Well-Known Member
Golf. It's my favorite with beer too. I remember it being good with cocaine as well but I think the score is better with weed.
F the score ! Playing golf on blow sounds like a gift of the gods ! I've never had the
pleasure , goddamn it ! Your experience depends on the quality of the coke ( great reason for having a dealer as a friend ) . I'd definitely want untouched ( not stomped on 20 times ) toot ( oh , let's say a good old eight ball) . I remember picking up grams
and eight balls in those white colored " Seal " wrappers . They were designed to jettison the entire contents of wrapper into the air , if opened improperly. It pissed a lot of cops off................WOW , OFF ON A TANGENT ....just got ripped. Anyway , getting back to uncut coke . Oh those beautiful rocks ! The iridescence, the purity .
Nowadays , I see so many people nervous as hell , grinding their teeth to nubs and paranoid after dipping into " stomped-to-shit " blow . Everything that real coke isn't!
I'll shut the f up now . It's your fault , you lured me in with the golf and coke ! I must give that a whirl ! Around here , golf is called " Whack-Fuck . You whack the ball , you see where it goes , then you scream FUCK ! ( Don't mind me , I'm manic . )