What's your tap water ppm?

270ppm from well. 23 out the old ro lol
Any of you well guys get your water tested?... I test about every couple of years just to see if there's a change in the composite of the water. Mine always comes back from the lab about the same. They (the drillers) said that this aquifer under me comes from Colorado, and it takes 7 years for it to get here. .... who took that ride is what I wanna know.
Any of you well guys get your water tested?... I test about every couple of years just to see if there's a change in the composite of the water. Mine always comes back from the lab about the same. They (the drillers) said that this aquifer under me comes from Colorado, and it takes 7 years for it to get here. .... who took that ride is what I wanna know.
No I've wanted it tested for minerals but we just get one of those positive/negative test for all the bad chemical stuff per year from the landlord. I'm in Michigan surrounded by cornfields that were probably sprayed with paper mill sludge for decades. The town over was on the news for pfas levels and illegal dumping. I don't drink the water
No I've wanted it tested for minerals but we just get one of those positive/negative test for all the bad chemical stuff per year from the landlord. I'm in Michigan surrounded by cornfields that were probably sprayed with paper mill sludge for decades. The town over was on the news for pfas levels and illegal dumping. I don't drink the water
Wow man... that's crazy. I live pretty remotely. On the Chisholm Trail in Oklahoma to be exact. The land here and around has been undisturbed forever. There's places on my property I've never stepped foot on in 21 years. Only evidence of people ever being here is, I was cutting a path through the woods to get to my firing range from my shop, and I found a tree that is about 25 inches round, and there was barbed wire running straight through the middle of it. I guess some settlers were nailing wire to trees to keep thier cattle herded. I do drink the water tho,... very clean, just hard with minerals.
Any of you well guys get your water tested?... I test about every couple of years just to see if there's a change in the composite of the water. Mine always comes back from the lab about the same. They (the drillers) said that this aquifer under me comes from Colorado, and it takes 7 years for it to get here. .... who took that ride is what I wanna know.
Stop stealing my water man. My well water here in Colorado is around 140ppm and 7.8 or so pH. Mostly Ca too.

I'm at the top of a mountain kinda, so our well is like 800 ft deep or something crazy.
Stop stealing my water man. My well water here in Colorado is around 140ppm and 7.8 or so pH. Mostly Ca too.

I'm at the top of a mountain kinda, so our well is like 800 ft deep or something crazy.
Damn!. Deepest well I've heard of around here is half of that. Either way, I think well water is better that any tap water. Nothing added but natural minerals.... no chemicals, etc. But, like i said, only downside is having to clean shower heads, and faucet heads every now and then.
Any of you well guys get your water tested?... I test about every couple of years just to see if there's a change in the composite of the water. Mine always comes back from the lab about the same. They (the drillers) said that this aquifer under me comes from Colorado, and it takes 7 years for it to get here. .... who took that ride is what I wanna know.
The Ogallala aquifer.
Must be kinda shallow?... or they just use a hell of a lot of water!
It's the second. In the San Luis Valley there used to be artesians everywhere. I do mean everywhere. If you had told us in 1970 that those pain in the ass artesians would disappear totally in less than 25 years most would have laughed.

Now wells there usually are not deep enough and have to redrilled to 400' just to irrigate frigging potatoes and lettuce. A lot of land has been sold because it would cost too much for a new well.
How do they know where to drill to find the underground water?
Just wondering.
When I was a child in the 60's we used to go to my uncle's farm for the summer and we got our water from a neighbours farm in buckets, a right pain in the arse lol.
Then my uncle got a Water Dowser to come and search for water with a forked branch, he found 2 good spots and dug down and found water. Piped it down to the farmhouse. It was still a pain in the ass as we'd to hand pump the water into a header tank in a tower to supply the house!
Maybe Dowsing bro science but it worked lol
It was very hard water and my ma used to boil up rhubarb in the kettle and pots to remove the limescale
Damn!. Deepest well I've heard of around here is half of that. Either way, I think well water is better that any tap water. Nothing added but natural minerals.... no chemicals, etc. But, like i said, only downside is having to clean shower heads, and faucet heads every now and then.

The tap water here is pretty damn good. It comes from the Bull Run watershed which comes off of the NW slopes of Mt Hood. They do tap into some wells along the Columbia river at certain times of the year which are downriver from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. But over 5 decades of drinking the water and my toes and fingers aren't glowing. But I think about it.
