When to start flushing?

Just kidding, but be warned, allot of people here, including myself, don't agree flushing does shit!
Ive been using chem ferts pretty heavily so I don't know. I think Im going to use just molasses the last two weeks. I guess I should have asked what should the trichomes look like two weeks before the first presence of amber?
flushing? do the plants flush themselves in the wild?..if the moon is full and too bright do they herm?..think about it.
Ive been using chem ferts pretty heavily so I don't know. I think Im going to use just molasses the last two weeks. I guess I should have asked what should the trichomes look like two weeks before the first presence of amber?

forget the molasses..you have to do that from the beginning or it doesn't work and you'll just get bugs.
thank you blownincherrypie. If I were doing an organic or outdoor grow then I agree but the chemicals given to it would never be present in those quantities in nature. If you run a leaf, you can smell the chem nutes on your hand. Also, I have been using molasses from the beginning.
oh here we go..bud cock be a swingin'..

Did you guys not listen to schu? Because FUCK YOU...that's why. First they outlaw dope. Now in Ca, you can't even light up a fucking smoke. Because, fuck you, that's why.....Where the fuck is lee harvey oswald when we need him. I say it's high time we go wild. I say let Beavis and Butthead preach to the youth about fire....

Because fuck you, that's why.......
Lol..Im sorry

Look don't flush unless correcting grower error such as salt build up or over feeding. Its about the cure. It doesn't matter organic or the already available nutes
The "flushing" debate might as well be Pandora's box on this site, same thing with defoliation. While I don't have a specific flush schedule, I will not harvest a plant that has not shown a good progression of leaf fade, whether that be through flushing out the medium or having the fade come on naturally. With chemical nutes, it is advised to flush between 1-3 weeks before harvest. I know people bitch and moan about this subject but one time I fed my plants Epsom salt a few days before harvest and even after months of curing the taste was "hot" as fuck
Thanks, danky supreme. This isn't a thread on whether to flush or not, I honestly don't care about anyones uneducated philosophy about emulating nature. The conditions given to non-organic indoor plants do not at all reflect the natural process cannabis would experience in the wild.

Can any have a serious conversation about trichome development or is everyone just arrogant?