When was the last time you ran out of weed?

When was the last time you ran out of weed?

  • In the past month

    Votes: 10 26.3%
  • In the past year

    Votes: 7 18.4%
  • It's been several years because I'm smart as fuck

    Votes: 15 39.5%
  • I've never ran out, ever.

    Votes: 6 15.8%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
62 inch x 36 inch x 20 inch, using a 400W HPS. The issue isn't the light or tent I don't think, it's the ambient temps in the place where I live. I have an AC unit in the living room, but the air doesn't reach back into the bedroom area from it and when you combine that with all West facing windows and a black tar roof...well, temps inside get a bit hard to manage.
if you get a portable AC, where do you direct the exhaust?


Well-Known Member
I run out of weed all the time. I easily burn through a qp a week. My personal grow covers about half of that...I hate it, wish I didn't smoke so much. I honestly don't see how people make their bud last so long, and they don't understand how I smoke so much...I usually run out for a day or 2 every few weeks, always cause of unreliable dealers. I end up smoking a bunch of resin. But its the only time I take a tolerance break or clean my pieces.


Well-Known Member
this was a good day... 11-15-12
(yep I posted it again..lol)

this was on 4-29-13

I will have just enough left before I harvest my carmel again in about 5 weeks

I would wager that about 75-80% of the harvest was used for medibles the rest for smoking learned in 2012 that 38 jars was not enough so I grew my fall harvest of 2012 then started a spring harvest Nov 2012 as a tester to see what I could keep alive over the "winter months" temps can get to about 30ish perhaps mid 20's

I kept them all alive and a just a bit ago I planted 6 silver jacks 3 carmel clones 2 orange crush clones for my spring moms and harvest..


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
........snip......... Nov 2012 as a tester to see what I could keep alive over the "winter months" temps can get to about 30ish perhaps mid 20's

I kept them all alive and a just a bit ago I planted 6 silver jacks 3 carmel clones 2 orange crush clones for my spring moms and harvest..
That is what has been the most fun learning. What you can do to run outside the normal envelope and still get a great harvest! This plant is fun and amazing. Loved those pics.


Well-Known Member
Sadly I'm such a glutton that I routinely run out, that is one of the reasons why I'm here, to learn how to grow so my appetite can be satiated...if there is such a point ;)


Well-Known Member
I purposely let myself run out of weed,its the only way I can complete my T-breaks.I would never run out if I didnt do them annualy but im not out right now though!:bigjoint:


Active Member
I started smoking after we picked up a hitchhiker going to an Aerosmith concert in 77, stopped for a few weeks for a drug test 15sh years ago, but never have ran out:):)


New Member
I smoke a little grass, drink a little wine, watch a little tube, try to kill a little time and every single day I fall a little more behind


Active Member
it would be criminal to run out, however in rural towns its not always available unless you know someone growing.

there is always silk road


Well-Known Member
I smoke a little grass, drink a little wine, watch a little tube, try to kill a little time and every single day I fall a little more behind
What are you a parrot? Every post you make has already been made, word for word! Don't you have any ideas of your own??? This one is from Neosapiens signature...WTF?