When to harvest?

Do what we did.. find some wood planks.. nail 2 1/2" nails through.. place nail side up around plants.. cover plank with dirt to make it hard to see.. if someone tries to get near your girls the screams will let you know!
Okay now this is what i need i already dug a huge trench around them aha trench game huge i mean it lol so if he falls hes gunna get a broken leg anyways lol
I also im not comfortable leaving my girls that long outdoors ive got a nieghbor who keeps looking at my crop and i want to get it gone before he tries anything although if he does ill just go take it back gotta hate them rippers aha last year same shit had someone come into my backyard and stole almost all my girls and its like a thing they take em on friday the thirtenth or right after sometime that weekend its bullshit because they still need more time but people just dont care me personally i would rather have some bud then have grown it all that time and basically give it to someone else never did shit last year but this year is a different story im sick of rippers lol ive never done that shit and for a good reason most of these people who did get really bad karma back.
i'm not trying to be mean, but growing in the same place you got ripped off at last year is just asking for it again this year. the laws are stupid, make sure you have no trespassing signs up, and you're still limited to what you can do. anything lethal will get you hauled into court...anything that does major damage will get you hauled into court...doesn't matter that a trespassing thief got hurt, you still hurt the miserable fuck, and now you're liable....best thing to do is move it inside. the law gets a whole lot more forgiving if someone actually invades your home....
i'm not trying to be mean, but growing in the same place you got ripped off at last year is just asking for it again this year. the laws are stupid, make sure you have no trespassing signs up, and you're still limited to what you can do. anything lethal will get you hauled into court...anything that does major damage will get you hauled into court...doesn't matter that a trespassing thief got hurt, you still hurt the miserable fuck, and now you're liable....best thing to do is move it inside. the law gets a whole lot more forgiving if someone actually invades your home....
Yeah forsure i would do that but i cant it would make it to hard for me to do it at this point there in the gound thats where they gotta stay and they arent in the same spot lol i moved twice since then think im good about that and ive been hella quiet about this grow only i know about it and my nieghbor because hes a creepy fuck who likes to spy on me when im taking bong tokes in my garage aha not really much i can do other than hope he doesnt touch them and if he does then i can takr matters into my own hands if i feel that its needed depends on what he takes aha if its all my plants im prolly going to just go fuck with all his shit at his house pop his tires in his car mess with his water shit break all his windows with a pellet gun who knows but hes in for it if he does neighbour war going one forsure aha but i doubt he will he hasnt been back that i know of in a few weeks and if he even does touch them i already know where he lives and most likely where it will be he has a shed thats right near our backyard so it will most likely be in there aha ill just break in and take whats mine back but its the worst ehen they are stupid and takw it too early then they ruin it for everyone and thats what i dont want if he comes by in the next week or two and takes it then ill be out so much time and effort all for nothing but at the same time idk i dont trust him but i also domt think hes that stupid to come into my yard in the first place that a big violation and i dont stand for it one bit no matter if its my plants thats one thing but hell ill still beat a mother fucker for trespassing on my lawn and stealing a damn pack of smokes that are half empty aha i domt care what it is its rude and people who do it need to stop theres only one way to stop a single person thats by hurting them until they wont do it again aha
If you booby trap plants and someone gets hurt, you’re going to be in trouble for it.
Especially if it's a first responder. They will crucify you. Most states have laws like this: (CA)

SECTION 12355 (a) Except as provided in Chapter 2.5 (commencing with Section 12301), any person who assembles, maintains, places, or causes to be placed a boobytrap device as described in subdivision (c) is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment in the state prison for two, three, or five years.

(b) Possession of any device with the intent to use the device as a boobytrap is punishable by imprisonment in state prison, or in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars (,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment.

(c) For purposes of this section, "boobytrap" means any concealed or camouflaged device designed to cause great bodily injury when triggered by an action of any unsuspecting person coming across the device. Boobytraps may include, but are not limited to, guns, ammunition, or explosive devices attached to trip wires or other triggering mechanisms, sharpened stakes, and lines or wire with hooks attached.
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Especially if it's a first responder. They will crucify you. Most states have laws like this: (CA)

