When was the last time you ran out of weed?

When was the last time you ran out of weed?

  • In the past month

    Votes: 10 26.3%
  • In the past year

    Votes: 7 18.4%
  • It's been several years because I'm smart as fuck

    Votes: 15 39.5%
  • I've never ran out, ever.

    Votes: 6 15.8%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I was looking at this person's thread Super depressed and nothing to do!!! and how he's out of weed. I couldn't help but think what a terrible feeling that must be. To run out of weed. I can't really remember what that feels like though, cuz I grow and stash. Like a squirrel for the winter. Then it got me thinking, other people are probably like me. And squirrels. So are you? When was the last time you exhausted your supply?


Well-Known Member
Normally with my familiar faces in the day, one of us can cover bud for the days/week or so

Help me help you kind-of-deal ya know

Most often myself though, I will have up to a quarter usually and not run out but for about two weeks per month. It's no problem plus my source is very kind on prices.

when weed runs out it's okay. I swear someone always comes around in my life with weed. Yeah I can stop or may be a 'pothead' but I ain't craving this shit and could easily spend all my saved money on more nuggetry


New Member
I do not remember the last time I was without weed , the droughts of the 90's yes I remember them clearly , but nothing after this as I too have been a busy squirrel burying my jars of weed !


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Back on this cold, windy, overcast day in the state of Iowa....
Sometime during the 1970's a pilot friend and I were laying there after some exercise, smoking and drinking. We had this awesome conversation.

He said, "I like pot."
I said, "Me too!"
He said, "Let's get more."
I said, "Fuck yeah!!"

So next thing I knew we were dodging these trees and coming in for a landing and there were forklifts and people and more trees and then no trees and we were landing and going home......

He said, "That's good pot."
I said, "oh yeah, wanna go get some more......"

rinse, repeat.........


Active Member
I recently lost a job so iv been dry for a few weeks. Now don't get me wrong iv been smoking damn near everyday but its my sister, pap, and friends hittin me up but I got a Mickey d's job and get my first check Wednesday and I'll never run out again after I buy a new grow light. Got outdoor plants that are starting to show pistils though smell nice can't wait til mid October ;)


Well-Known Member
My venting didn't work in my tent, got too hot AGAIN. I swear I might as well buy a fucking AC unit and put in there. Anyway, so I ran out because I apparently am too goddamned stupid to keep shit cool.


Well-Known Member
My venting didn't work in my tent, got too hot AGAIN. I swear I might as well buy a fucking AC unit and put in there. Anyway, so I ran out because I apparently am too goddamned stupid to keep shit cool.
What are the dimensions of the tent and what type of light are you using??


Well-Known Member
62 inch x 36 inch x 20 inch, using a 400W HPS. The issue isn't the light or tent I don't think, it's the ambient temps in the place where I live. I have an AC unit in the living room, but the air doesn't reach back into the bedroom area from it and when you combine that with all West facing windows and a black tar roof...well, temps inside get a bit hard to manage.


Well-Known Member
Could be the ambient temps like you said. What type of inline fan are you running? How hot is it inside the tent vs. outside??


Well-Known Member
My venting didn't work in my tent, got too hot AGAIN. I swear I might as well buy a fucking AC unit and put in there. Anyway, so I ran out because I apparently am too goddamned stupid to keep shit cool.
Your not stupid, Heat is a mofo in any grow room without a way to cool. Just think, you spend the money on the ac and it'll well pay for itself for the healthy plants and nicer yields from having your temps in check.


Well-Known Member
I don't have any experience with 400's but I use an 8" to cool my 600 to optimum temps. I don't know if you would be better off keeping the AC unit inside the tent or figuring a way to vent cool air into the tent.


Well-Known Member
Well, what I'm thinking is to get a window unit for the whole room. It's my bedroom, and my wife and I live on third shift schedules, so we have a perfectly good reason to put up blackout material to kill light leaks and such.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna take a pic tomorrow of this unit I got given to me it has a six inch duct off it so it could connect right in tent. Just a little guy but would be perfect for a tent.

one thing that gets to me in an indoor grow is inconsistent temps. Too hot of temps just throws everything off. the ac was the best investment I made and has paid itself in full many times.


Well-Known Member
I had to bite the bullet and get an AC unit for my flower room. I've always taken a hiatus in the summer because of the temps and just kept a mother going but decided to give it a go this year. If you can get a window unit, do it. They're quite affordable nowadays. My particular set-up called for a costly portable one that was over $300, so far it's still been worth every penny though.


Well-Known Member
The last time I ran out was because of stupidity..I nuted VERY dry plants day 56:wall:..lost the whole harvest..had to make several "buys" before I was back to perpetual.