WHen Beginning flower is it better to do 24 hours off b4 12/12?


Active Member
This is my first grow. i have a Huge 3 week off plant in some Organic Mg and Perlite Mix 2 to 1. I am currently using 4 26 watt Daylights. I water about every 3 days and spray occasionally. My plant is Huge has about 5 6 nodes bigger than i expected. I know when you flower your plant grows 3 times as big thats why i am flowering now. I have some Soft whites waiting. i have been runing 24/0 since "she" has been born. I was wondering when i start to flower should i reduce to 18/6 for a day or 2 then 12/12 or should i give it 24 hours of darkness b4 12/12? Thanks Guys


Active Member
as long as you give it 24 hours of real uninterrupted darkness then it may be ok. But it makes sense that if you extremely shorten the day and then make the day go up to 12 hours could confuse the plant for a few days. Just go to 12/12 from 24. I did and it flowered real quick.


Well-Known Member
No, just go right into 12/12. Make sure you keep your morning at the same time. IF the lights normaly go on at 6 am make sure you turn them off the night before at 6pm. Keeping the lights on time the same is important.


Active Member
i like that THanks so much was a little confused. I didnt add any nutes for veg but i will get some fox farm tiger bloom when should i start?


Well-Known Member
Your very welcome.
I would start them the first watering after you switch over to 12/12. If you have a PPM meter, I would start at less then 600ppm. If not just go about 1/4 streinth and then add a little more each time you water, till you get up to full streinth. Don't rush it or you'll burn them. Just take it slow, I will all be worth it.
Let me know if you have any problems or questions..


Well-Known Member
Good advice :)

All you need is 12/12 light schedule to induce flowering. Dark period must remain DARK ! I do not like to disturb their sleep.

My light schedule is also 10pm to 10am :)


Well-Known Member
Good advise :)

All you need is 12/12 light schedule to induce flowering. Dark period must remain DARK ! I do not like to disturb their sleep.

My light schedule is also 10pm to 10am :)
This was always a good time for me. I find im finished with all my stuff in the growroom and by 10am im ready to re-enter. Plus, I sleep much better knowing that my lights are off at night. Since my grow isn't in my residence, I don't have to worrie about fires or anyone seeing the lights when I'm not there. I'm there almost everyday when it's lights out and then In go home from there. Looks natural and doesn't draw attention.


Well-Known Member
You say your bulbs are waiting. What kelvin is soft white? 2800k to 3200k Are great for flowering. Anything emitting a red spectrum of light.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have it for 10 am so I don't have to wake up so early all the time ! lol

My babes are 24 days into flowering can't wait for some of my own smoke. :) There is something about smoking your own weed, I swear you get more high :D


Active Member
Ok i Just got Some Fox Farm Big Bloom First does 2morra 1/4 strength When should i start seeing signs of sex had 2 plants but 1 day this my only one HOPE SHES A GIRl. I only Veg for 3 Weeks is this Going to hurt me or slow flowering? IT was Getting 2 BIg. Thanks So Much. Does Tv Light Hurt the Dark time becuase i have a small crack in my closed where my rubbermaid is and i little opening where my fan goes If this is not a good Spot Should i put it in a Sealed rubbermaid for 12 Dark? Thanks Again I have pics if ppl want to subscribe First grow Thanks Also I have 2700k Cfls


Well-Known Member
im feeling from experience that 48 at the end is more benificial then 24 before 12-12.. that might shock the piss out of it and atleast at the end it would push the trichs and resin into hyperdrive... cause it flowers then dies off...or gets regrown in sub to tropical weather... just trying to stay on thread question point!


Well-Known Member
Ok i Just got Some Fox Farm Big Bloom First does 2morra 1/4 strength When should i start seeing signs of sex had 2 plants but 1 day this my only one HOPE SHES A GIRl. I only Veg for 3 Weeks is this Going to hurt me or slow flowering? IT was Getting 2 BIg. Thanks So Much. Does Tv Light Hurt the Dark time becuase i have a small crack in my closed where my rubbermaid is and i little opening where my fan goes If this is not a good Spot Should i put it in a Sealed rubbermaid for 12 Dark? Thanks Again I have pics if ppl want to subscribe First grow Thanks Also I have 2700k Cfls
Whats the 3 numbers on the big bloom (1-2-3?) Make sure your adding somthing with all three and some Micronutrients. The big bloom might only have the last two number in it. Try getting a cheep all purpose 20-20-20 and add just a tiny bit with the big bud, maybe like 1/10th strienth. Just enough to give your plants some Micros and Nitrogen. It should take a week to 10 days to show sex. I think if you can stop the light from getting to the plants it will much better for you. The 3 week veg time is fine. you probibly should have started them on some sort of nutrients though. But thats in the past, so no just start slow with the flowering nutes. Just make sure they get a little nitrogen. The flowering nutes (espeicially bud boosters) as they don't always contain any. Adding a general all purpose fertalizer (20-20-20) at a very low dose to your flowering nutes should solve the problem. Just make sure you only use a small amount (1/8 teaspoon) of the 20-20-20



Active Member
Thanks my Big Bloom is .01 .3 . 7 is this good for followering or should i get something else. I heard Fox Farm was the best thats why i got it.