SECTION 12355 (a) Except as provided in Chapter 2.5 (commencing with Section 12301), any person who assembles, maintains, places, or causes to be placed a boobytrap device as described in subdivision (c) is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment in the state prison for two, three, or five years.
Or a child, because their neglectful parents let them wander off, Ive seen similar with children opening gates to neighbors fences and getting bit by a dog, still the dogs fault in the eyes of the law
I use game camera's works like a charm and an airhorn.. cant hurt anyone more then a ringing ear at the end of the day. i have 4 of them buried under ground with the nozzle sticking out, step anywhere around the plants without knowing where to walk your going deaf for a second. Air horn land mines :D
You could put piles of dog shit around your plants. People usually make noise once they realized they stepped in a big pile.
Yeah forsure i would do that but i cant it would make it to hard for me to do it at this point there in the gound thats where they gotta stay and they arent in the same spot lol i moved twice since then think im good about that and ive been hella quiet about this grow only i know about it and my nieghbor because hes a creepy fuck who likes to spy on me when im taking bong tokes in my garage aha not really much i can do other than hope he doesnt touch them and if he does then i can takr matters into my own hands if i feel that its needed depends on what he takes aha if its all my plants im prolly going to just go fuck with all his shit at his house pop his tires in his car mess with his water shit break all his windows with a pellet gun who knows but hes in for it if he does neighbour war going one forsure aha but i doubt he will he hasnt been back that i know of in a few weeks and if he even does touch them i already know where he lives and most likely where it will be he has a shed thats right near our backyard so it will most likely be in there aha ill just break in and take whats mine back but its the worst ehen they are stupid and takw it too early then they ruin it for everyone and thats what i dont want if he comes by in the next week or two and takes it then ill be out so much time and effort all for nothing but at the same time idk i dont trust him but i also domt think hes that stupid to come into my yard in the first place that a big violation and i dont stand for it one bit no matter if its my plants thats one thing but hell ill still beat a mother fucker for trespassing on my lawn and stealing a damn pack of smokes that are half empty aha i domt care what it is its rude and people who do it need to stop theres only one way to stop a single person thats by hurting them until they wont do it again aha

What you have written reads like you are a bit of a hot-head. There is no room for that between a grower and a neighbour. (..or anyone). Tit for tat? Come on, mate. How many tits does a tat cost, anyway? Between a ripper and a ripee, I'm sure that they'll both disagree on a fair exchange rate, resulting in the re-titting and re-tatting of the transaction, becoming exponentially expensive, while still never getting to smoke your tat. Whatever you decide, think about it rationally for a bit, first. Get back your tat in a single, well thought out way, if it goes walkies. I wouldn't go messing with his water, though. You can get in wicked shit for that. Patience. Come up with a plan to be smoking your own weed, rather than a 'plan b' that involves the closest thing to hand, at the time.

In my eyes, you've failed growing 101, lesson 1, part 1, section 1, bullet point 1: DON'T LET PEOPLE KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE.

Anyway, I hope you can keep possession of your possessions. (...and don't get done for possession).

All the best, mate.
Yeah i belive all your guys responses are very helpful there are less harmful ways ive been working on trying to get a camera set up for before its right before harvest time because thats most likely when they will be taken but yeah i purely speak out of sheer wish that the world would work a different way last time i got ripped i didnt do anything and this time i wont let it go like that i will do something but nothing that will get me in trouble i always think ahead i know who ripped me last time and i have plans on doing stuff bavk to them eventually but time is the best way to distance yourself from law enforcement tbh
Intruder was coming at you with sharp tools right? Dead people with weapons on your property tell no tales except intruder with weapon dies attacking owner
Intruder was coming at you with sharp tools right? Dead people with weapons on your property tell no tales except intruder with weapon dies attacking owner
Thats true plus if i ended up hurting anyone with a hatchet or something who was hacking down branched id leave everyrhing the way it is and they would know why i did what i did they would have just thought i was scared the person would use the hatchet on me instead depends on if they got you first with thier weapon too if they had a gun then youd be screwed trying to beat someone up mostly teenagers steal plants tho audults who do it usually like to go bigger than 4 plants at a time aka all the dispensarys that pop up get robbed by older people who know what they are doing more. So expect if its someone its a teenager so be a bit less harmful most teenagers are just stupid and want some weed but dont even know when its done.
while you do have a right to expect your property to not be violated or stolen, growing outside in plain sight is inviting shitty people to do shitty things. if you do anything in retaliation for this shitty behavior, you're leaving yourself open for legal reprisals...either get inside, or get a fence, a dog, and some barbed wire....they'll still steal your shit, but they might lose a little blood doing it....
i would just never grow a plant in plain sight, even if it was totally legal...because people.....
while you do have a right to expect your property to not be violated or stolen, growing outside in plain sight is inviting shitty people to do shitty things. if you do anything in retaliation for this shitty behavior, you're leaving yourself open for legal reprisals...either get inside, or get a fence, a dog, and some barbed wire....they'll still steal your shit, but they might lose a little blood doing it....
i would just never grow a plant in plain sight, even if it was totally legal...because people.....
Yeah and well that wouldnt have been a problem is shit didnt go as i hadnt had planed i stared them all out in pots and i wasplanning on keeping them in pots i had no money for new huges pots i was gunna get bigger fabric pots because more root space bigger plant so i wanted like 15 or 20 gallon fabric pots and then i had to move to my new house which has to be one of the most crappy places to grow ever no fence or anything and its like not a big deal but if i was at my old spot shit would have went a lot better
If I can only help one person at a time, in this thread, I'd help you, Lux9keepit100 by saying that I wanted to stop reading, once my brain realised that there was just one sentence, five lines and a single full stop. Another of your posts has 16(!) lines without a full stop.

