WHen Beginning flower is it better to do 24 hours off b4 12/12?


Well-Known Member
Thanks my Big Bloom is .01 .3 . 7 is this good for followering or should i get something else. I heard Fox Farm was the best thats why i got it.
Fox Farm is one of the better nutes. I think you should be O.K. with only that for right now. I looked it up and it says it has micro nutrients in it. Just build up the steinght a tiny bit each time you water. don't push it, just add a small amount more each time. For example, I would add say 1/4 teaspoon per gallon first watering, then when the soil is just about dry and the plants show a slight sign of underwatering (starting to droop) I would then water them with 1/3 teaspoon per gallon. Next time I would do 1/2 teaspoon, then 3/4 and so on.

If you have problems I would post pics. (I don't like to post them though) It seems that would be easiest way for the government to build a case against one of us.

I think your on the right track.


Well-Known Member
Your MG organic has some nutes right? Does it have those little balls in it? If so Keep this in mind as they are time released. It might help you to not get the urge to over fertilize. Regualar MG is some strong stuff if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
If you go 24-0 darkness before you go 12-12 to flower then you take a chance of shocking your plants and turning them into herms...In my opinion its a pointless risk to shave a few days off flowering...


Well-Known Member
Thanks my Big Bloom is .01 .3 . 7 is this good for followering or should i get something else. I heard Fox Farm was the best thats why i got it.

less nitrogen in flowering 0-12-12 is what i use some use all different.. Fox farm is the norm but there are plenty of fish in that sea shop around for the best price and use a couple different kinds of course not at the same time :P:leaf: