When to harvest?

This year ive been having a few problems somehow got pollenated and im unsure of when to harvest now i noticed hairs turning orange about two weeks ago now and only a few now ive noticed a few seed pods not a big deal as long as someone knows when is idealy me best time to harvwst they are bulking up nice i only have pics of the smaller nugs right now but ive attached a few for you to have a look and i am starting week 6 as of tomorrow i was thinking of letting them go until week 9 starts or maybe a biy longer if the trics havent turned and they dont look ready ive seen a few ready to go planta in person just only huge 3 - 7 feet tall plants and mine are tiny only little clones that got 1 1/2 feet tall with little sausage sized buds aha so im wondering will this effect timing the smaller the nugs are the quicker it flowers or what?


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Forgot to mention the strain i have here is lemon kush and it was a clone i got from my father so im unsure if it is the real lemon kush or what seed it came from so idealy if someone can tell me how much sativa vs indica is in the plant that could also help ive heard sativas outdoor can take much longer to fully fill in and often go through multiple bulking stages.
Any other pictures? Those flowers haven't begun the swell, from what i can see anyway.I would keep going and get yourself a scope , go by the trichs on calyxes not the leaves. looking for a majority amber with some cloud. if your all cloud or all clear, keep them going.
They have forsure started to swell i posted a pic of the lower branhc one of the smaller branches but ill grab a pic of the main colas now the whole width is like a lighter size and the height has to be at least 5 inches or more
You have about 6 weeks to go
I also im not comfortable leaving my girls that long outdoors ive got a nieghbor who keeps looking at my crop and i want to get it gone before he tries anything although if he does ill just go take it back gotta hate them rippers aha last year same shit had someone come into my backyard and stole almost all my girls and its like a thing they take em on friday the thirtenth or right after sometime that weekend its bullshit because they still need more time but people just dont care me personally i would rather have some bud then have grown it all that time and basically give it to someone else never did shit last year but this year is a different story im sick of rippers lol ive never done that shit and for a good reason most of these people who did get really bad karma back.
Forsure i get your meaning but id rather ditch shit then nothing for four months of my time its kinda bullshit lol any ideas how to protect them then should i just not worry and then if they get taken by him ill just go rob him next time hes out for my shit back? Like how bad would that give me karma if im taking something thats mine aha
Also ive had my others longer then expected anyways they turned out to be photos not autos so i was hoping to have a harvest for end of august (my birthday) but that aint happen at all not even close they started to flower mid way through august i was wondering wtf was up after the first four weeks of those plants lives but those will take 9-10 weeks indicas and they look like they are less far along then the sativas so idk whats up the sativas had more pistils from the start too and also started budding more.
Also ive had my others longer then expected anyways they turned out to be photos not autos so i was hoping to have a harvest for end of august (my birthday) but that aint happen at all not even close they started to flower mid way through august i was wondering wtf was up after the first four weeks of those plants lives but those will take 9-10 weeks indicas and they look like they are less far along then the sativas so idk whats up the sativas had more pistils from the start too and also started budding more.
Its not a total loss if they get ripped because i took multiple clones for later ans im keeping them indoors.
Times on plants outdoors is totally dependent on weather
In my grow room it is sunny everyday and I can time the harvest down to the minute
Please hold off a month before chopping those plants and good luck
Id rather risk getting it stolen than wasting time trimming that for the minuscule amount of weed that will come out to when finished drying. Mostly stems and hairs. Let it go. Setup a dummy and fake camera as a deterrent if you have to.