You don't have to take a breath if you don't want to, but don't force others to run out of breath, trying to help you out. :)

It is the reason why I'm not on a more local (to me) forum. Nobody there can communicate effectively.

I get it, they have plants, so they're cool and to prove how smashed they are on their wicked buds, they've forgotten how to write coherently, but experienced people tend not to waste their time on questions that are more work to read, than they are to answer.

I'm sure that I could've PMed this, but I've been helped on this site via a search engine, more than by posting a question and I'll assume that many others coming here from a search engine will see this, as well.

Therefore, the new recruits resulting from it, hopefully will use an easy-to-read form of English to ask questions, that we can all look up, come across and learn easily (not eye-hurtingly) from.

I mean no disrespect and I sincerely wish you well in your grow. You are further along than I am, and I'm a little jealous that you have something that your dodgy neighbour might want to flog. My meth-cook neighbour would scoff at my setup if he knew about it. :)

Anyway, I meant no harm in replying, it's just that easy-to-read, will mean easier-to-answer. ...for all experience levels. I hope your neighbour dies, and you inherit his grammar. Win/win! :)
That should have been a message not a post in this topic. Were here to help people about growing/cultivation & general knowledge of cannabis and the cannabis community. Not helping them with grammar. I know you mean well But the OP might not. TLDR is a thing but not everyone has the best grasp on how to structure a paragraph, hey im included in that i only recieved a c+ in English when i graded and this statement definitely shows this haha..

My 2 cents

If I can only help one person at a time, in this thread, I'd help you, Lux9keepit100 by saying that I wanted to stop reading, once my brain realised that there was just one sentence, five lines and a single full stop. Another of your posts has 16(!) lines without a full stop.

You don't have to take a breath if you don't want to, but don't force others to run out of breath, trying to help you out. :)

It is the reason why I'm not on a more local (to me) forum. Nobody there can communicate effectively.

I get it, they have plants, so they're cool and to prove how smashed they are on their wicked buds, they've forgotten how to write coherently, but experienced people tend not to waste their time on questions that are more work to read, than they are to answer.

I'm sure that I could've PMed this, but I've been helped on this site via a search engine, more than by posting a question and I'll assume that many others coming here from a search engine will see this, as well.

Therefore, the new recruits resulting from it, hopefully will use an easy-to-read form of English to ask questions, that we can all look up, come across and learn easily (not eye-hurtingly) from.

I mean no disrespect and I sincerely wish you well in your grow. You are further along than I am, and I'm a little jealous that you have something that your dodgy neighbour might want to flog. My meth-cook neighbour would scoff at my setup if he knew about it. :)

Anyway, I meant no harm in replying, it's just that easy-to-read, will mean easier-to-answer. ...for all experience levels. I hope your neighbour dies, and you inherit his grammar. Win/win! :)
Hey thanks for the suggestion im just always in a hurry when i type. I can surley type properly i just chose not to because i dont have much time between responses to answer, I go to school right now and work part time. Although i understand where your coming from. I hate reading when its a run on sentance too. I will take your suggestion and post with more proper punctuation. My phone sucks at typing caps when its the begining of a sentance.
That should have been a message not a post in this topic. Were here to help people about growing/cultivation & general knowledge of cannabis and the cannabis community. Not helping them with grammar. I know you mean well But the OP might not. TLDR is a thing but not everyone has the best grasp on how to structure a paragraph, hey im included in that i only recieved a c+ in English when i graded and this statement definitely shows this haha..

My 2 cents

Hey I dont mind honest mistake i didnt know he would get upset. Im just always in a rush getting answer because I dont often check the site. I usually check when I feel like I have the time. Ttyping the way i did was just easier for me to get everything out aha. Tbh i knew people would just skim through and answer what they could remember. Thats why i asked so many questions im new at these forums and stuff. This is the first one i actually like to have responses on, people seem genuine here.