Whats your favorite Drug combination??


Well-Known Member
Dude bi chicks no how to fuck:mrgreen:

percs are benzos ?
na man, percocets... there little better than vicoden IMHO easier on the belly

alcohol, lsd and shrooms is another good one if your going for purely fucked up. got to be careful drinking and trippin tho lol.. i could see how if u got ahold of some hard liquor you could drink yourself into a coma quick lol


Well-Known Member
well, if you have legit mdma ans real lsd there really is no comedown. but bullshit rolls and research chemical acid can fuck you up the next day.

No shit, though mabye you have a stronger mind set than most.... Non the less ima have to try this.


Well-Known Member
na man, percocets... there little better than vicoden IMHO easier on the belly

alcohol, lsd and shrooms is another good one if your going for purely fucked up. got to be careful drinking and trippin tho lol.. i could see how if u got ahold of some hard liquor you could drink yourself into a coma quick lol
ohh yea ok. Cool.

Yea man, it seems when your on some good L your addictive personality comes out. I smoke a rediculous amount of cigarets tripping.


Active Member
You know this from experience or rigorous lab tests or what? :-? Why is it bad?
Well i dont know about both alcohol and adderal because i cant say i had that combo, but alcohol is just as bad as most of the things that that dude named.

people act like mixing drinks is normal when its just like heating up your spoon for herion or sorting out lines for coke.
I drink beer and do other things on occaisions, but people just have to be aware how dangerous alcohol is.

btw good thread topic


coke once in a while if its good quailty isnt that bad for you.... but for me if i get geeked on some raw i gotta have lots of good beeer and cognac.... its the only way i will get some sleep, and wont feel all cracked out. I WONT SNORT GARBADGE COKE!!!! and has far has beer goes i wont drink anything under budweiser { the high end mids of beer} but prefer lets say a bluemoon, or some konig ludwigs.

when im all coked up i cant feel the high from bud no matter how much i smoke or how dank it is. the high from the coke over rides it all even more then the booze. so i can drink all night


Well-Known Member
Well i dont know about both alcohol and adderal because i cant say i had that combo, but alcohol is just as bad as most of the things that that dude named.

people act like mixing drinks is normal when its just like heating up your spoon for herion or sorting out lines for coke.
I drink beer and do other things on occaisions, but people just have to be aware how dangerous alcohol is.

btw good thread topic
Im definatly not sold but thanks for the comment.


Well-Known Member
coke once in a while if its good quailty isnt that bad for you.... but for me if i get geeked on some raw i gotta have lots of good beeer and cognac.... its the only way i will get some sleep, and wont feel all cracked out. I WONT SNORT GARBADGE COKE!!!! and has far has beer goes i wont drink anything under budweiser { the high end mids of beer} but prefer lets say a bluemoon, or some konig ludwigs.

when im all coked up i cant feel the high from bud no matter how much i smoke or how dank it is. the high from the coke over rides it all even more then the booze. so i can drink all night

Hah! I agree no booze equals no coke.

If I got no booze while coming down I fiend like a bastard. And by the way bud is my favorite beer next to stella and mgd. =D


im more into the cloudy wheat beers. lager and pilsners are ok some of them


Well-Known Member
coke once in a while if its good quailty isnt that bad for you.... but for me if i get geeked on some raw i gotta have lots of good beeer and cognac.... its the only way i will get some sleep, and wont feel all cracked out. I WONT SNORT GARBADGE COKE!!!! and has far has beer goes i wont drink anything under budweiser { the high end mids of beer} but prefer lets say a bluemoon, or some konig ludwigs.

when im all coked up i cant feel the high from bud no matter how much i smoke or how dank it is. the high from the coke over rides it all even more then the booze. so i can drink all night
Yea man not to mention sex drive, i guess you do have sex socially with philosophies and whatnot, Coke is fun no doubt.

I want to try coke and benzos.... Anyone try this????


Well-Known Member
How so?........................:evil:
i only talk wat i walk.,.,so when it comes 2 i.,.,i only smoke herb and drank beer.,. under hevy manners.,.heavy ambition.,.,if it offended u.,.,then u are uncivilized.,.,lol.,.,my words only hurt who they are meant 4.,.,:peace:


if i do too much yay i cant keep keep my woody lol. im being serious, but if i do just a little its the best for sex


im not down with all various narcotics, and meth and shit.