whats your favorite game while stoned?

Golf. It's my favorite with beer too. I remember it being good with cocaine as well but I think the score is better with weed.

F the score ! Playing golf on blow sounds like a gift of the gods ! I've never had the
pleasure , goddamn it ! Your experience depends on the quality of the coke ( great reason for having a dealer as a friend ) . I'd definitely want untouched ( not stomped on 20 times ) toot ( oh , let's say a good old eight ball) . I remember picking up grams
and eight balls in those white colored " Seal " wrappers . They were designed to jettison the entire contents of wrapper into the air , if opened improperly. It pissed a lot of cops off................WOW , OFF ON A TANGENT ....just got ripped. Anyway , getting back to uncut coke . Oh those beautiful rocks ! The iridescence, the purity .
Nowadays , I see so many people nervous as hell , grinding their teeth to nubs and paranoid after dipping into " stomped-to-shit " blow . Everything that real coke isn't!
I'll shut the f up now . It's your fault , you lured me in with the golf and coke ! I must give that a whirl ! Around here , golf is called " Whack-Fuck . You whack the ball , you see where it goes , then you scream FUCK ! ( Don't mind me , I'm manic . )
A real classic ! A precursor to the very popular game with the same name ,
" Battleship " . Ya lay on your back with legs stretched out an together , arms at sides
Your now the Battleship. The second , and last part of the game ................................you get blown all to hell !
Right now it's Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth and Alan Wake 2. Alan Wake is great while high because it's so disorienting, weird, convoluted and creepy. Being in the dark dimension or in the real world with the darkness overlapping, figuring out puzzles and just following the story, tywo thumbs up.

Infinite Wealth is a hoot, kind of a cross between GTA and the yakuza games with shitloads of silliness, like fighting men in diapers or flashers who stun you by exposing themselves. Great story, a giant city (Honolulu) to explore and all kinds of fun stuff to do. A sequel to Like a Dragon/Yakuza 7