When do I put my bud in jars?


Well-Known Member
last time I over dried.
It's been 4 days since I hung I think. The humidity rages from 35-65 in the box I hung it in. It was low the first day or two days until I put the humidifier in. Now it ranges from 50-65 as. Long as the humidifier has water in it.
The feel crispy on the outside but not bone dry. It feels like slightly squishy, by that I mean I can kind of tell the center still has a slight bit of moisture moisture. Definitely sticky.
I just thought it was kind of quick can I go ahead and start trimming and jarring?

The stems don't crack, but they kind of hold the crease they get when I bend them if you get what I mean
I usually need to hang longer than 4 days and my humidity levels are similar to yours. I would consider leaving it another 12 hours and check it then. If it's squishy, it's still wet in the middle. If you have the lid, definitely check it out. The worst that can happen is that you have to take the buds out of the jar and dry them a little more. Are we talking 5 lbs or just a few ounces?
You do know those are the exact same digital humidity gauges you can find at ANY pet smart store or just about any place that sells aquarium/reptile supplies. Basically all they've done is cut the tops of mason jars,slid it in the hole and sealed the sides. I've been using these in cure jars for a while now and they work perfectly fine by themselves just tossed in there. You can pick them up for like 10$ a pop and they're usually in stock. Just make sure to look for the % at the end of the reading. Got stoned and had a stoned oh shit moment cause I just glanced at it and thought my humidity was WAY off.

But just toss them into an airtight container and sweat em a bit after they're a little more crispy. All the moisture inside will redistribute throughout the buds. They'll probably feel wet again if the RH is too high. You'll just have to adjust the amount of time you leave them out of the jars when your RH is lowering into the cure range. The dryer they get the faster they'll lose moisture when they're not in a sealed container.