its blowing straight down into the bucket thus pushing air through the holes with whatever scent you have addedis that fan blowing air towards the bottom of that 5gal pail or pulling air up through the holes?
He is not saying to drill holes in whatever your growing in. Hes saying make that contraption and put it in your area that you dont want to stink.ok thanks for the help. well I can not drill holes im using grow bags haha. but the other things I can def use thanks.
If you grow indoors, it is going to stink. I bought Ionizers, carbon filters, Febreeze filters, and they do not work well at all.
I have tried charcoal and I have tried cheap smelly substitutes, but the ONA really, really works. I sometimes use the solid blocks but I like the chunks or GEL best. I just add a little, like a 1/6 of the big jar, and it lasts for weeks. I can dildute it with water or cat liter, to make it last even longer.
AND, with 6 inches of water in the bottom, it increases the humdiity too.
You can rig a round 9 or ten inch fan in the bucket easily.
I do not dissolve it. I just mix it.thanks for the bucket and fan Idea it looks like it will work great. can you tell me how you dissolve the Ona gel in kitty litter?