What’s your guess? Overwatering?


Well-Known Member
So I believe I overwatered, but temperatures also dropped real low recently. Other than that, temperatures are usually around 75°, humidity is about 40% and I’m just using living soil with flowering amendments. This is the only plant that is curled like that, all of the other plants look happy. I believe my issue is that the soil had some inconsistencies in it and when I watered it was not getting distributed evenly in the pot, so half the plants are getting less water and the other plant is getting drowned. The other plants get droopy every other day right before watering, i just haven’t locked down each individual plants watering schedule. Pretty annoying, wish I just watered everyone at the same time . Another odd thing that I noticed is that the bud sites have a little purple in them and it’s very odd for how early on they are.
All right, any advice any experience is helpfulI


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How long has this plant been in the same container? Droop is usually due to over/under watering but pot size and duration in a given container is relative; larger pots tend to better regulate moisture. If the roots have reached the edges and bottomed out it’s possible they just need more room. Plant might be trying to tell you something if you know how to listen
Could be the container size, I’m pretty sure I overwatered. I backed off a bit for a few days and watered and she’s starting to get back to normal. These plants are my experiment plants. I root pruned them in 1 gal pots to get them bigger so that when I transplanted to the larger 7 gal I would have a big plant with plenty of room to grow into. Seems like it worked but probably stressed them a bit. Don’t know if it was worth it or I could’ve gotten the same results transplanting on schedule. Appreciate your help.
I would also maybe pull back a little on the nitrogen
Thank you, I gave them tea about a week and a half before this happened. Do you think the rams horns lookin bit is from that? The weird thing to me is that in veg you can do all of these things to get your plant to this incredible place and in flower you provide what it needs and you kind of have to sit back and hope that you applied it correctly because it’s happening and there’s nothing you can do to stop the train unless you want to start over.
can we see the entire plant?

darkening pistils, tip droop, dark green, new growth wispy and thin, you can see in the bottom left and back of the picture looks like the plants next to it also has the tip droop is what makes me think nitrogen, I'm not saying for sure just my observation