kids , and yes ... even myself . I know that sounds bad as hell .. but I have worked all my life from the time I turned 16 so I didnt have to stay in the ghetto and my kids didnt have to grow up like I did .... It does have it setbacks though I admitt - my kids are spoiled little shits - yes they are . Anyway ... I'm just glad I was born in america where you can still upgrade your life if your willing to work for it .... and then buy things you dont really need :- )

I was always told by my dad and uncle "work hard and you can have anything you want" and it's true i work my ass off so why not buy toys here and there.
the corruption of our youth, i do not expect anything to get better... only worse. live your lies, buy your toys, converse about inanimate things. what is really important in life? sigh... the corruption of our youth...
If you ever start taking things too seriously, just remember that we are talking monkeys on an organic spaceship flying through the universe. :D
I am aware of my wants and needs, and allow myself to indulge in my wants here and there, but one the whole, i am not very materialistic, i like the idea of fast cars and new shoes and whatnot, but i put my current shoes on and get into my current car and realise they are still doing just as they had been intended to do when i bought them. My jeans are ripped, but they still do their job o i don't buh new ones. I do however eat shitty takeout food instead of homecooked as i'm lazy like that :D
Nicer cars, houses, jewelry etc. are not life upgrades. In your mind they may be because that's what you lust for and ultimately your happiness may hinge on materialistic things, but that's exactly what is wrong with the picture here. You my friends are lusting. When you no longer want, will you continue to do?
Nicer cars, houses, jewelry etc. are not life upgrades. In your mind they may be because that's what you lust for and ultimately your happiness may hinge on materialistic things, but that's exactly what is wrong with the picture here. You my friends are lusting. When you no longer want, will you continue to do?

Who's this post directed at?
Not you tip top. There were a few posts on the previous page that my post could have been used in response too though. I really like what you had to say actually, and feel that it could also be used to describe me in a sense. It is a good question to ask yourself though; if there were nothing you wanted that money could buy, would you continue to work?
Not you tip top. There were a few posts on the previous page that my post could have been used in response too though. I really like what you had to say actually, and feel that it could also be used to describe me in a sense. It is a good question to ask yourself though; if there were nothing you wanted that money could buy, would you continue to work?

Well i'm in the process of trying to build my skillset so i have no need for money as anything i "want" i can fabricate or do myself. Although i don't want to phrase my end goal as total self sufficiency, i want to have a degree of reliance on neighbours, friends, trade work for work, food for food, that kind of thing, but no dependency on money.

that is exactly what im about to do. two weeks from now im moving into the country with some very awesome friends that are going to help me get started.